Why isn't Africa Developed despite having over a billion people and being rich in resources...

Why isn't Africa Developed despite having over a billion people and being rich in resources, while Australia is developed with around 20 million people and living in a desert wasteland?
Pls don't say because of black people.

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Average IQ is borderline retarded in the majority of Africa. This is an accurate indicator of how successful a society will be.


They're lazy and selfish, they blame all their problems on other people and they don't have an ounce of personal responsibility in the entire sub-Sahara region.

Because it is so developed
The harder places to survive such as Europe and North East Asia selected for high intelligence because it is hard to live there

It wasn't always like that...

South Africa is dying too now, but I know a lot of good people from there. I'd definitely call South Africa developed, Space Program and Private Militaries, and such. I hope they keep going.

Much of Africa is not developed but small (compared to the rest of the continent) parts of it are developed. Straya is the same as well. Most developed cities are only around the coastline. As a matter of fact, Canada is like that too. Most of the developed cities in Canada are hugging the border to the U.S.

>hurr durr Africa is literally mudhuts

Africa isn't great but it's still developed, it's roughly on par with Brazil or India

"desert wasteland*

fuck up, cunt

Finally an Amerifag who knows what he's talking about. Yeah to the west of our east coast we have the Great Dividing range. Means anything west of the GDR doesn't get the coolness of the south pole, hence cold as fuck

>dats racist
The authors argue that differences in national income (in the form of per capita gross domestic product) are correlated with differences in the average national intelligence quotient (IQ). They further argue that differences in average national IQs constitute one important factor, but not the only one, contributing to differences in national wealth and rates of economic growth.

European colonialism.

The european colonials enslaved the population and prevented any development in the region.
Witjout colonialism Africa could be on Europes level today.

Racism and colonialism

>pol refuses to believe this

Because socialism, which was implemented by niggers after the evil white imperialists left.

>almost every country has a corrupt government
>civil wars
>people still live on farms
Southern Africa is probably the most civilized thanks to South Africa, but that might not last.

>Witjout colonialism Africa could be on Europes level today.
Without colonialism africa would be at stone age and its population would be less than 200 millions rather than 1.5 billions.

This this this.

Sorry mein fellow mongols but you're plain wrong. There was time before colonialism.


Pls don't say because of black people. its because of black people.

Evolutionary biology doesn't favor niggers.


Shit, what's it at now?

IQ and race , read it and weep

asks not to say black people yet the main problem is literally black people.

it's not like black people are just unsuccessful in africa. they're unsuccessful in every country they're in.

>Australia is developed with around 20 million criminal scum exiles living in a desert wasteland


Isolation from the party that was the great 10000 year Arab-Eurasian fistfight.

Runner up reasons include:
1. Islam destroying all hope and culture
2. Poor long term colonial management
3. Faggot Italians
4. Teh Joos
5. League of Nations (or any of the blocs that came afterwards)

If IQ is determined by race, how do you explain the Flynn effect?



Empire of Dust

Anybody can live in a place with good resources, only the best can live in a place with scarce resources. Such is the way of biology.

Nigeria is nowhere close to Brazil-tier. Brazil has significant problems, but it's no Nigeria.

India has extensive poverty in the manner of Nigeria, but it also achieves more. It built a Mars probe. It has an actual navy, a nuclear industry, etc. Things like that.

Nigeria has some smart people within it. I mean, it's a country of 180 million, and there are going to be some. But overall, I would not call it "developed."




Because colonization and slavery. Also Chinese are practically practicing slavery against Africans with debt.

Stormweenies will say it's down to IQ, but they conveniently forget that high IQ nations are already prosperous. For example germanics were in mud huts when Rome was a thing.

African economies are booming btw

This isn't Facebook Jamal

Any back story behind this?

>Pls don't say because of black people.
Translating . . .
>Pls don't tell me the truth
Then why are you even asking?

1. Black/Brown people
See: Apartheid South Africa
Outside of Africa but similar conditions see: British Raj, Australian PNG, current Philipines vs. every other SEAsian shithole, etc.

>Australia is developed with around 20 million people and living in a desert wasteland?
We've got resources too, that's really the thing keeping us afloat right now, since the rest of our industry was trashed over the last 20 years.

However, yes - we did manage to build a strong nation is what was essentially a desert - it might have started falling to pieces in the last 20-30 years, but it's still more than the abbos ever did and more than black Africans have ever done.

We taught some of them the wheel in the 1600's. They fell behind a long long time ago.

How people can know about south africa and rhodesia let alone live there and still be blue pilled is beyond me.

