Genghis Khan - What's his true ethnicity?

Genghis Khan - What's his true ethnicity?

Everytime I hear a Turk (from Turkey) claim Genghis Khan as a Turk (race). At the gym today I heard a fellow gym mate also a Turk (from one of those -stan countries) claiming Genghis Khan to be a Turk as well.
Is he? And if he is, does it mean that the Mongolians in current Mongolia are not descendents from him?
After all Khan is a Turkish name right?

Someone please share some light

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A Mongol obviously.

>to be a Turk as well


Trick question. Turks are descendants of Mongols.

i heard a turk claim folk metal is turkish

its nordic...they are becoming the WE WUZ

genghis kahn more like ganghis mong

>After all Khan is a Turkish name right?
Khan is a title moron.

His name was Temujin, he adoped the title of Genghis Khan after uniting the Mongolian tribes.


he was white

Dont bother.

Ive asked this question a million times and nobody can ever give a straightforward answer as to the difference between Turks and Mongols, yet still insist that there is a difference.

Yeah and fucking Hitler was actually Chinese. The Turks will try to take credit for the largest empire in history, but Genghis Khan was as Mongolian as you can get.

Genghis Khan wasn't his name it was his title, and even then it's actually pronounced Chenghis Han. His real name was Temüjin.

me chinese
me play joke
me go pee-pee in your coke

Maybe he was turkic

>Genghis Khan - What's his true ethnicity?


He was most certainly a mongoloid. But when his armies invaded Europe r
They were probably made up of Turkish soldiers. Or some sort of breed between Asian and European.

He was Finnish, my ancient father

The Venetian Black Nobility fenced him the info to knock down the then-budding nation-state. He literally had an empire of disease and filth.

He wasn't a fucking Turk, the Chinese would have said something about the smell if he was.

>After all Khan is a Turkish name right?
this was the stupidest part of the post bar none, just an fyi


This sounds really familiar, but I'm too tired to remember right now.

Modern turks are mongrels as are other modern turkic populations like uyghurs. Genghis was a mongol. Mestizos might as well claim to be romans and sheeit then.

Who here knows about his grandon, Kublai?

why he was Finnish of course

Legend has it in Central Asia he had red hair he was probably mixed with White Aryan blood and mongoloid Mongol blood, the Ordos Culture was a White Nordic Aryan Scythian culture in East Asia

This one gets it right.

Literally the WE WUZ KANGS of white people

Some Persian historian said he had red hair.

After years of watching porn though, I just don't trust most people's description of red hair.

I always thought that the modern turk was a mongoloid / arab mix, as the golden horde, even after its fall, held many small kingdoms.

Khan is generally a Turkish/Pakistani/Afghanistani name.

me chineese
me no dumb
me hold onto daddy's bum
daddy go boom
me go zoom
and that how me get home so soon

Sure you aren't thinking about Bodhidarma here?

leaf plz

He's mongol.

Just Roaches be roaches, like monkeydonians saysig Alexander or zeus was a slav

Yes, his real name was Taakkkmiiiinii suuuleenkiiisiiiii

Once they ruled the world. Nowadays they are ten million people and are quite irrelevant. Really makes you think.




The disgusting brown slurry known as the population of Turkey has nothing to do with actual Turkic peoples.
Pic related is an actual Turkic person, note the complete lack of similarity to Anatolian squatters.


Turks and Mongolians both come from the same ancestral origins. However Ghengis Khan would have more in common with mongolians than any turks living in turkey.

Based mongols.

Mongolians seem pretty cool.

this is false. the group that spoke tungic languages moved into mongolia via china, then down into korea and japan. those tungic groups then, for thousands of years before ghenghis khan even invaded central asia, had been settling the areas and fighting and mixing with the turkic peoples around for hundreds of years.

it currently looks like a "spectrum" because the turks, who are full blooded turk, have a similar language to the people in central asia, who are 20% turkic and 80% mongolian, who have a similar language to mongols, but that doesn't in any way mean the two basal groups share origins. that's retarded.

turkic has become a muddied term. turkic should refer to the peoples of turkey. kazakhs are descendants of the mongol rape of the turkic peoples in the area.

look at the uighurs in china. they look like fucking turks, because the chinese saw them as subhuman and refused to mix with them.

because the turkic people are turkish. she's obviously primarily mongolian.

> full blooded turk
No such thing and certainly not in Turkey.

