Youtube Censorship

Hey /poI/ what your thoughts on this bullshit.

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JUST IN: LeafyIsHere, DramaAlert, Phillip DeFranco, Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Scarce, Papa Franku and Rob Dyke all had their YouTube accounts wiped out. They don't exist anymore. Banned.

RIP YouTube

No one gives a fuck

Why is this a bad thing? What did they do exactly?

who cares? its time to move onto a new website.

Having everyone using only big websites is what jews what. Easier to control and manipulate the mass

don't care



If Google gets too kikey people will just band together and make a new "youtube".

Reddit eceleb holocaust.

Remember the six billion channels.

Youtube is a private company that can do whatever it wants to do.

If youtube video makers who rely on it for money are affected, they can go find another video hosting site. When people follow them to the those sites and youtube loses hits and ad revenue, they'll have them come back.

Frank is right where he's always been you dumb cunt as I'm sure the rest of those fuckers are

Not OP but why does Sup Forums act like its above a little Youtube drama? Its kinda funny.

YouTube is a private company's service, not funded by the people.

Fuck off.

>not op

fucking kill yourself

A private company that had it rules change to appeal with politicians to being politically correct

SJWs pulling the strings. They'll die out soon once people realize that there are more non-SJW's with a few bucks and enough influence each than there are SJW's rich and influential enough to insert themselves behind the scenes like this.

> pops out of nowhere, gets upvoted like hell on plebbit, gets 500k in donations. Invite only. Stupid name. Stupid URL. Stupid format. Stupid everything. Touts itself as a youtube alternative.

It's diaspora allover again.

As a >>>>private

so? They're allowed to do it. And here I thought this board was conservative?

Private company

Don't like it? Fuck off to dailymotion.

So having Hitler taking over the youtube community is fine.. I know you dont give a fuck but dont you find channels having their content de-monetized because their not trying to be PG-13 a little bit concerning. Like think about youtubers who put their lives into youtube and then youtube just throws out the fact that they dont like your content and now you cant make money from it.

Still don't give a fuck. I'm not a 13 year old and (((youtubers))) are degenerates who need to find a real job.

some of these youtubers just cant restart on a new website, it took years for them to get where they are. You cant just move all of your subscribers over to a new website easy

The problem is that the concept of "just go to a competitor" doesn't really work for a website like Youtube.

The reason why people go on Youtube is because pretty much all non-porn videos on the internet are on that site. Not so with Dailymotion, Vimeo, and all the other clones. And those clones aren't used because they all got problems.

Uploaders keep uploading to Youtube simply because that's where the viewers are. Nobody really uses other sites because there's nothing to watch there.

It's like McDonalds. Their burgers are utter dogshit, and you can try to promote a small upstart burger resturant all you fucking want, but you're never gonna topple McDonalds with your "shop somewhere else" bullshit.

And the worst part is this isn't even political censorship, this is simple CONCEPT censorship. Bad events are censored. Bad thoughts are censored.

Let's say I run a liberal channel on Youtube. I want to talk about police shootings and say the cops are racist n shit. Well guess what, Jewgle is still gonna demontize that video because it has "shooting", "guns", etc in the tags. That's somehow "bad for advertisers,' when really it's just fucking news.

You can't run a profitable news channel on youtube. Pretty much all that youtube is allowing to remain profitable are Minecraft LP channels and Official Music channels.

This isn't "they're a private company, they can do what they want." This is a "what the fuck are you doing, Youtube?" thing.

I do agree that certain kinds of videos should be demonitized for various reasons. Like shitty "PRANKS GONE SEXUAL GONE WRONG" videos, or videos where somebody is popping their own pimple. That's garbage.

But just a straight up news channel? No, that has a right to exist and it's a right that supersedes private company rights. That's like a business saying "YOU WON'T GET PAID IF YOU BRING A NEWSPAPER TO WORK. THE FRONT PAGE MIGHT SCARE CHILDREN." That's utter bullshit.

>letting the largest video hosting site on the planet by orders of magnitude dictate the discourse and blue pill the millions of tards who will still use the site, purely because "muh private company"
There will not be a competitor with YouTube for at least a decade. And more than likely each "genre" of video will go off to their own site and not inter mingle, effectively segregating the discourse. In the mean time YouTube will remain the largest video hosting site, with a somewhat smaller audience that doesn't know any better, and it'll still provide better quality than any of it's "competitors", which will no doubt sell to Google if they ever become note worthy.
But sure, muh free market.

>No, that has a right to exist and it's a right that supersedes private company rights.
You're delusional. I found great joy in reading your post.

