How do you feel about us? Don't hold back

How do you feel about us? Don't hold back

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Nuke it

I'm rooting for you in the upcoming battles with Palistine.

Shoo! Shoo! Jew!

You already made this thread today you dumb ass Jew.

No one likes Muslims.

As long as you keep killing muslims then you're fine.

Also keep Bibi in power because if he is not in power then I don't give two shits about your country.

Now fuck off.

Wish shitskins would tear your country to the ground so you will have no safe space to go back to when the nigger invasion happens in our countries

It might even be a good thing, without the safe space, globalist jews will probably be against the immigration of niggers and shitskins

Progressives hate Israel so it must be pretty good.

i like girls of all varieties and vaginas

jew will be jew

your diaspora sucks bruh

Ideally I would kill every single one of you but I "Can't" because I'm "Better than that."

Israel is A-OK with me.

Stay strong little country, and keep doing what you do well.

Galil are good rifles so thanks I guess.
How much truth is in that you pay slav whores to wear IDF uniforms to lure horny yids?

Israel is alright, I have nothing against you.

I can't say I'm a fan.
But while you're there and cuckservatives suck your dick, you might as well keep removing kebab.

Also, American Jews are the worst thing in the world. Why are your people, mainly Ashkenazim, such scheming degenerates?

Nice try Mossad

dont care
do what you do, jew what you jew

A good place to send all our Jews so we don't get in trouble for ovening them again

I want to kill every last one of you for your historical transgressions against the white race.

greatest ally

You're all lazy. Make with the kebab removal

Very neutral desu. I think you have a right to exist, but that's about it. Also, fuck AIPAC.

Pretty much.

I honestly don't care about what goes on over there. Just the here and now and right now America has it's own problems to deal with like our incarceration rate, income inequality, election circus, and what to do about Isis.

Sup Forums makes me want to find a retreat. catholic or not man i just want to get away
im supposed to hate you as per this site but i really dont. i just wish you'd stop taking my tax dollars. this site is actually probably giving me cancer from anxiety. i cant chill out. i cant relax.

What's done is done by now, regarding the nation itself.

Not like anybody would prefer giving all that clay back to muslims.

But you could be a little less jewish desu senpai

Both you and the Arab world can go fuck itself.

==Except the UAE. I'd love to visit Dubai, don't bomb that just yet==

I dont feel anything. That is why killing you all will be easy.

Loxism is pure cancer and majority of Israelis are plagued with it, Ashkenazim are even worse.

So I don't know who to hate more. There are many things that are Israel's fault (FUCK AIPAC!!!) and I absolutely hate that we as Americans have to sacrifice our Tax dollars to a country that just bombs and pillages, and yet Iraq and Syria need dealt with too.

So I'm lost, Israeli OP.

I hope someday all the diaspora jews will retreat to Israel and once you are all concentrated, someone nukes the entire plot of land into oblivion

How is this any different from Sup Forums saying that blacks are subhuman and non-white lives aren't worth anything?

The core concept, desu

I didn't say anything about certain people being subhuman but if you need an answer here it is.

The foundation of a racist person stems from bad experiences and many things in the news, what we see from amateurs, youtube, whatever, it forms thoughts in our mind that...let's say "blacks" for now, are bad people that just pillage and destroy cities. Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, a shooting in Dallas, proclamations that all white people must die, etc.

Do you NOT think that would make a white viewer racist against blacks, forming the notion that black supremacy is on the rise and all white people should grab their guns? Do you NOT think that some of these whites fear for their lives especially when they live in urban areas that have already been the victim of, or threatened by, black-on-white violence?

This applies to any race, any sort of people.

My life's purpose is to destroy Judaism.

It's not their diaspora.

The ones that you call diaspora were the ones that created and migrated to Israel.

Very few of actual israelis lived there before the creation of Israrl

I'm willing to put aside all theories concerning Soros and other non autistic criticism of da Joos until we wipe out Islam.

Also you make the only guns I would trust besides american.

p.s. to the rest of Sup Forums: zionism is literally deus fucking vult, why do people have a problem with evicting sand niggers?

