Saudi Arabia sentences a man to 10 years in jail and 2,000 lashes for being an atheist
Saudi Arabia sentences a man to 10 years in jail and 2,000 lashes for being an atheist
I think all of Sup Forums can agree that enforcing religion is the best strategy against degeneracy and the modern vicious man. The masses don't know what is good for them.
2,000 lashes
Like, at once?
I feel like that's not even possible just in terms of tallying and whatnot. It'd take at least a week of nonstop flaying and quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised if the count gets fouled up a few times.
Looks like a fun job. Would love to beat the shit out of the fedora tipper.
Daily remember
islam is fucked but at least they instill the fear of God into their people. IF we had half the balls they have then we wouldn't be in this mess. we need to become god fearing again or figure out something that unites everyone, like a religion.
Instead, TV and social media is the new religion and Kim kardashian and Hillary clinton are the new prophets
Saudi Arabia is our greatest ally.
>being this soft on atheists
Must be why they were put on the UN Human Rights council.
Pretty sure they do it in increments, parceling it out over months if need be. Have to be humane about it after all, this is a civilized nation we're talking about. Can't risk killing someone by going for 2,000 lashes in one go.
And there will still be cucks saying Islam is compatible with western society.
The edge in this thread is making me want to cut myself.
They probably should've just shot him. As we've seen in Europe, atheists destroy civilizations.
Is he wearing a thong?
you probably actually cut yourself
fucking loser
I agree with you, but I think that I should personally be the dictator of this world.
Yeah yeah keep talking to the invisible man in the sky and call yoursellf a sane person faggotts.
>not a complete steaming pile of shit
2000 lashes?
Fedoras BTFO.
How will they recover?
I bet they would still say that it isnt real islam
Enriching culture, truly
can a human even survive 2000 lashes?
Did the inviseble man saved you when the nigger bullied you in high school? did the inviseble man made the chealeadear suck your cock?
Religion have the purpose of social cohesion. It's irrelevant If their gods really exist.
daily reminder, the saudi royal family must sacrifice people from time to time to keep the nomads at bay. while they secretly funnel in western teachers and send people abroad to get educations when they can in an effort to partially westernize a bunch of fucking camel jockey nomads. they're beholden to a people who are basically savages, and can't just ignore them for fear that they lose power.
>did the inviseble man made the chealeadear suck your cock?
I'm pretty sure it's a sin
i was never bullied in high school because im not a short pussy
They send people to West because their education system is ruled by the Muslims Brotherhood, which is not saudi friendly anymore.
oh its real islam all right
the real islam that deserves to be nuked from orbit.
I'm sure Islam will be real cohesive in Christian nations...
The problem isn't a country with one legal religion instituted with tyranny (which in itself is an ENTIRELY different moral argument which you'll lose). The problem is multiple religions all fucking up society by competing for a bigger piece of the pie. Which is what's happening. Because none of you can seem to figure out how to get along. Ever.
Jokes aside man, Nobody ever spoke to god, they just belive what other man tells then to belive, and consider themselvels red pilled when religion is the big blue pill of manipulation.
i saw some interviews with saudi royal family where they were talking about how they had to pace themselves when attempting to westernize the nomads, really interesting shit
Not in one day. I'd assume they take place over a long time.
They also might not care if he dies. Considering they kill women by burying them to their neck and bouncing rocks off of them...?
>The masses don't know what is good for them.
which is why we must educate people to drop all religion and start thinking for themselves
you can't lash out the autism
They would just kill the Christian, though.
im just saying religion is important because it unites people. once you lose that unity you start to get degeneracy or whatever is the opposite of the religion or movement
>all these christcucks sucking islamic cock
And you wonder why atheists call you out on your bullshit
Lol I hope Trump nukes them. It's just boring now.
>muh body muh rights
>muh materialism
So much better
That's what you get for making kikes as your college proffessor
That's not what I meant burger.
Zoroastrism served as social cohesion in the old persian empires, islam in arab countries, christianism(and their sects) in Europe, etc.
I'm not saying that they can live in peace, but religion bound people of the same religion together
>not constantly spewing bullshitt
Pick one
Should be death by impaling for being a muslim.
People have the right to belive whatver they want, but to enforce it down on anyones throat
What's the problem ?
no it isn't, real punishment for apostates are death
>Implying fedoras dont suck Muhammad's cock.
Only a few hardcore atheists like Dawkins speak against them
Not even Christians get along with Christians. Not even separate sects of Islam get along with each other. Not even people INSIDE the same sect gets along with each other if they interpret their teachings differently (or just feel like it).
There is nothing about religion that promotes social cohesion. It is simply another way to enforce control on a populace but it rarely results in stability.
Truly a tolerant and peaceful religion.
Tell me... which Christian church was it again that had a Lesbian bishop take down cross to not offend Muslims?
So what's the reason the Saudi people don't rise up against the royalty? It's pretty common knowledge that they are all degenerates, drink alcohol, fuck and whore around and waste billions just to see some explosions and tracers while the people hunger yet the people suffer being ruled by un-islamic people/jews.
if you don't enforce it, how the hell are people going to go along with it?
That's the source of all problems in West.
The Terror in the french revolution wasn't good. Their cult of reason didnt helped.
There are always jewish hands behind it of course
Beating someone for their religious differences (or lack of religion) is degenerate.
>Hurr durr a Jewish religion is the problem.
