What your opinion of America is?
What your opinion of America is?
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Western civilization's best hope of surviving.
Honestly it feels amazing walking out the front door of my house and seeing the beauty that is this country.
I look out at the farmland, of which we have more than any other country on earth. We may be overweight, but we will always be able to feed ourselves - this alone assures our place as number one on the global stage for the foreseeable future.
I see the vast mountains towering above the seemingly barren but full of life desert, a microcosm of the incredibly diversity of our landscape. From desert to temperate rainforest to glaciated peaks.
Yosemite, Denali, The Grand Canyon, the endless variety of coastline, the prairies, the Rockies, the deciduous forests of the east, we have it all, and each biome has a beauty all its own.
I think of our position on the globe, of how we literally have the best real estate on the planet, protected by two oceans, loaded with resources, and absolutely massive, in both population and landmass.
In the sky a cargo plane passes over, with multiple layers of passenger jets and private aircraft above it. Lines of airplanes with their landing lights form highways in the sky, preparing to enter one of our many massive airports.
I think of our vast military, it's reach, and the safety with which it provides us. We are the strongest.
And our cities, they tower above the rest, economically, of course, but also in their design. We invented the skyscraper, and all throughout our cities are great buildings of different decades going back a century, a testament to our innovation and strength in the modern era.
I look up at the moon, and know that through our willpower and ingenuity, we walked on it.
I look to the stars and see our many probes studying the planets, flying out into the cosmos.
Our reach is greater and further than anyone else, literally and metaphorically.
We are not without our problems, but we have only begun to tap into our boundless potential, an infant nation poised for millennia of greatness.
Kike rat hole scum pile of shit trash
I am of lookings for the opinions of non-burgers, please
>we may be overweight
speak for yourself fatty boy
I love it. Most europoors have some serious cognitive dissonance complex with the USA. They love Obama but hate the people and government, forgetting the average citizen has nothing to do with the policies they don't really understand. Basically, it's been a meme in the last couple years to hate the US. I've visited a lot of the USA, good people, good food in the South, cheap shit, easy way of life. Lots of fat people though
biggest empire in human history
its collapse will also be the biggest and hardest in history
It's far from perfect, but I'm not running away.
It is currently everything it was created to avoid being and that makes me miserable.
Statistically we are.
I climb mountains and explore the beauty that is the country, so I am actually not a fatty.
Most of us aren't.
People get fat when life is easy
Some nice enough people but the country needs to balkanise
Yeah the fat people are a red alert. Something is very, very wrong probably at a biological level.
Has its problem but overall is top tier.
Every country has its stupid people, we just have an abundance of cheap, horrible for you food, so ours become fat.
i think it's cultural. american consumerism makes fat parents who raise fat kids to have greedy values, who in turn raise even fatter, greedier children.
new rome, will fall to the barbarians in this case niggers, mexicans and sandniggers, and to the liberal pussies that are over half the population of the country, it will be another testimony of time that all empires fall no matter what, and they always fall for the same old mistakes, yet people keep making theses mistakes, i guess it's all a cycle in the end
Used to be the greatest country on earth. Since the 60's is a exporter of degeneracy, depraved trash "culture" and ideological poison like progressivism. Today, JEWUSA = disease.
That's an understatement. If you ever meet somebody from another country, when they finally feel safe giving you true opinions, they will ask you why the food is so bad here.
pinnacle of shart in mart culture
Created by Jews and Lies
is this copypasta
not since the 60's but since the 20th century it has been the main exporter of all world's degeneracy like 70% originated from there
The more I study history, the more I realize that the America known to the presently living is a shadow of itself at least with regard to its allegiance to the founding principles. The United States of America is an idea not a geographic location and its pretty disheartening to see how that idea is more and more obfuscated with every new generation.
The perverse Orwellian sight of people who, while waving the flag and shouting "freedom!" every Fourth of July, advocate for their own enslavement is almost unbelievable if it wasn't already the status quo of history.
For a brief while, this country was an oasis from that trend.
it is if you copy and paste it somewhere.
>40% white.
move to australia. its white peoples last hope.
>move to china 2.0
no thx
David becoming Goliath. But damn does it feel good.
i agree completely my fat friend, the american dream was mankind ultimate development in regard of philosophy/lifestyle but somehow it got dropped hard right when it had just began, it's sad to see what america has become
My girlfriend is foreign, she has said the same thing in regard to what the average American eats.
Then again, when I take her to the city we eat world class cuisine, and she is impressed.
USA up untill 9/11 was a heaven on earth. After that it began to decline, and i don't think that i would like to live in today's america. Sure earning lots is fucking awsome, but being surrounded by either leftist faggots or "rednecks" would be tiring. I hate the fact that there is no middle ground, so you are either with us, or against us.
When obama appoints """czars""" like (((john holdren))) to dictate fat shaming and mass sterilization, then you know you have a bigger problem then some fat people.