We live in a country where people are forced to bake cakes for gays but you're going to defend YouTube's bullshit with this weak shit?


Regardless of a private company existing or not, or having rights or not, this is not an exercise of a private company's rights. Especially when used on a utility such as the internet.

Profanity. Literally against the rules now

They're slated to be taken down, dumbfuck.

Its the new booming form of entertainment you cant just say that what these youtubers are doing is pointless our society needed something like this to grow. Also why would a 13 year old want to put the effort into posting his opinion on /poI/ I just want to know what people think about this.

He's not lying Im OP

Who cares?
They can do whatever they want.
If Youtube makes themselves into shit, they are welcome.
There will just spring forth something new that can't be censored
Not a problem, only an opportunity.

Exactly what the problem is with just moving to the competitor.

>You should bend your beliefs because 'MY FEELINGS WAAAAH"
I think it's wrong for a baker to not be allowed to run his bakery as he sees hit and I think it's wrong for Google to not be allowed to run their website as they see fit.

Shit I took this as fact for a second
Goes to show you how serious it's gotten, when I believe shit like this

Speaking of youtube, are there any redpilled youtubers?

It is fine. JewTube isn't part of the government so it can censor whatever it wants.

Maybe this will teach faggots to stop using products and services by fuckhead companies like Google, Apple, etc. That's how a free market works. Stop using trash.

Yet you rolled over and accepted on and defend the other. Hypocrite.

>There will just spring forth something new that can't be censored
>Not a problem, only an opportunity.
You'd have to be retarded to actually believe this. YouTube is owned by Google, one of the largest corporations in the world. Not to mention YouTube is actually a large loss for Google each year, they only keep it to hold a monopoly on video hosting. There is no competitor with the same level of quality that could afford the losses a system like YouTube would bring. And even if there was one day, Google would buy it as soon as it was a threat.

you are an idiot. look up logic.

This. YouTube and Google are monopolies. And they're going to use this position to force political beliefs and agendas by choosing those that are allowed and which aren't.

I find it fucking hilarious most of Sup Forums defends this. Then again most people on Sup Forums are shills.

How am I a hypocrite? The only one who has shown himself to behave in a hypocritical way is you for disliking the way bakers are subject to punishment but wanting Google to be punished.

I deplore any private business having it's right to operate as it wishes taken away. Even those I disagree with.

Dude wtf?
They can do whatever the fuck they want. They don't owe shit to anybody using their service.

Yes its there company but I say all of those who care about its content producers should have a say in something like this, its just not right to strip a youtuber of its job just because its not dumbed down to the point of where a 3 year old can watch it with out being scared


Also Paul Joseph Watson

libertarian socialist rants

>I know you are but what am I?!
Private business do not have equal rights to individual rights. Never have, never will. For a good reason. Because it's just another avenue to try and circumvent legal protections. Which is clearly what is happening. But you'll ignore it because of, "muh private business," or something. What rights do you think private businesses even have? Just curious.

no matter what you believe, youtube doesn't have a duty to ensure faggots can make money. if those faggots really care about whatever they are putting out they'll continue without monetising

Expected of a leftist website

This is political censorship under the guise of MUH FREE MARKET

Pay attention because this is what ((they're)) going to be doing. Sure you can express your "unpopular" opinions.. if you don't want a job/house/family etc.

Economic ruin or the threat of it has become the lefts favorite tactic and is enough, at best, to keep most peoples mouths shut. At worst you get the old "man can't understand what his paycheck requires him not to understand" thing.

Mark Twain I believe.

they owe all of the money being made from the site to the watcher.


Right to speech is a right. Free market is not.

Which part of the constitution restricts a private businesses rights? Just curious.

What part of the constitution GIVES private business rights?

What if it couldn't be bought?
Like a decentralized blockchain system that wouldn't take any profit from its users?

That's what makes YouTube so awful in the first place. It's constantly shitting on content creators, yet it'd be 1/4 as relevant without them.

I agree that it's messed up of them - I mean anyone should think that - but there's just nothing that can be done legally about it. Especially since content creators aren't actual employees or under contract.

How is it a monopoly?

1st amendment.

Do all you fucking morons not understand this is only happening due to the elections this year?

You're literally supporting the Jews wanting to SHUT IT DOWN and keep anti-Hillary videos off Youtube.

Why do you think this bullshit came flying out of left field on Goddamn election year?

Thanks for the influx of traffic
t. Dailymotion

Because there is no legitimate competition.

