Why do (((Sub-Saharan))) niggers need facebook?
To get into contact with white woman who crave the BBC
same reasons like anyone that use it
Wouldnt like rice and water and shit be more beneficial?
How could this be a bird?
Their fagbook will be used for propaganda.
That satellite will only open up kikebook to the select niggers who have not yet been exposed to anything outside of niggerland.
It will be pretty much like public Chinese
Information manipulated solely to control negroids and mold them into cuckerberg's ultimate slave.
it's a ruse by zuckerjew because if he doesn't get more data and more ads and more users, his site will shrivel and die
The CIA needs to control their media so we can get them to riot and kill each other at will.
Zuckerberg wants to create his own private internet so he can gain absolute control over communications and media.
His plan is to deploy it in third world countries that aren't use to having internet access, they haven't used the real internet so they won't realize what they are missing.
Because Zuckerbergs network costs nothing for users to access no one will be able to set up ISPs in these places. It's an extremely evil plan.
Zuckerberg is desperate to get any additional meatbags he can using his site or shitty satellite internet with 56K speeds.
Surprised he's not air dropping chink phones in them
Dawg this is America, not only is it America but it's Obama's America. When have we helped anyone out but select groups of Shareholders?
>wanna feed starving people?
>Fock no
>give em internet memes and us ad revenue from Camel shampoo
They all already have cellphones with 3G (seriously, look it up). It's just a trick to collect more data in preparation for the invasion.
Peregrine falcon came from dive, 242 mph/389kmh
Daily reminder. Don't trust this guy with anything.
they don't no one needs that shit, it's fucking cancer
Holy shit I had no idea the "Just trust me you dumb fucks" drawing was referencing a real quote.
Fucking kek. I say do it Zuck.
He said it like 6 years ago. And now he's obviously "so sorry" for it and has "matured a lot".
Watch the webm, it exploded right when that thing went past it. Like it shot at it or something. What the actual fuck?
umm.... for memes dumbass?
ufo tech