Why should I care about race, Sup Forums?
Why should I care about race, Sup Forums?
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Why should you care?
You should become a good little minority.
Don't fight for your rights, that's racist!
Don't defend the White homeland (Europe), because Europe is a whore that belongs to everyone!
And don't you DARE criticize the Jewish occupation & apartheid state of Israel!
There, there... that's a good little goy. You'll be a minority soon, and you're one of the good ones.
Depends. Are you white?
Explain this without memeing?
Because your enemies do.
Because you have yet to face an invasion. Invading is not nice.
I'm not aware of any enemies but explain?
First of all, learn to write English sentences properly.
Have you not seen BLM voicing what blacks secretly think of us in recent months? "KILL WHITEY" is more than just a punchline on The Boondocks.
Because you're part of something without doing anything. How cool is that ?
I was assuming you're a white person, with my point being that all non-white groups care about race, specifically their own race, etc.
To raise the average IQ of the country.
care about people (individuals)
surround yourself with cool smart people
...it just so happens that most cool smart people are white
and given the dynamics of regression to the mean, most cool smart black people will just breed and have nigger-tier children
safest bet is to segregate on ethnic grounds -- its best for all of us to just respect our racial boundaries and be self-governing
It was a triggerfest when I pulled up some jewtubes about BLM killing whitey. Had to wait until the end to get the juicy bits and replay them on loud.
only to have a realistic view on the world and how to interact with others. other than that you shouldn't care about race because God breathed his life into adam and from him, everyone else came.
why is a church burning in the background of your faggoty image?
what does that symbol have to do with race?
if you don't give a fuck about race, why is the smug cunt cartoon with the faggoty millenial hair not colored?
>Why should I care about race, Sup Forums?
Because of that retarded question I'm going to assume you're a self-hating white. You may not care about your race, but people more powerful than you care about THEIR race and will gladly snuff you out to make room for more of them. You should at least take that into consideration.
look up Burzum
and the Norway Church burnings
>Explain this without memeing?
Are you fucking retarded? Does it fly THAT far over your dim head?
I refuse to explain something THIS simple to a kid right now can someone else help this retard?
Because Race = Culture.
If you recognize the West as having created an incredible culture and history (the Constitution, the Magna Carte, Shakespeare, etc), then you'll recognize that the people of that culture deserve self-determination and, more than that, survival.
Those people happen to be white.
yr god Varg sure does
It directly effects you and your living situation, and will directly effect the living situation of your children and their future, if you have any.
The only people who don't care about race are people who have never had to live in a multicultural town. It fucking sucks dude. I want to be around white people. There's nothing wrong with that.
My city is very multicultural.
which city?
You shouldn't. Move into a black neighborhood in Baltimore or Chicago and get culturally enriched.
Culture > Race
That's why Christian Europe is 1000x better than pagan Europe ever was.
from st. louis. can confirm. all white people are moving away from the black areas. and the blacks keep moving with them, so whites move farther away from the city again, it's an endless cycle.
Ah, and also why fedora Europe is being Islamified. Christianity > Islam > fedora/pagan.
I've not been there, but I've been close enough to regard it as generally a hell-hole. My multicultural city was nice up until they pushed it too hard and it turned into the next tower of babel.
Which city was yours? Seattle is great on the whole (my opinion) just too expensive.
My current city is Pittsburgh, meaning I landed back in a vast escapement of Jews from my previous city. Fucking kikes. I want the old fucking Pittsburgh back when the blacks and the whites just maintained together, and even the Jews just kept to themselves.
Not this.