Talk about having your mind blown, huh?
Talk about having your mind blown, huh?
Really made me wonder
wow, that really gets the neurons firing
Damn. Good thing you're not an American and your opinion is worth pic related
God damn self-hating whites.
Wow, what the heck, I don't like Trump anymore
this is actually correct
>One wants to help Make America Great Again
>The other, wow a nigger, what a surprise, wants to kill cops
The ripples that basket ball player made are meager compared to the one running for a president. Point being, your image is stupid.
>politician looking to fix America claiming it's not great
>handegg monkey disrespecting the nation as a form of "protest"
Instead of going out, leading movements, spreading awareness in community, or any of the other things that require effort, this lazy nigger decides to do quite possibly the laziest excuse of a protest ever - sitting on the bench.
This is retarded and whoever made this should probably kill themselves
Wtf i hate trump now
>Trump: America is in a bad state, but I can make it better
>Kap: America is in a bad state, fuck da pigs race war now
really really made me think
Who is this faggot? Why do I always see his tweets posted here?
Or you're trolling in which case.. Here's your you. I need to sleep.
>There are serious problems with our country, but here's how I am going to fix them
>I genuinely hate my country and its entire police force and instead of doing anything to improve it I will act passive-aggressive
Yep those are definitely the same exact thing
calm down Colin
Black Lives Matter founder who turns out to be white.
i too remember when Trump refused to stand for the national anthem
lil straya please.
But Trump is complaining about real issues like jobs, the economy, and crime. That nig nog is just complaining about a handful of criminals who got killed resisting arrest or fighting back.
wow, If only I could change my racial inequality status like my income inequality status.
I mean, is that simple right?
You can't say Shaun King without Honkey
heres one for you
>guaranteed replies
The board will not improve if you fags keep replying to shit like this.
wow that really activates my almonds
So you can't support one without supporting the other? Guess I know a lot of liberals who will be voting for Trump.
yup it is. glad you understand
>haha guys I attacked his character and not the argument itself lol got him
Shit argument.
I wish Shaun King would fucking drop dead already
t. Actual black person
>a whole entire post
Talk about a redundant shill that doesn't stick around and guarantees actual replies pertaining to the bait OP.
Damn my mind and balls are blown, huh?
Shawn King aka Talcum X is a faggot
"I no stand!" isn't an argument, its him being an uppity nigger
The argument is that the US flag and anthem somehow represents the civilian police force, which is retarded.
Kapernick was on the chopping block in the 49ers. Now that he's done this shit, the 49ers will look terrible if they cut him. He's just doing this to pad his own check
His name is Talcum X. Self hating white boy. not much to know about him.
as if his colin's argument actual makes sense lol
>blacks are treated unfairly just ask all the other black players making millions of dollars
reports are already saying he's going to make the roster. looks like it worked
and i guarantee we'll never hear him open his mouth about this again unless prompted by the press, and then he'll blow them off