I'm irritated that my government has so many dual citizens to Israel and leaked emails basically confirm weakening Syria is for Israel. If you guys want that contested land so bad you should defend it yourselves. We have no obligation to you

You need to reign in your ruling class and tell them to stop interfering in global affairs.

if i could choose between greater israel and the middle east i'd choose you guys without hesitation

>p.s. to the rest of Sup Forums: zionism is literally deus fucking vult, why do people have a problem with evicting sand niggers?

The muslims here do

My life's purpose is to destroy Judaism, Israel, Islam, and all who attack Europa.

Israel is ok. You have the right to exist. The problem are the jews that manipulate the economy/politics of other countries.

Israel and the Jews have been responsible for all wars on this planet for 200 years at least.

WWI and WWII are direct examples
Communism and the Cold war are semi-direct example
Wars in the Middle East and the war in Syria now are direct examples

Jews are the anti-human , your degenerate sense of art and general subversion are more outward signs of that

adding to this

now the world economy is collapsing and guess whi is also responsible for that?

I want your Jew money out of my politics, my religion and my media. If you guys would just fuck off and occasionally kill some sand niggers I wouldn't care.

You are a "1 post by this ID" cocksucker.

Eat some foreskins.

>now the world economy is collapsing and guess whi is also responsible for that?

You really don't understand what you're talking about do you regarding this?

ZOG cocksucker

Either nuke yourselves or nuke all the Islamists.

It's clear neither of you can get over your petty fights.

Facts and history show that you are intellectually superior to white people generally. Any hostility towards you among the alt-right is built on the same jealousy blacks have for whites. That is, knee-jerk petulance as a response to evident inferiority. I thank you for your race's contributions to science, technology, the arts, philosophy, politics, and many other facets of society, and hope you will one day claim your rightful place in the racial hierarchy.

Your Utopia will fail.

Right now you survive on the grace of the powerful democracies of the world. The same democracies you put so much effort into destroying. You think you can subjugate the world while holding the mudslimes back. You're underestimating them. And you will pay dearly for that.

fake jews soon to be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire where you belong for your lies and corruption

I would appreciate it if you guys dealt with the Muslims yourselves and quit manipulating my country into wasting billions of dollars on you.

Also stop demanding special treatment just because you're not a Muslim country. You're slowly becoming no different than your Muslim neighbors.

You're like cockroaches; ever present and everlasting.

Wipe it off the face of the Earth

its not even Jewish

I give you a 9 out of 11

I give him a 69 Gorillion out of Eleventy-Kajigger.

I kinda like how you deal with mudslimes so there is that.

I might as well say fuck it and go on a full blown rant instead of just saying "I hate both you people and Arabs" You said "don't hold back" after all.

I fucking hate every square inch of your country and the land you claim to have. You meddle in every Western country's affair and have us fight wars for you. It's not just the wars happening now, it's World War 1, World War 2, and the ideology battles of Fascism, Communism, Capitalism, etc. that YOU JEWS FUCKING START EVERY TIME!!!

And now we got these Black Supremacist motherfuckers (#BlackLivesSplatter) wanting their hands around our necks because your media brainwashes them into believing that America is still a slave nation. It isn't, it hasn't been for over 200 years, so CNN and others need to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

And Donald Trump? I don't know about the rest of Sup Forums but I LOVE controversy. It gives me a chance to get my message across in the angriest, hate filled manner possible.

I wouldn't have such a problem with Jews, American or Israeli, if you just kept to yourselves, kill a couple mudslimes like we do every once in a while, and STOP PREACHING THAT YOU WANT THE WHITE RACE DEAD!!! That refugee crisis in Europe? All your peoples' fault. Your fucking cronies in Germany, France, and other countries just welcome the mudslimes in yet Netanyahu believes he has the GALL to avoid anything to do with Multiculturalism. This shit can only go two ways for it to be quote unquote "fair" so listen up.

Israel can either deal with the consequences that it, and Jewish people as a whole have deliberately set up in Europe, so that means mudslimes must invade your country too so YOU know what it feels like, and eventually, you MAY reconsider forcing us to do the same.