Studies show that Turks in turkey are actually genetically indigenous anatolians. They just got raped so hard by turks that they've been brainwashed into thinking they are Turkish

it's literally impossible to farm in mongolia. half of it is permafrost and the other half the soil is nearly impossible to break. their iqs are actually pretty high, about 95 in mongolia but they score 102 in china, which puts them about 5 or 7 points behind chinese,w hich everyone would expect.

it's probably just impossible to establish civilization out there. but they're probably about as inteligent as the average italian.

they're not. they're incredibly fucking violent. being descended from the most successful rapists for 500 years tends to do that to your genetics.

He was a Turkic Mongolian, meaning he wasn't "Turkish" as in from Turkey but Turkic as in from Turkestan/Central Asia. See: Turkmenistan, East Turkestan, so on.

indeed. I was simplifying. the native anatolians were not j haplotype. but they were more or less raped and thoroughly integrated into the turkish invasions during prehistory that they might as well not even exist anymore. the only remnants of white dna in the region are from alexander's conquests.

>have high iq
>can't figure out dirt
yeah, ok

>does it mean that the Mongolians in current Mongolia are not descendents from him?

Pretty much everybody on the Eurasian continent is a descendant from him.
Not even exaggerating.

The Mongols faded into obscurity when their leaders converted to Islam and began to fight amongst themselves.
A lesson that might be relevant to you soon.

>Not even exaggerating.
Yes you are.

oy vey klaus we need to gas the jews on schedule or else allest will not be en ordnung!

Uyghurs were full mongoloid before they fled to Tocharian lands when their khaganate fell in the 9th century.

they literally live in an area where half of all the dirt in teh country is frozen for 4 months out of the year, and only mosses grow.

it's like, 3%. which is obviously still fucking incredibly high, though.

Don't you talk shit about lichens.

Eh not really.
The mughal empire was started from a decendant of Ghenghis khan, specifically someone decended from the Chagatai Khanate

Genghis Khan lived 800 years ago, that's over 30 generations.

30 generations means 2^30 = over 1 billion great-great-great.....-great-great-grandparents.
That's more than there were people alive at the time.

So just mathematically speaking the chances of being a descendant of any random person from 1200's is almost 100%.
And Genghis Khan wasn't a random person, we know he had many children.

So yeah, not exaggerating.

wait what

really? I've actually never even seen primary documents on them dated before the 12th century so you might be right but that's really strange.

that would mean the uighurs today barely even have any uighur blood. today they look full sand nigger. how would they, having been mongoloid and fleeing from western central china, have fled to xinjiang as a minority of mongoloids, intermarried, and suddenly have become the majority culure in xinjiang despite having been an exodus group?

Yea and there ancestry dna comes up 25% east Asian on average. It's like the mongols had their way with them.

>it's like, 3%.

You're referring to purely male lineage.

My father grew up in turkey, He is also a king of WE WUZ, up to the Point that even me and my Brothers Made fun of him.

>male lineage
ah, really?

I guess it makes sense. sand niggers are fucking stupid as all hell. it would only make sense that over time, in a mixed society, they would slowly become nearly 100% mongol as the sand nigger genes died off.

that would also mean that they raped a lot less tan their current % implies, though.

>So just mathematically speaking the chances of being a descendant of any random person from 1200's is almost 100%.
That is complete nonsense. Negroes don't even have neanderthal blood, while they have archaic blood we don't have. The vast majority of europeans doesn't have any mongoloid DNA at all.

>that would mean the uighurs today barely even have any uighur blood
that's probably the case, much like the anatolian turks

>Negroes don't even have neanderthal blood

Neanderthals never raided Africa.
Mongolians did raid in Europe.

Plus the silk route keeps us all connected.

Just one of his great-great-grandchildren migrating into Western Europe and having children there is enough.


I think there's a pretty high chance the anatolian turks ARE turkish. I'm not sure where yo keep getting this from.

the med was more or less a barrier between the r1 clades and the emerging J clades that came from semitic areas. the anatolans got raped by J so hard they stopped being a non-semitic people, and became a hybrid. it was this hybrid people that expanded into the areas that we now htink of as turkish.

Do some research.

