Why can't i find the first movie anywhere online?

Why can't i find the first movie anywhere online?

They only have the sequel

No one has a link? Jungle Jungle 1 was the shit.


Jungl3 was my favorite of the series.

Has the release date for Jungle Reborn been confirmed yet?


The first movie is called "Christmas with the Kranks" sorry for the confusion op.

Fuck you and your lazy comentary on how sequels are named.

The part where the tribal kid kills and eats the pet fishes made me mad. Would have murdered him desu

>Starring: The Rock


Chuck 2 Sneed

Jungle1Jungle was underrated as fuck.

2 Jungle 2 Serious was the high point of the series

>Didn't get to see this in the theaters because Dad said I wouldn't understand what was going on if I hadn't seen the first on.

Jung1e was unwatchable

>better than Jungle4Life
Eat glass

Holy shit is this the birth of a new meme?

There is no first film.

This film is actually called "Jungle 2 Jungle" to parrot the phrase "jungle to jungle"

There is no Jungle 1 Jungle if that's what you're wondering.

Glad I could help.

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>Jungle Jungle
>Jungle 2 Jungle
>Jungle Jungl3
>Jungle Jungle 4ever

Menace Society is the far superior film and yet people only ever talk about the sequel. Why is this?

Meh, Jungle 5: City was the most kino

In europe it was just called JVngle

Not yet, but the rumor about them replacing Tim Allen with Zac Effron is fucking lame

Wait is this actually Jungle 2(to) Jungle or Jungle Jungle 2? I don't get it

Isn't the prequel spinoff 'Jungle: the rise of Kempster' due out next year?

Da fuck? In Australia it went
>Jungle 2: Jungle
>Jungle 3: Forest
>Jungle 4: Rainforest
>Jungle 5: City

Then they reboot the JCU (Jungle Cinematic Universe)

No idea how they keep managing to squeeze these out after The Magnificent 4 fucking bombed.

>OP post was funny
>rest of the thread devolves into unfunny autists doing a terrible of job of building on the original joke

unironically reddit in here

Contribute or fuck off Reddit

I like the spinoff.

It's Jung 2: Jungle as the word "jungle" is also used as the subtitle to the film with the same name

t. mad redditor who's upset his """hilarious"""Jungle 5: City joke didn't get 40 upvotes

I don't even know what's upvote, good job exposing yourself

Hey man, at least they don't keep rebooting the 4th one

Good one mate you got me xD I know about internet points LOL :P I'm going to give you a like on facebook and a thumbs up on youtube instead of an upvote ;) we don't want people to know that we know about the existance of REDDIT right, don't worry our little secret XDXDXD

you all joke. but whats up with the fast and furious movies? how can the asian guy be alive after the 3rd one?

Who gives a shit, Fant2stic was the peak of the series

the spin off they did with richard dreyfuss wasn't too good

i don't know, i don't watch moobies where sweaty men stare longingly into each other's eyes

You okay?

>tfw the TV show completely misses the point of the film