Or option number two, DO NOT ACCEPT MUSLIM REFUGEES PERIOD. Don't force it on Europe, and we will understand about your country not wanting it either.

Dear American, consider the following, why is it you no longer say merry Christmas but once a year have the world's biggest menorah outside the White House? Why is it your politicians all go through the two Jewish lobbies and not one, not even the Commie Jew Bernie Sanders, dares say anything bad about the Jewish lobbies or Jews in general? Why is it that George Soros' son can snap his fingers and get the Muslim puppet president of your country to come visit him in his home? Why is it that Jews, that make up 2% of the population, control the media, are the gatekeepers of Hollywood, owns most of the music industry, issue your currency (which goes against your constitution), are behind the gun control movement, one's Obama's advisor (Val the Commie Jew), four of the Supreme justices are Jews (also behind same-sex marriage), are spread throughout your government and drooling for a war with Christian Russia? Jewmerica has been occupied territory since the fucking retarded Democrat Woodrow signed in the FED, which lead to FDR, the cripple, answering the Jew call to war by destroying the [mostly Christian] nationalist Axis force in WWII. Why do you think the anti-Trump propaganda is so extreme? The globalist Zionist Jew traitors see nationalism as a threat to their bloody grip on America, currently Israel's henchman, they see the wall as an end to their anti-White demographic change. The sandniggers are the rightfull owner of the land the Jews stole from them, as long as we don't import them they can't do any damage to us, the Muslims HATE Jews, why the fuck aren't you allied with them to remove the genocidal Zionist sub-human filth off the face of this Earth? The Jews have been trying to do that to every nation, every people, every culture, since the dawn of time.

well played

>A buffer state that exists to keep wars over superstition contained and as far from Europe and America aa possible
If you didn't mutilate your kids and talk to imaginary friends, you'd be ok

If you people would just shut the fuck up and kill sandniggers I'd consider you bro-tier. The problem is, Jews are the ones constantly oying and veying about the evil white goyim and subverting our nations and cultures. It's hard to like you because of that and the fact that our nation is basically run by the Knesset and we spill our blood and treasure in your wars with the dirkas.

If you yids just removed kebab and kept to yourselves I'd gladly support your shitskincide, but until then, you are the enemy.

Deus vult!


I need more results David.

I hope Iran gets a nuke so we gets to see you kikes running around batshit crazy like chickens with not cocks to go home to

Continuing from that post.

I am so sick and tired of you and your world banks. A while ago, I figured out how your system works and it's done nothing but placed European Countries and America in debt, since it IS debt-based. I grew up underprivileged, so I have to borrow, and borrow, and borrow, and pray to Kek I make payments on time or else I'm more screwed than where I started.

Again, I WOULD NOT CARE if you didn't constantly push the LIE that you call the Holocaust onto our nations to create guilt. It's already been disproven, a million times by redpilled Sup Forumsacks and random skeptics irregardless of race.

I might as well say "Fuck it" and point out that you illegally stole land from the Shitskins it belonged to. Yeah, they're shitskins but you still have NO RIGHT to go into a country and say "This is mine now" and just leave Palestine a shadow of what it once was. Hell, they might've left us alone, I don't believe there were many problems prior to 1947 when Britain and the UN said "This is the jews' country now, we're gonna diddy you two up and remove you from your homes but a certain part will still be Palestine....for now until they bomb you to oblivion"

I've already pointed out that Multiculturalism is an absolute sham, and fuck, Angela Merkel even said it herself. Not only that, but your globalist agenda is only going to proceed for so long before Europa und Amerika rises up. You are just so unlucky that the "goyim" that did fall for these traps, a sizable amount, are now free and we will still spread nationalistic ideologies and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN WITH OR WITHOUT TRUMP!!!

Fuck Hillary Clinton. Mordecai Goldblatt, I'm Audi 5000.

