How amazing is life in America?
How amazing is life in America?
dont do it senpai
It's really fucking entertaining
It's always in the spotlight
Thanks Don
Hillary promises to solve the student debt problem. Student debt problem in US is massive. 40% of americans intend to vote Trump. That means that 40% of americans have no plans to get educations for themselves or their children. Go imagine. The only reason this country is still on maps is because of their 10 carrier strike groups.
Even with all the bullshit, there is no better country to live in. I would not trade it for anything.
>go imagine
>this """""""japanese""""""" ameriboo again
Why don't you just move here, faggot? If you can move to Japan and teach English, you can definitely move to America.
I went to Montana once. Every shop was also a gun shop. Even the florist also sold guns.
I have to finish degree in here
Its like being invited to a nice dinner.
You eat well, and leave happy, then on the way home you get into a brutal car accident and if the person who smashed your car survives they hop out and shoot you to death.
This should sum it up pretty perfectly
Look at those perdect tits and that beautiful stock.
I believe you mean "Go figure"
It's great.
If it means anything, you Japs are bros. One day we will fuck China up together.
thanks doc
It could be better.
>Even the florist also sold guns
Sounds like a King of the Hill episode.
Bretty gud, our media and liberals are super degenerate though and you're judged for being a "bigot"
You can either work to get what you want or dig the deepest hole you can dig and die in it. The only people that would care might be your neighbors. tbqh senpai it is bretty gud
It's like a really, really, really, really, really shitty version of Canada.
With a good job its the promised land. Low taxes, huge property, lots of entertainment.
With a bad job it is hell, there are not even long-term unemployment benefits and you can get fired & replaced in a second.
Amirite, Americans?
Wake up, work, sleep, x 5 days
Drink x2days
I wish I'm on interstellar freighter
But Canada doesn't have Hollywood
get fucked leaf you fags are a shitty.... wait yeah, you might be right.
Ah, and also the good jobs/bad jobs ratio constantly changes for the worse, cause "service jobs" (= Walmart) are replacing manufacturing.
has any of you faggets had to endure the eternal 21 turn shift work? 7 straight work days, 1 day off, 7 straight work days, 2 days off, 7 straight work days, 4 days off. throw double shifts in twice a week, repeat forever.
goddamn i love being american!
Low taxes. Ha.
>never be a burger
Last week I rode a motorcycle with no helmet and with a pistol under my vest to go hunt hog with a spear and snarling dogs. Then I had a bonfire with friends on my 17 acre ranch. It's pretty sweet living in America. I'm lucky as hell.
KeK 38% of my income went to taxes last year and I bet most of it went to welfare niggers. They should pay my children reparations.
>Be me
>Live by the beach
>Hott, variety of women in string bikinis everywhere
>Afford a nice car
>Afford a decent sized home with a yard
>Work at a nice, wealthy business
>Taxes suck but city is beautiful
>People are nice, generally
>No one cares if you smoke weed on your off time
>Shotgun and pistol in my gunsafe
>Immigrants sell delicious, cheap food everywhere
>Immigrants willing to bust their ass for you
>Military benefits were amazing
>Cops kill thugs
It's pretty fucking amazing. Thanks for asking!
Depends on where on the us u live bro. Commiefornia Fresnofag here. It also depends on wether or not u have a job. I'm trying to get one but its a bitch when all u have is a hsd and one job experience as a mascot for an auto insurance company.
>Lives in a poor red pill county
>Less than undergraduate education
Stupidity sucks anywhere, faggot. Go gang bang somewhere and die.
Hey fuck you you roody poo faggot. I don't bang I'm just a poorfaggot ex unaware neet who is trying to change tht.
Why does your country put up with Abe? He's literally fucking everything up.
I already paid for my education and will pay for my childrens. I dont understand your argument.
thanks doc
Did an international conference this summer and had an Italian a German and a Russian there. All said America was the greatest country they'd ever been to and they wanted to move here.
konban wa, proxy-chan, genki desu ka?
The reports of us not being great are greatly exaggerated.
If you're not a fuckup this is a great country to live in and be a part of.
We're on the precipice of Civil War Electric Boogaloo, but it's fuckin dope still.
Student debt isn't really that massive. The numbers you're looking at are a collective pool that is large only because more people are going to school in general. This is especially true for women and minorities.
Pretty sure it paid for half of one hellfire missile given to Israel for free
Do so many Americans care about Japan because they subliminally feel remorse for using it as an nuclear bomb test field?
>harder and harder to find jobs
>almost no upwards mobility
>wealth is hoarded by a few, tricking people into thinking it's immigrants and what pittance of welfare people gets fault
>every year this increases, the wealthy's income goes up and everyone else stagnates or gets worse, they do a great job of convincing the populace they deserve what little they get because "capitalism", they've also done a great job destroying and demonizing unions
>all news outlets owned by 5 companies who own everything else
>anything health related will cost you your savings, hope you don't break something or need something x-rayed
>even if you have insurance you can expect to pay 3,000 dollars every year before they start covering much of anything, besides copays
>two party dichotomy, system isn't set up to have more
>need to go to college to get a good job these days, college costs a shit ton if you aren't from rich parents, will put you in debt. 14 million new jobs were created since 2007 and 13.5 of them went to people ONLY with college degrees leaving (just get a trade hyuk hyuk)
>automation slowly killing more and more of the lower jobs
>no control of rent prices, every year it's costing more and more. in most places that aren't bumblefuck nowhere it's 700 dollars a month for a one bedroom
>it will also take three times as many hours of working to buy a house than it did people in the 70s, and this is getting worse every year
>no one got punished for the 2007 economic crash caused by frauding the american public, in fact these people got even more money to be bailed out
>anti-science as a whole, populace is proud to be ignorant
>culture based around celebrities to further rot the brain and distract people
>degeneracy abound
>everyone is obese and wasteful
All that said, could be worse, and it's going to be, but for now 6/10, glad I'll probably die before it finally falls apart from greed and retardation.
Most tards with outrageous student debt wasted money on themselves, didn't try to work and go to school, or they double major in liberal arts and psychology then blame the system for their idiotic decisions.