Turks are just brainwashed Greeks

This is a REAL photograph of Genghis Khan! He was a proud, white Finnic man, but because the Chinese had no real history of their own they decided to steal our history. Stay woke


>Overall, modern Turks are most related to neighbouring West Asian populations.
so they're most closely related to... TURKS.

why WOULD they bear primary genetic similarity to central asians "turks" who have been amost cmpletely replaced by east asians?

the turkic people are, and have been for a couple thousand years, a J clade, which ends almost immediately outside of the coastal reach of the mediterranean. the same J clade that spread all the way to western chia, where the people look... like TURKS.

the idea that just because alexander fought his way all the way to pakistan, that everything under his previous domain is greek is fucking stupid. you can't seriously believe this?

there are modern day people in afghanistan with blonde hair who speek a derivation of... GREEK. called the kalash.

go figure, they're completely different from everyone else around them. the turks are... not completely different. because the people in these areas are J, not greek.

the same difference between thais and chinese. they are unrelated dipshit.

My father told me family oral history that we are descended from Genghis Khan.Most of 'research' by academia leans toward Eurocentric view of origins. May be true for some Finns, but recent DNA results show my family IS related to Genghis & has ancient Siberian DNA,

turks are central asian idiot. learn to read

Memes aside, the mongols never stepped foot in Finland, how could you possibly have mongol blood unless you were a fucking immigrant? And of course you have ancient Siberian DNA, most people in the baltic states and northern Russia do.

is he also an armenian genocide denier?

daily reminder - t*rks are not Turkic

that is an ambiguous statement. J2 turkish tribes pushed all the way into western china before the mongols killed and raped all of them. are the uighurs turks? what about the kazakhs? what about the kyrgyz? what about the afghans? they ALL used to be turkish. half of central asia is now clearly more mongolian. the other half are the remnants of the old turkish clade, including tukrkey itself

hugh mongus

afghans were never at any point predominately turkish. do you seriously think the mongols invaded and they all of the sudden started speaking indo european languages? makes perfect sense.

and the central asian "J clade" people you are talking about look a lot less like modern turks than they do neighboring chinese people.

and i've no idea where you got the bullshit about the kalash speaking greek, you are straight up wrong.

J2 isn't Turkish you dumbfuck, that's a Mediterranean Haplogroup originating in northern Mesopotamia.
Turkic Haplogroup is Q, IIRC.

Turkic people migrated westwards, not eastwards, and they would reach Anatolia only in the 11th century

>hugh mongus

Did he have a big dick?


Are you a halfbreed or a fullblood roach?

I wished Genghis Khan had gotten a chance to reach deep into Europe.

He would have prevented Europe from becoming full cuck and he wouldn't have faced any real resistance either since the Vatican was willing to support Genghis Khan due to the mistaken but very widely spread belief that Genghis Khan was Prester John, the fabled Christian King of the Far East they were searching for and writing stories about for many years in Europe.

The Vatican would have thrown open its gates to Genghis Khan and the Mongols without a fight.

Really makes you think.

Also, fun fact, Genghis Khan liked executing useless people, no matter they be commoners or nobility, and replace them with talented people no matter their birth origin.

After all, Genghis Khan used to be a slave early in his life.

Genghis Khan would have been wonderful for Europe.

Rome might have lasted longer under Mongol Rule as well.

Genghis Khan would make sure British barbarians would never get a chance to overthrow Rome and turn everything into shit because that means it would harm trade and his Silk Road.

There were tatars near the border with Russia

there are 10 turkic states in russia

Ghenghis Khan claims he was Turkish. He could also talk Turkish. We have a lot of Turkish Emperors on other countries through history.

>they're not. they're incredibly fucking violent. being descended from the most successful rapists for 500 years tends to do that to your genetics.

Fuck off pussy

>Ghenghis Khan claims he was Turkish.
So does your sultan.
He's Georgian though.

Germanturkfag here.

"Genghis Khan is a Turk" is a WE WUZ meme. Turks think everybody and everything that lived in the steppes is Turkish.

like this genius they will say "b-but he spoke Turkish!", but at the same time, he gave his sons names like Tolui, Jochi or Ögedei, which are hardly Turkish names.

Even my dad once said to me, that the Huns were Turks. I think they learned this WE WUZ stuff at school back then.

He is Finnish ofcourse.

Huns were not Turks. Huns were a lot of tribes combined. Turks were in that tribes.

Are there any white people left in Canada? I was there last week and I saw so many poo-in-loos that I had to double check my map.

he was finnish

just stay out of montreal



Stop posting pictures of my dad