What's funny is watching Van Jones pop up now and again. He initially got canned not for cash for clunkers but for saying shit about 9/11. Nigga best not get off the cotton field.
i don't know who's trying to be ironic and vice versa anymore
So she's a gold-digger. Good food doesn't cost a city.
that's a problem friendo, in the other countries we eat normal food everyday while you eat garbage, and in the weekends special holidays etc we eat some shitfood to release pressure, you do exactly the opposite you eat shit everyday and in the holidays/weekends you eat normal food as if it's world class
Go to bed, dude
It was shit since they lost the Civil War and instated the FED.
You have to think in longer terms, the seed for this degeneracy was planted decades if not centuries ago. This doesnt happen over night.
My freedom is raging hard right now.
If you live in this country, you truly can carve out a life in any way you fucking want.
If you want to burn your birth certificate and ID and go live in the mountains, it's totally feasible.
If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you need only be intelligent and crafty.
If you want to be a scientist, you can do well in school and go to the greatest universities in the world.
You can also choose to eat up the bullshit the media feeds you, raise degenerates for children and feed them garbage, all the while living in an illusion and being told what to do.
Point is, you can carve out whatever life you want if you have the drive.
a cancer on the human race
What happens if you lose your birth certificate and the hospital that issued it doestn exist anymore?
Formerly one of the greatest nations in the world founded upon the greatest ideals any nation has been founded upon.
Started going downhill in the 60s before a slight rise in the 80s and 90s.
9/11 though was the total undoing of any semblance of a return to the good old days and the USA has been the scourge of the planet ever since. Dragging the world into pointless wars to prop up the petro dollar, unrestricted spying globally and the trampling of every principle the country was founded on.
Im backing Trump but hes not the answer or the salvation. More a necessity for the crazy times we are in as a collective western culture.
Great landscape though.
Honestly though even though its totally fucked its the last hope at western civilization. Simply by the fact you own guns it means if shit gets real bad you can stand up for yourselves and dont have to be slaves to the government.
No other western country can do that. We could go full police state tomorrow and wouldn't be able to do anything about it
In 100% honesty if the USA ever fractures into civil war im coming to fight because ive got nothing much going for myself and if I die then id be glad knowing I die fighting for western civilization
>(((David))) becoming Goliath
top kek
>If you live in this country, you truly can carve out a life in any way you fucking want.
not for long fat family
>If you want to burn your birth certificate and ID and go live in the mountains, it's totally feasible.
FBI and CIA already know who you are if you do that and do something against the government you will die in a WACO style shootout/fire
>If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you need only be intelligent and crafty.
i guess that is right in any prosperous country in the world
>If you want to be a scientist, you can do well in school and go to the greatest universities in the world.
will end up jobless/homeless cause you sold everything to pay for college
>You can also choose to eat up the bullshit the media feeds you, raise degenerates for children and feed them garbage, all the while living in an illusion and being told what to do.
that is what 90% of america seems to be doing right now
Best bros.
i love my guns as much as the next guy. but we're not as safe as you would think when our government can squash any resistance by sending in a single armored truck or a tank. or just, you know, bomb us.
Sure thing Palayo
>p-pls oh glorious america
It all started with the Jews, it seems.
I might have a solution.
not even a Portuguese word
>american education
Best country going. Sjw's and niggers have been fucking it up lately but it's still the best place on earth. Models the only way Christianity can function in a democracy, which is freedom of choice, though lately we have been fucking it up by letting anyone have a say in it and letting the ignorant masses dictate everything. Hopefully that changes soon. I love my country but I fear for its future
Aww, we killed some sandniggers. How will I sleep through the night?
I've been with her 4 years and I wake up to breakfast every single day. She definitely brought her cooking skills with her. I enjoy taking her out, and I enjoy world class restaurants (which really aren't THAT expensive). She has a very specific diet and really only eats healthy things, it's a bit of a pain in the ass, but it has actually made me a healthier person. On the rare occasions she breaks her diet, I take her somewhere nice.
I eat pretty much regular food every day, healthy but plain. I have plenty of quality restaurants I can choose from nearby, but I am fine with simple dishes that are clean. Ceviche, chicken prepared various ways, different types of fish, etc.
I wouldn't trade places with you my favela dwelling friend, regardless of how good you think that low quality piece of beef skewered on a piece of rebar cooked over a pile of burning garbage might be. Like what do you have? Some shitty seasoned meat and beans? I can go to a quality Mexican restaurant and get something better than that any day.
this white man speaks truth
Dude, your nation is garbage and the entire world was exposed to the embarrassment that is Brazil during the Olympics. Even Mexico isn't as crime ridden and poverty stricken as your shithole.
Nah bro. Most assuredly false. There's an image floating around that explains how in case of uprising the feds would stand no chance against the well armed and ( most likely ) Republican voters as well as contending with desertion.
America has single-handedly caused more damaged to the white race in the last 100 years than any other force in history from the black plague to ghenghis khan or the moors.
Do you actually think the government will ever actually bomb its own citizens or use tanks against the people?
Almost immediately id say 2/3s of the government forces will defect. Slaughtering civilians is not what they signed up for. Also the US cant beat fucking arabs in mountains. Id say they would have a tougher time against US people on their home soil fighting for their homes and families.
