lol what a nonce
Lol what a nonce
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method actors are such morons
fucking really
it's like they have no idea of the concept of acting in the first place
He can't even act to begin with so I don't know why he tries to make up for it with the method gimmick.
His joker was fucking cringe worthy and the only films that I've enjoyed were despite him, not because of him, like Dallas Buyers Club. He did some stupid method acting shit in that as well.
Imagine being an actor and having to work alongside this tryhard
keith ledger's joker was garbage too you capeshit faggot redditor
You're hack, leto
(prison slang) a rapist or child molester; a sexual offender
Go to bed leto
1. (Sup Forums colloquial) annon is an annoying faggot, who whores for attention.
Hating on Leto is so reddit, he's a great actor when he has a good script and a good director above him.
Suicide Squad had none of that.
He's an absolute madman!
>A story circulated for a long time that Dustin Hoffman (being a "method actor") stayed up all night to play a character who has stayed up all night. Arriving on the set, Laurence Olivier asked Hoffman why he looked the way he did. Hoffman told him, to which Olivier replied in jest, "Why not try acting? It's much easier."
Don't think you know what that word means.
>tfw you go up to a monker in a suit and yell cut
Name three (3) decent roles he's done
Imma wait here
Fight club
That's one and he was shit in fight club
jared leto has turned the concept of method acting into a fucking meme. like you can say it was dumb of christian bale to starve himself because he was so obsessive about his acting, but at least that's passion. insecurity as a result of striving for perfection
jared leto's stupid shit is like he read a wikipedia article of method acting and gave up after the first sentence
Requiem for a Dream
Mr Nobody
Dallas Buyers Club
You think I've seen any of those faggy movies?
Try again
check out this nonce
Way to judge then lmao 0/10 troll eat my shit virgin
>DDL has no concept of acting
Requiem for a Dream? Was there a remake or something?
Is he ACTUALLY in it? He's the main dude? What the fuck
Haha holy shit bud, why are you so mad?
Denis Villeneuve's jaw dropped to the floor and never really went back up
Is this rhetorical or some shit? Unsure what your point is.
Starving himself for that role really did work though, it had the intended effect to the audience, and that character would have been entirely different if Bale was of a normal weight, or the size that he was when he played Batman
I didn't realize he was in it. And too lazy to confirm it,
Yeah he plays one of four leads.