>stormweenie can't form an argument and uses personal attacks

Intelligence is genetic and heritable.
Differences in intelligence between ethnic groups are due to genetics alone.
Better education will not change differences in group intelligence, they'll always remain.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.

IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration



In rich Western countries with socialist systems, the IQ of niggers doesn't change.
The tests done account for environmental factors.

It's a bit convenient that niggers everywhere, literally everywhere, are performing worse than white people, isn't it?

We colonised Indonesia way more thoroughly than most African countries ever were.
We never taught them our language, we just used them as slave labour.
Yet today they're doing way better than Africa, though obviously not up to the level of higher IQ races.

Why is that?

Did you just complain about personal attack and a lack of arguments whilst perpetuating such acts yourself?

Becuase for some reason the media has portrayed South Africa as a better place since the end of Apartheid, even though that's a blatant lie.
Any problems that do occur are written off as remnants of apartheid or 'justice' against 'evil whites'

The flgiht of the white farmer has left the country without food - after the Whites were killed in great numbers for simply owning farms and the government endorsed it - now that same government is pleasing for white farmers to come back and labelling them racists for not doing so.

South Africa is fucked and it breaks my heart.
I was born here, but my family were White South Africans, they all fled before the end of apartheid once it became abundantly clear the country was going to fall and their lives were in real danger.
Unlike conflicts past (they had fought many) this time ithey really feared for not only their lives but mine, my siblings and cousins lives too.

They're happy in Australia now, but it's just so fucked to think we just packed up and left it all behind - that the country they built is gone and now some goddamn niggers are ruining it and blaming us for it.

IQs have been steadily increasing everywhere prosperous, aka the Flynn effect. Whites have been prosperous longer and blacks will steadily catch up.

for an hilarious extra credit assignment i recommend you look into the island of hispaniola, then compare the haitian side to the DR one after haiti won its independence from those big white baddies (who were all massacred, naturally)

also here's a clip of some modern haitian cuisine:

The country in Africa with the most colonial investment is the most developed one, even 50 years after most African countries gained independence

Really makes you think

>African economies are booming btw

Resource curse. More resources to fight over leads paradoxically to political and economic instability as groups fight over it.

Take my cunt, zero natural resources, perfectly stable and makes 50% more than yours. Then take the Middle East. Shithole.

This. Poverty porn is retarded. Nice to see someone who doesn't think Africa is mudhuts and spear hunters.

How the fuck do you think that works with a 70%+ heritability of intelligence?

Blacks will never, N E V E R catch up to white people.
They have zero eugenic factors which would boost their intelligence, and even if they did, it'd take hundreds and hundreds of years.

Why are Jewish people in the same societies as white people 10 points ahead in terms of IQ?
Why are blacks in the same societies as white people with social systems in place 15 points behind in terms of IQ?

Do you think prosperity somehow alters the gene pool?
If not, then the 70% heritability of IQ and the IQ differences established with environmental factors accounted for will NEVER be changed.

Your idea of Africa finally not needing our endless flow of money, of them finally not moving to richer countries by the masses, is utopian.
You hope it's true because it wouldn't be nice to know they're literally genetically determined to have a low average intelligence.

>and being rich in resources

>while Australia is developed with around 20 million people and living in a desert wasteland?
Australia is not only desert. eastern part is quite "wet"

I read that as federal negroes

>70%+ variability in intelligence?
Gee, what's the percentage difference between average African IQ and the average European one? Oh wow, that 30% nurture makes all the difference.

>let me be completely ignorant of haiti history

>Becuase for some reason the media has portrayed South Africa as a better place since the end of Apartheid, even though that's a blatant lie.
Nope, you are the one blatantly lying. The media most surely doesn't portray SA as better currently.

What about Morgan Freeman? Is he unsuccessful?

Haha blacks BTFO
Also, France IQ drop: is it actually because of migration or are Franks just retarded?

How the fuck do you think that works with a 70%+ heritability of intelligence?

Blacks will never, N E V E R catch up to white people.
They have zero eugenic factors which would boost their intelligence, and even if they did, it'd take hundreds and hundreds of years.

Why are Jewish people in the same societies as white people 10 points ahead in terms of IQ?
Why are blacks in the same societies as white people with social systems in place 15 points behind in terms of IQ?

Do you think prosperity somehow alters the gene pool?
If not, then the 70% heritability of IQ and the IQ differences established with environmental factors accounted for will NEVER be changed.

Your idea of Africa finally not needing our endless flow of money, of them finally not moving to richer countries by the masses, is utopian.
You hope it's true because it wouldn't be nice to know they're literally genetically determined to have a low average intelligence.