>Hence let's blame atheists instead of religion!
Remind me what modern American Christian sect murders people in broad daylight for sinning?
>...1997, 1999, 2000...
>Hey officer, missed one there
>Oooh fuck. ..1,2,3,...
doing whatever it is that Americans do on a daily basis is degenerate.
what the fuck is your definition of degenerate anyways? you have to have a set of morals in order for something to be considered degenerate
>It is simply another way to enforce control on a populace
That's social cohesion.
It's just better say that God wants you to work until death or fight to earn your virgins than keep a gun appointed to their heads to keep them working or fighting.
>Implying that's whats good for them and the natural conclusion of knowledge
The material world is full of filth.
I'm fine with this as I think Muslims and Atheists are just as bad as each other. Let them destroy themselves.
Oh wait, gaytheists are pussies and would never attack Islam because muh liberalism.
Saudis are not too poor. Compared to most islamic countries their people is going well.
Also, it could be fear too. They wouldnt just need to overthrown the monarchy, but also dight Israel and USA, typicall saudi allies
>This is a civilized nation we're talking about
Can't imagine what it was like in uncivilized times
Nazis BTFO
Well, then. Glad it's just superficial control to you and not actual social cohesion... which white people USED to understand. But you might not even be white so...
>hurr durr let's use definitions and argue semantics
Gee, I'm sure shills don't use bullshit all the time... Can't wait to see what fallacy you accuse me of next after this part... because that's what ALWAYS happens...
Do you count the Coalition invading Iraq to be Christian? A crusade? Or do you consider it atheist? Because let's be honest... if it wasn't a religious organization then the invasion of Iraq (and hence attacking Islam) was atheistic.
Not religious jews.
Mostly secular
so what the fuck is degenerate to you? you can't just say something is degenerate for no reason. youre just as bad as leftists who use racist casually
It's easy to argue most Christians are more secular leaning than religious now. Very easily.
>No see, I want to keep arguing semantics.
Here, let's play this game in reverse. Knock yourself out and YOU define degeneracy and we can agree or disagree from there.
>inb4 degenerate is anything that you agree with
>Well, then. Glad it's just superficial control to you and not actual social cohesion
There are no real social cohesion without fear.
A eternal flame is more terrifying than a bullet in the head.
>There are no real social cohesion without fear.
Islam detected. Go fuck yourself.
basically whatever you are is degeneracy.
So it was just going to be weak ass sophistry all along.
you can't even tell me what degeneracy means to you. your words mean nothing
Largest donor to the Clinton Foundation too. Is it actually possible for Saudi Arabia to become any more shit?
>means to you
Hell, I gave you a chance to define it for me. There's a reason you didn't. Because ultimately this is you trying to sharpshoot instead of make a point. Because you don't have a point. You're just hooked on a debator's high and you're not interested in being right... just the feeling.
dude can you please stop dancing around the subject and give me an educated answer? you're worse than a politician. you can't even fulfill a simple task
Morals have been around for a lot longer than religion has. Theist morals and atheist morals share the same roots, religion simply tells of grander punishment that doesn't exist to further compel people to obey them. They're rules created by people that want to maintain their own society, the idea of murder being bad is not only something instinctual but it's a law people are bound by in every legitimate society. You don't need to fear eternal hellfire when you can fear retribution in this life. Religion is an entirely unnecessary concept that tries to disguise a practical set of morals as an objective set of morals, which is why the idea fails as soon as every kid goes through their nihilistic phase
This abandonment of practicality leads to the rejection of these ideas by so many that it causes social decay, people rebel against these morals because they're not "legitimate". If you would teach kids practicality instead of trying to make them fear god you wouldn't have the degeneracy in this society.
Why? I've already called you out. You've made zero attempt to even deny it. Because you don't HAVE another method to argue with. So, you tell me, where is this little line of thought going? Hmm? Because you haven't demonstrated anything regarding more than argumentum repitition, which is hilariously unintelligent.
Religion is degenerate. It degenerates the mind. Humanity can only regenerate by abandoning it.
Rate my answer /420
explain to me how the fuck you can teach kids "practicality"
It's explaining the objective purpose of rules and not claiming there to be a higher meaning behind them.
what is the "objective purpose" then?
Whatever religion thinks is popular at the moment, clearly.
Do you literally believe without religion people would just go murder and rape willynilly and society would break down?
How do you think societies even functioned before Christianity, just curious?
As I said, it's maintaining the current society. Rules are there to preserve. If you base your system of morals on the false pretense that they're objective and given to you by a deity, people will decide that the system is illegitimate because the reasoning behind them was lacking and will reject them. It is bound to happen.
>were gonna teach you the love of our god by TORTURING YOU
love how the abrahamic gods are sadicts/masochists but have the balls to say that they love you whilst they tear you apart
>there was no religion before christianity
you can take out religion but you have to have a movement to replace it, like Communism. and there were religions before christianity. look at one of the earilest Civs, egypt. they had religion
A church in Sweden
When will Christian nations start torturing Athiest degenerates? I would gladly do the whippings for free as a service to my community.
Can you imagine living during the Spanish Inquisition and killing jews, atheists, and other heretics? Fucking hell it must have been so fun.
>It doesn't count!
What about the pope kissing and washing Muslim feet?
>People ITT are defending fucking Saudi Arabia just because "MUH FEDORA MEMES"