Texas Nationalist Thread

Midnight Edition

Get in here for

Also remember to pledge your vote for Texas Independence:

Other urls found in this thread:


Texas copied Chile's flag, oe Chile copied the Texas flag?

Rich North Dallasite reporting in.

Houston reporting in.

>35% white


They culturally appropriating our shit mang

/Houston/ pol checking in from Katy. When we going to make a /Houston/ rolling general?



Start one up brah, im terrible at that shit.

>chugs lone star
Theme music for thread


Fug :DDD

I just need a template let's work together and make one

Is in the template

>chugs lone star
We talked about this. Shiner




yeah houstonfags make up 80% of Texas threads. maybe we should have... diversity incentives

>lone star
get the fuck out austinfag and buy a shiner.

nah i kid i go to Austin a lot and sixth street is pretty fun. yeah it's a liberal city but the capitol is a cool building and it's a pretty city. except for the hippie camps under the bridges, shit's nasty. i've seen cleaner nigger huts under houston bridges.


I "Texit" every time I put A1 on a fucking steak. There is no America without Texas, and America is not going anywhere so neither are you. Besides, we need your asses and your guns to help us beat back Clinton's goons once she is unightfully elected.

you that email i gave you, i am tired of refreshing the burner.
that is if you are interested

I do like the Capitol building a lot. It's a shame Austin got so pozzed. I mean Austin was always weird which was cool but now it's just gotten out of hand. We need RWDS and we need it now.

I never got this. Texas independence is literally a drawn-out plan to cuck Mexico out of territory.

chile is food them beaners brought over the border. fucking dumbass.

Ok cool. I'll sleep on it. Sketch but what the hell. And no not anymore but I might get it soon. I owe the Jew a dollar and they won't let me download apps like Skype right not until I buy a $15 dollar iTunes card.

Milo is gonna be at U of H sept 19th.

You guys wanna go and laugh?

The Woodlands reportin' in.


try it, click and drag

My nigga.

Give me money rich fag. I went to school in Magnolia. Who doing RenFest this year it's getting to be that time that time

I ain't clicking that shit

cleaner link


ooo tempting, I wanna see some real live triggers


/hougen/ meet up at milo event. Then bar hopping after? Not bad idea to be honest family

no problem, i just downloaded discord for the waller guy, my user is same as steam without "f a s h"

I might go, haven't been in forever. Last time I went there were beaners trying to Zorro it up and niggers dressed as Zulus, everybody gotta ruin the white folks' cultural autism

We should go and start dropping Pepe shouts

Cool cool

I go to RenFest every year. The Celtic theme is my favorite.

This triggers me..... I think I do remember Zoro fags last time I went.

Fucking haram. What's next Ibn Faldin LARPers?


I fucking love it man

I think we should get drunk before the Milo event.. and Periscope it for trigglypuff-meme potentials.

I mean y'all secesh fags did such a good job defending against Jade Helm. I'm sure this will go well.

I might consider coming back from Colorado to help administer the occupational government, but prolly not.

I heard we are seceding. Houston Heights reporting in

Are you ready, user?

I pretty much stay drunk if I'm not working desu senpai. This is a given. I'm marking it down on my calendar right now and seeing if I can make it. Going to bring my camo MAGA cap too.


pls no secede
America needs you.

O shit we hipsters naow

my friend worked for the guy that owns the renfest property. dude's rich as fuck and hires a bunch of mexicans to do landscaping and shit. he hired my friend and made him in charge of all the mexicans, just because he's white. he was 18 when he first got the job and was making 20/hr just telling mexicans what to do.

the dude also has tons of wives and girlfriends. he gets a new one, buys her new tits, then dumps them.

>America needs you.

Texas first, American 2nd.


It is too late mother


all jokes aside we are in holding pattern voting for Trump right now Chiraq

Raiding the Buffalo Bayou Brewery in preparation

I'll take that job right now.

1) Milo @ UofH Drunken Triggering Meetup
2) RenFest Cultural Autism Meetup
3) ?
4) Secession

I never stayed to camp but I heard the parties get pretty wild. Shrooms and orgies. One of my friends stabbed a dude in the parking lot over a ecstasy deal gone bad or something. Lots of drugs.

When is he going to UH? I'll bring the fraternity brothers

5) Putin bro small arms delivery and removing the jade helm equipment from service

dento reporting in. cant believe that nigger who killed that white girl happened here. wasn't talked at all here.

19th someone said. I haven't looked it up


Fug I can't make it in time. Might show up late anyway

I listen to Midwestern left wing talk radio. During the Oregon standoff crazy white cucks that probably look like librarians were calling in loosing their shit. It was not uncommon for them to want to use the military against them. What do you think these weak people will demand happen in a Texit?