You have the right to exist and I don't care if you expand your borders. I believe in imperialism, so take over the whole middle east if you want. But, we need to worry about ourselves and cut all aid and remove all Jewish influence.

i feel like you need to give back to the community more.. take the lead with the anti israel shit more.. clean up your providence without out money.. kill more infedels.. every day i go to bed and think, jesus, our greatest ally, killed you.. they have most of the control in the world.. and yet we all have to suffer? i mean i don't get it..

whens israel gonna help me out. when is israel gonna man up and get me gigabit internet faster video cards and faster ram and more money..

jk i know you love the money.

anyhow. dear israel.

please kill soros family line off.

they are horrible zionist kykes.

If israelis were really so smart, why are they livin in fuggin israel?

believe in God, and you will understand and have peace of mind

as for you OP, why do you reject jesus as the son of God and savior of mankind? are you of satan? you know that israel isn't home to the real israelites right?

Let's ask a Jew about Jews
pic related

Great. Not a Khazar Theorist. Please Odin...

Whatdm do Israeli girls feet smell like?

Dislike you right wing government, but admire you people, especially those who achieved outstanding stuff.

Would convert to judaism just for the benefits, even though i'm an agnostic.
If it wasn't for the circumcision and my fear of anti-semites.

Boby Fischer really was a hero wasn't he?

odin can't do shit because there is only one God.

the jews are a problem yea? they claim they are the israelites yea? their whole existence and identity is based on the bible yea? then this is a Godly affair.

Yeah one of the few
I'm still on the fence about peter and Irwin Schiff
but they aren't too bad
skin most of them though

This thread and its arguments can continue regardless of faith. I'm a Pagan. Deal with it. Don't try and convert me otherwise.

Now back to the thread.

disgusting. then you will never understand how the jews came about and what they intend to do

Didn't I just summarize it in two posts?

in all honesty i have no probelm with jews and israel,but i really don't get all the jew hate though

kys kike

They intend to bake at 400 deg F in a wood fired oven.

Fuck kikes.

I'm sure 90% of you are normal peaceful human beings, but it's that cancerous 10% that will cause the death of all of you inevitably.

you only summarized what they have done. you still don't know how they became a group and you don't know the future. the holy bible predicted this and more is to come. are you aware that the jews in power worship satan?

There's a cancerous 10% in every race, this is true...

Okay, I'm gonna break this down for you one step at a time.

Let's start by breaking down God's name "Jehovah".

In Hebrew, Je or Jeh or Jah means Lord or God [ref].

The suffix “hovah” is No. 1943 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and has the meaning of “ruin, mischief.”

It is another form of No. 1942, ‘havvah’, which is translated “calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness.”

Put the two (Je + hovah) together and you get “God of ruin, mischief, calamity."

Basically Jehovah (Your God, Jewish God, Muslim God, Same God) is the God of Evil.

Meme posters should off themselves,1+00% predictibly 0% content.

The Schiffs are good men the elder died in prison for standing up to the IRS and Fed kikes

what manner of fuckin bullshit jive turkey ass definition is this LMFAO. the shit you go through to convince yourself my God is evil. why would the israelites call God a God of mischief? God's name is YAHWEH which means I AM WHO I AM and WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE.

Hahahah you fucking idiot, gentiles are second class citizens even if they convert, Judaism is literally based on your blood, if you're a Jew, whether you're an Atheist Jew, you'll be taught the Talmud by your family or you'll take inspiration from it. Karl Marx was an Atheist Jew who came from a long line of Takmudic scholars, all his fucked up Marxist retardation came from tge Talmud in one way or another.

That basment must be cozy

Fucking kek. Is your name Ahmed?

His allegiance was to humanity, a true humanitarian hero.

Israel would be perfect if every jew that existed moved there and kept their massive beaks out of everyone's business.

Read the Talmud so you can understand the kikes and help fight the war.

The thread is about the world's true feelings about Israel. Some are negative, some are positive, some are neutral. Nobody needs you or your shitposting. Now carry on, filthy rat-faced loxist kike.

Mostly approve.

I believe Israel is the redemption of the Jewish people.

It gives the Jews roots, a homeland, something they can have real pride in.