No it fucking doesn't you mouthbreathing retard

That's not how statistics work

Does Africa or any other black-led nation have a movie industry for him to succeed in?

south africa is developed as well as kenya. the entire land mass wont ever be developed because there is nothing to support economic growth

Botswana has had some of the highest gdp growth in the world for the better part of 40 years. They might actually become a real country in the next couple decades.

Right now a bunch of companies are competing for Africa, from both the west and east.
Since no one will militarize it they hope to flood it with money and businesses to produce more allies.

Look up Eko city, it's probably the best example of the current focus on Africa. Whomever succeeds in civilizing the most niggers, wins the continent.

check average iq in these countries.
also the west does not like the idea of another player in the game of global politics.


One has niggers

Other has whites

You mean the one where the Haitians turned on the remaining Europeans who assisted them, slaughtering them in mass and then destroyed their infrastructure, burned the farms and cut down all their trees? That history?


>tfw you are not rich enough to compete

South Africa is shown in a progressive light in the US. Hell that liberal propaganda machine, The Daily Show, has a South African at it's head and refuses to go into the problems and troubles there, like the 100,000 raps and 42,000 murders every year as the tribes try to ethnically cleanse one another under a communist terrorist party while tearing down their infrastructure and turn cities into hellish Resident Evil places. Ghouls man, ghouls everywhere....

Evil white men colonized Africa before Africans could get on their feet.

After evil white men left, evil yellow men colonized Africa before Africans could get on their feet.

Because of black people

This is absolutely false. 100%.

>italy has highest iq in europe
germancucks btfo?

Brazil Per Capita GDP: $11,467
Nigeria Per Capita GDP: $ 2,387

And Nigeria is their biggest and wealthiest country.

Again, not true.

Before the fall of Lybia there was something there.

South Africa is Brazil tier but will ultimately fall behind.

>What is 2 + 2
>Don't say 4, give me a real answer

No, I'd say the Finnish and the Irish have the highest average IQs. Also, the Germans. No way, it's Italy.

As usual, when people refer to "developed" nations in Africa, they're talking about the Capital city.

Abuja has the most whites, and it looks like a somewhat modern city. The rest of Nigeria is a shithole

[laughs in racist]

We had a lot of help developing from the >Brits early in the empire all the way up to federation
>Our country is large enough that there's plenty of temperate and liveable places in the south/east, and along the east coast. Everywhere else has small population due to it being very unbearable
>We aren't low IQ niggers

>We had a lot of help developing from the >Brits early in the empire all the way up to federation
so did Africa


Every white country that descends from Brits: America, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand are all wealthy, high IQ successful first world nations.

So why aren't the black nations that dealt with Britain as successful.

I'll give you one guess ....

Yes, but we had closer relations. No one pissed at the big bad British Empire also everyone came from the isles. you can't deny how African countries were run simply as companies

Ireland had tense relationship with England. We're discriminated against because of their Catholicism.

Somehow today Ireland is one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

Oh the irony

Genetics determine traits such as height, intelligence, etc from about 60-80%.

Source: amren.com/news/2008/02/race_and_physic_1/

Fair point, that wouldn't have helped, but It's more than that. There are geographical factors that make it somewhat harder to survive, and means that there is more chance of disease and damage in the parts of the ecosystem conductive to human growth and survival (to some extent, Africa is not at all inhospitable, it is largely bristling with cell based lifeforms and provides a reasonable climate for the adapted natives - negroids, capoids, etc). In addition to this, the I.Q. is generally lower because the often intense heat and humidity, in combination with no breeding with other species of humans (e.g. europeans have some neanderthal dna it is thought that asians my have this as well, but to a far more diminished level than that of native Europeans. The harsh cold climates of Scandinavia, Western Europe and regions spanning from the caucus/southern europe to the islands of Japan and even parts of North America, are more conductive to intelligent human life.

You don't honestly believe the "we could be doctors and engineers but the white man kept us down" is an adequate excuse, least not a reason for Africa being so undeveloped and impoverished when compared to the rest of the world. Africa has never been close to the level of technology and societal progression found in Eurasia, not since the beginnings of the bronze age (as late as 4-3,000 years B.C.E.), and so most of continental Africa (Egypt and points beyond about the congo and closer to the Arabian Peninsula) has been inferior in this manner for several thousand years, they were basically stone age savages when European colonialism began as early as the 16th century.

It does when the White race is cucked.

I'm not saying it's black people but it's definitely black people.

he isn't wrong, most of your country is uninhabited.

I thought it was because wild animals are everywhere. lions and monkeys break everything.


In some places yes, and I'm not even using "monkey" as slang for black people.

>Please don't tell me the answer

Australia was an empty wasteland until the British turned up. All the natives invented was a couple of sticks.
