Winona was 15 years old when they filmed this

>Winona was 15 years old when they filmed this

How did they get away with it?
And how was a 15-year old so well-endowed?

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Some 15 year olds have D cups and fat asses. Even 14 year olds.

it was le 80s

>How did they get away with it?
Maybe because it isn't illegal.

lol why does she have clothes on in the shower that's silly

Got away with what? She's fully clothed.

17 actually, it's not nudity.

Why are 17 year olds even illegal? What changes on the eighteenth birthday that makes it ok to consent?

the real question is how does John Podesta get away with trafficking minors in Washington DC?

It was a different time

I don't know, they're legal where I am sort of.
>can have consensual sex with a 17 year old
>but if you have nudes of her you're a pedophile

Go figure, the law doesn't always make sense.

18 yrs is considered the general brain maturity point in which most people would be able to make rational decisions

American laws?

You must draw the line somewhere. 16 rotations around the sun... 17 rotations around the sun...

This is what we, as a people, have decided is the proper amount of time to have passed.

Age of consent is a lot of U.S. states is 16. Movies typically go by whatever the laws in California are because that's where the writers live.

and this?

in most places the age of consent is lower
americans are just weird puritan-types

>able to make rational decisions
They should just let us fuck them whenever they consent.

how dare you

Must be the scene where she cools down after dodging death in that industrial oven.

That's non-pornographic in intent. Same reason why Pretty Baby was released in regular theaters.

Nothing. But even though aging is a gradual process that varies from person to person, you have to have pick some numbers to put in the laws otherwise you make Muslims and Catholic Priests legal.

Keira Knightley was only 15 when she got her tits out in The Hole.

Several Hollywood movies have underage actresses in literal nude scenes. Jews can get away with a lot.

She has tits?

>keira knightley

You have to draw the line somewhere. If 17 year olds were legal and 16 weren't, someone would've said "But why are 16 year olds illegal when 17 year olds aren't", and so on and on.

Don't cut yourself on that edge

>And how was a 15-year old so well-endowed?
I guarantee you've been attracted to somebody younger than that without realizing it before. Most girls go through puberty years before guys.