Not to mention the world wouldn't accept a full on military action against the population.
your mistake was not carpet bombing that whole region
>americans will bother reading all of this
it needs to be made great again
beautiful landscape and individualism
please don't collapse soon, thx.
>I wake up to breakfast every single day.
>a pain in the ass
Yup, gold digger just like I said.
>they have not read the red team planner
so? i know what shit is like when i see it, i was born in it molded by it, and I'm telling you America is a joke, get that orange monkey blonde haired cunt in power right now or you will be like us
>bomb the shit out of the Middle East
>pull out of the Middle East and just drone some terrorists every now and then
We can't win with you irrelevant cuckolds. Cry more.
Birth records are usually stored in county offices, so you can always get another copy.
Youre just straw manning the shit out of everything here.
Your country has no education.
It has no infrastructure.
It has an insufferable climate.
It has corruption that makes Hillary Clinton look like Jesus.
It is poor.
It is weak.
You can straw man all you want, you have no opportunities. The ones I have here are endless.
>nuke the fuck out of the middle east
>most of the world's problems go away
only issue is that all the other countries will get assmad we killed all the brown people
we have pretty good food actually, i have several american friends that come over for their vacations, i lived in the USA for 4 years in Charleston, and they all say the food here is the best out there, but i don't like it i think we eat too much rice and beans, though churrasco is pretty good
You can love America and still accept Brazilbro's criticisms of it. And in fact you should, because they are mostly true. He only does it because he sets the bar higher for us than he does for his natiom.
When our country is 60% uninhabitable jungle interspersed by favelas, I'll start worrying. Until then, I can go outside knowing that I'll be safe from a motorcycle gunman or police ransom kidnapping.
i never said i was against the war on Iraq or in the middle east you twat
I left America for Israel because it went from being the land of the free to being the land of the niggers.
rice and beans is pretty fool-proof. Don't be ashamed of that as the basic building block of your nutrition.
it's true, though you have the guns and the power no one will do anything, they can complain all they want
remind of me again, what the birthrate of Jews and the birthrate of Arabs is in Israel?
Proving once again that Israel is for racists.
it's not an argument, the thread says what is your opinion on america, it's not a competition for what country is best
>american education
It's a pain in the ass because she prefers to eat healthy, and I like shit (gotta have those burgers). Either way I'm actually pretty poor, it's shameful really, no girl would put up with my ass. I don't really care if you believe me, but we met online and she came here to study, just to be with me. She visited me first and then we began visiting one another in a long distance relationship. You wanna know how all of it was possible? She's filthy rich. So no, not a gold digger. She likes nice things, diamonds, clothes, whatever, but I don't have to buy them. Daddy buys them. I get to reap the reward though.
We have been the land of the niggers, whatever that means, ever since rap got popular. I'm assuming you either left in the 80s (fucking doubtful), or you're just making stuff up.
The US military has a difficult time due to the red tape and rules of engagement bogging it down. If there was sone form of police state to the scale of killing citizens, I believe those restraints fly out the window.
I agree about defection though, itd probably be higher
Name one cucked degenerate issue that we discuss on this board that doesn't originate in the USA.
pro tip you cant
Ultra-Orthodox Jews have a higher birth rate than Arabs.
I'm not ashamed i like it too, but we eat it everyday usually with beef or some other type of meat and salad, i grew tired of it
Used to be a cool concept before NWO Goys took over control and turned it into shit along with turning the rest of the world into shit
>Non-Americans will never experience anything like this
How do they go on knowing this?
Name one issue that you discuss on this board that isn't USA related, you cuck.
>wah the USA is to blame for the fact that I'm an asocial loser wahhhhh
>wah the USA made me stub my toe in the morning wahhh
t. every foreigner ever
Letting children get raped by migrants when they just want to go for a swim.
She's still a gold digger. She had to prove that she doesn't need you in order to get away with it.
If food is this important to your relationship, then take the opportunity to get her to teach you how to cook so you can assume the position of authority by cooking better than she can.
I've hit america pretty hard in this thread and muricans are thinking I'm a hater, no I'm not you had a good country and the grip is getting loose by the minute you need to grasp it tighter keep it together, you can only fix once you know what the problem is, when you will people understand that when you say bad things about other countries I'm not saying my country is the ultimate superpower masterrace country of the entire planet? ffs
shit / excrement / kaka / poo / faeces
this is true also, america gets the blame for every problem because they intervene in everything and end up ruining it, you can't control the whole world keep it to your limits fatties
Take this to Sup Forums
Here, take this sage
Out of the 50 most dangerous cities in the WORLD the USA has 4 of them on the list
City, murder rate, percentage black
15. St. Louis, 59.23, 46.9%
19. Baltimore, 54.98, 63%
28. Detroit, 43.89, 82.7%
32. New Orleans, 41.44, 60.2%
So I think around blacks, don't relax.
>tfw that can be fixed by using tactical jew coyote brown underwear