Hacks and frauds

How unfortunate that JJ Abrahms and Kathleen Kennedy sidelined Leia in the Force Awakens. In The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, she was implied by Yoda, Luke and Vader to have *As Much* potential in the Force as Luke (a potential that actually was explored in the Expanded Universe novels). If JJ Abrahms and Kathleen Kennedy wanted to show female a Force user and develop alternative perspectives on the nature of the Force, they should have used Leia. As a diplomat, leader, and mother, she could have used and been guided by the Force in ways we've not seen onscreen yet. Mediating disputes between contentious factions after the fall of the Empire. Inspiring hope, courage and forgiveness in those who follow her. The maternal instinct to protect and sacrifice for her children. These are just a three new and compelling ways Leia could have demonstrated how the Light Side of the Force can be used for good.

What a shame JJ Abrahms and Kathleen Kennedy did Leia and Carrie Fisher such a disservice. Instead of developing a beloved and classic character in a way that elevated the story and universe of Star Wars, they took a page from fanfiction.net and inserted Rey.

Now Carrie Fisher is dead, and their failure is complete.

Just let it go Colin.
its not worth it.

Star Wars is for children and infantile adults who I wouldn't let my dog keep company in.

>(a potential that actually was explored in the Expanded Universe novels)

I never read anything from Expanded universe. What were the most important things what happened in Luke's, Leia's and Han's lives?

Lets just say the worse of the eu surpasses tfa.

>why didn't they give this extremely mentally troubled addiction riddled 60 year old woman who hasn't starred in a movie in decades the main character role in the movie to kick off their multi-billion dollar franchises return?


Disney think turning a princess into a general is empowerment because women can't have their own ambition, they can only imitate male. Leia as an operational Jedi warrior would be ridiculous but we ewould expect something higher that fits her age too. She should have been administrating a whole system along Han solo. But no, let's go bak to square one, rebel versus empire, divorced couple, deadbeat dada and stronk womyn.
Put Star Wars to rest please

>now carrie fisher is dead


Does she take tweeting lessons from cher?

But making her the lead would have been a terrible marketing decision, she hasn't been a major star in years. Star Wars is 100% all about the bucks now.

You don't have to make her the lead to do her justice. Just have a few expository lines illustrating how she was trained by Luke, but didn't take to the stoic monk lifestyle. While she may have left luke's Jedi tutelage, she still incorporated his lessons and some use of the Force into her roles as a leader and mother.
It's that easy. Give her 6 lines of dialogue in the movie instead of 4 and you're done.
Now the fans are happy, that female demographic Kathleen Kennedy so desperately wants is happy and interested, and Disney can expand on Leia's abilities and relationship with the Force with comics and novels, which are safely out of the cokehead's ability to fuck up.

Erm, well....

-Gets a very important diplomatic/leadership role in the New Republic
-Has three kids with Han
-Eventually puts politics on hold to start her jedi training, gets pretty competent- not Luke-tier, but certainly nameless-background-extra-jedi tier.

-Aforementioned three kids with Leia
-Does a bit of Admiral work chasing down the Imperial Remnant
-Chewbecca dies rescuing some kids

-Re-establishes the Jedi Order
-Gets married, has a kid named Ben
-Generally travels around the galaxy, helping people.

All this is before the massive invasion by extra-galactic aliens which they all got caugt up in.

>Chewbecca dies rescuing some kids

Crushed by a moon.

Don't forget that Luke's hand is used to make clones of him called Luuke and Luuuke.

Luuuke was an April Fool's joke that autists took seriously, and Luuke only appeared once before getting killed off.

That would require Fisher to have had a larger role in the movie, and nobody wanted to see that face on screen for so long. At least now that she's dead her character won't be ruined even more.

>authors struggle to write an autistic man ape who lacks the ability to provide dialogue

Nothing was lost.

What do you mean she's dead?

Cocaine is a helluva drug.

Just googled it and fuck me I didn't know she died. Whatever though.

In the original draft. lucas intended for Luke and Leia to fight vader together. Leia would have had a yellow lightsaber.