That's every other month for Denton. What happened this time? Coal burner?

yeah living in Montgomery i've heard tons of stories about people taking handfuls of different drugs and just chilling out travelling between camps.

there's a bdsm camp and there's always wizards travelling around selling mushrooms. it fucking sucks so much when cops come and bust everyone.

stop treading on us reeeeeee

Califag here. I approve. Trump would need to build a shorter wall.

Thanks user


Monday, September 19, 2016 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

University of Houston - Student Center South Theater 4455 University Dr, Houston, TX 77024

bring the frat bros to RenFest too, its fun. stay for the afterparty, lots of drugs and sluts

Texas is lost, too many Mexicans, cut it off and build a wall!

Shit will be going down for awhile most likely.

I'll try to remember and post a general on the 19th to remind everyone.

I really hope some montrose monsters show up and protest, need some bantz irl

Our military may have a lot of fancy toys but it won't be the southerners operating them. Besides, even when we try to do that shit over seas we just get bogged down by guerilla warfare


Hide your degeneracy family. Youre on Sup Forums for christsake. Pretend to be ubermensch like the rest of us

Remember: While we wait for the secession, go get fucked up tomorrow and watch UH destroy OU

Like the rest of us do*

Pondering about going. I really want to drop Pepe memes IRL like based Sup Forums guy

One is the national beer of texas, the other isn't.

Calfag here. We gotta talk about that wall thing. It needs to be continuous.

Chicagofag here

I'm not trying to be rude, I genuinely don't understand why you guys are so hell bent on being your own thing. It's cool i just want someone to explain the mindset to me like why must you guys be different and sovereign from the rest of the states. I'm assuming it has to do with the history you all have?

we should spread the word to local SJWs and get them riled to show up and fight the patriarchy and white supremacy and maximize our entertainment

heyo had my first discord meet with this thread we are making plans to do shit tomorrow, nice to interact with other annons

Who austinite/sub-austinite here?

nigger marine hit on white girl at party. she's was dd had to take her friends home. got her car lit up and sheeeeit.

Please don't, I will outright throw shit at you.

You should go for a more sam hyde approach

*here being denton. i heard about it on Sup Forums

>We gotta talk about that wall thing. It needs to be continuous.
We're walling you out too btw. You commiefornians are invading Texan clay.

It's in our constitution. We have the ability to secede legally at any time. Thems the rules yankee.


Just secede already you goddamn fucking Mexicans. Your state is one of the major offenders in this 60% shit. Our numbers will go up if you skiddaddle. Have fun with the beheadings.

And by that i mean shoot the place up

Thinking about it. How'd it go?

>I'm assuming it has to do with the history you all have?
First we were just part of Mexico, but they got white people to colonize it so we made it better than the rest of Mexico and broke off. Then we were our own country for a while, and that's a huge source of pride for us. Then we joined the US, but a bit later the civil war happened and we split from that,
We just have a history of being more of our own thing than being part of a bigger nation.

I mean daggers. Daggers and sluts.

Check /r/houston if you dare. Theyre already riled up in that cesspit

Daily reminder that Sam Houston strongly opposed secession from the Union

A MARINE hit on a coal burner and she DD'd.

I see nothing wrong here desu senpai

Chile's flag is older than Texas' flag. Make your guess.
>Texas will again lift its head and stand among the nations.
Like in the US revolution you say?

>Chile's flag is older than Texas' flag. Make your guess.
and? the bonnie blue is older than your flag and you have it on yours..

The jewish/liberal mass-brainwashing is real. Use the incident and its lack of coverage to redpill locals.

when will Sup Forums just start wearing sam hyde masks at rallies and shit?



I don't see why we would have copied your flag. We probably never heard of a chile.

>chile? Like that them there Mexicans put in them tacos? Yeah I like that partner chile my flag right up.


SC/GA here. Texas please lead us to the righteous cause!

How could we copy your flag if we didnt even know you existed? No one cares about your country even if they do know it exists

Oh wait I read that wrong I thought you meant drunk driving not designated driving.

That's fucked off

Nice flag and nice drawing. You learn that at one your shitty colleges?

/houston/ here. I was coming home today and on the exit from 45 to 59, some nigger cut me off then stuck a gun out of his window. Anyone up to start the race wars with me this weekend? We can smoke weed and suck each other off and watch degenerate\illegal porn too if you want, though I'm not really into those things but I don't judge you and I'm down as long as you are my rope-buddy.