Point to me where the words, "Private business," is in the 1st amendment.

well if nothing can be done to the site legally just boycott it let youtube know that we will not stand for this

there is nothing stopping anti-hillary videos from being put up except the greed of the faggots that make the video

Under what contract?
They signed a contract, which made it possible for youtube to shut them down for whichever reason youtube sees fit. So no, they don't owe anything to anyone after they shut down the channel.

Leaf, leaf.


The new policy literally says "politically incorrect videos" Where are we? What are we? Well, me.

>Because there is no legitimate competition.
How do you define "legitimate competition"?

I can sense that OP is underage

>more sharpshooting
What do you think I mean by legitimate competition? What the fuck do you think ANYONE means by it?

Goddamn, Sup Forums is filled with underage sophists tonight.

Technically speaking, corporations are shareholder owned and thus do not have the privileges of an individual like an unincorporated business would, so they are subject to certain regulations and do not have freedoms.

real vs barca

Protip: if you have favourite youtube videos that you'll be wanting to watch a few years from now, download them in the highest quality ASAP and keep your own personal backups. Most will be inaccessible after the upcoming changes.

Youtube comment sections are on the chopping block too.

>there are people on Sup Forums that uses reddit, facebook, twitter and youtube

Create a competitive environment for ad revenue. Youtube can no longer have exclusive advertisement control over other people's content.

This isn't censorship

Just define it.
Else I will just use my own definition and then your argument is refuted.
I can't know what your ideas are. There are many different definitions, so pick one, or your argument is invalid because it is unfalsifiable.

Infact no I am not Im just a concerned user of the site, if you think this is because I like watching the edgy channels your wrong everything on this site is going to change for the worse there will be no opinion, no difference, and no freedom on the website if youtube heads this way

it says politically incorrect videos can't have ads, not that they can't be put up. literally nothing stopping them from being put up except the creator's greed

Is Youtube trying to kill itself?

This is just begging for another video site to be set up.

Does Youtube have some sort of copyright on their particular format?

Get a real fucking job

>including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown

This is the only part that matters, this is the only reason they're doing it, and anyone not against it is a fucking tool wanting Hillary to win.

>and Sup Forums is falling for it again


It's a private business deciding to fuck themselves. I say it's a good opportunity for other services to rise now.
"This is muh income! reee!!!"
welcome to the real world, millennials !

Holy shit, this guy right here.

How I'm imagining your face the entire thread.

>Free market is not.

The problem with "muh free market" is that it doesn't exist. There is always regulation of some sort. The real question is regulation by whom, and to whose advantage.

Any business that benefits from globalist crony capitalism (just upside down socialism) isn't a "private business" you mong, ts a partially government funded conglomerate.

Also, why all the ancap and lolbertard fantasists in this thread? I thought summer was over.

I hate Jews and 90% of you tubers are fucking immature cunts anyway

Why would I care? The best video makers will exist elsewhere. All the shitty cringy gamers will hopefully fuck off (or someone will make a gamer website)

Also it would have to be backed up by violence.

>If any of the above describes any portion of your video, then the video may not be approved for monetization.

literally nowhere does it say those cannot be uploaded

is there a youtube alternative though?

Black Pigeon

Dailymotion and Vimeo exist, but aren't widely used. I'd say this is a perfect time to make a clone site pretty and reach out to Patreon for direct support, then start reaching out to PhillyDeCheesesteak and PleaseDiePie

>If I use my own definition it'll refute you!
Oh boy. Then I'll just use different words. Good fucking luck playing the definition game.

The fuck are you talking about? My only point is defending individual rights. Private businesses do not trump them.

BTW- these fags on youtube crying about it..most aren't getting their videos removed. They are getting demonetized. So they no longer get thousands of dollars for uploading call of duty gameplay talking about how it's ok to be trans n shit

After all of that LGBT bullshit that jewtube supports, specially youtubers like faggot oakley and some other gay channels, banning "mean" accounts and videos you can tell that youtube is going full pillowfort/PC, i saw it coming.

One of two things will happen: either the Supreme Court will finally start holding up massively popular internet public distribution websites to the same standards that traditional mass media and public forums are held to with regards to free speech or it'll just cause streaming services to diversify as people finally get tired of google's bullshit.

what counts as a real job in your book? just curious

HI sjw

Have you even been to fucking youtube lately?

I've been re-enabling comments on every single video and comment tree I have. Everything is getting banned on youtube right now.

Fucking faggot.

>lying on the internet

He is their biggest star

You cant shoot a idea, because ideas are bulletproof.

YouTube isn't fucking public access television, it's a free, ad-supported video streaming service run by jews which means you're the product, goy