agree or disagree?
Agree or disagree?
When talking to someone you want 2 things from them. Money or/and sex, and you ain't gonna get no monies from dem hoes
why do people post these things. do i really need another reason to never want to talk to another human ever again?
Maybe but that wouldn't be an issue if accusations of sexual harassment by crazy cunts weren't taken so seriously.
If you're a wagecuck working in an office, especially around anglos, you need to be super careful not to say anything that could be taken out of context to be used against you.
One of them might file a complaint over nothing to get you fired or just assert dominance. When it happens, don't expect to be treated fairly by the HR cunts either.
sounds like something a cuck would say
The times when girls thought I was flirting was the times when I was legitimately trying to mess with them
I should have been a drug dealer or sociopath because that seems to be the easiest way to get women
sage words
>tfw you have to manually remind yourself that a girl doesn't like you every time one is polite to you
Retarded. Maybe be applied to these cold places full of tall blonde and autistic people but I regularly make small talk with everyone in stores/public transportation and never it was confused with flirting.
But user, what if i just wanna play vidya with muh friends?
Dude, I have a boyfriend.
>cold places full of tall blonde and autistic people
why are nordic countries like that? is it something in the water there?
>get new coworker
>it s a girl
>try to be friendly to her and explain her the job
>at first chance she shoves in the sentence that she has a bf
>just ignore that and keep being friendly
>analyse her and use mind games and manipulation
>she craves more of my attention and now also turns very friendly, even touches me and compliments me constantly
woman are easy as fuck to manipulate
Only virgins mistake kindness for flirting.
>Only virgins mistake kindness for flirting.
>fucked friend's hot 35 year old mom when I was 16
>afterward she would BLATANTLY hit on me whenever I went over friends house, even if he was in the room.
>he thought it was a joke and her just teasing me, in reality that bitch was thirsty as fuck and wanted more sex
HR is like 100% women
But its sometimes very difficult. A woman who is attractive and flirty will give men the impression shes into them, but she does it to get advantages from them.
Its basically a big ruse, and guys shouldnt fall for it, but dick beats brains a lot of the time
>use mind games and manipulation
Teach me, sensei.
it just happens so rarely ;-;
Hehe. The only person being manipulated is you
I don't think it's all that rare to be polite.
It's not like if I have my hands full someone one open the door for me.
It's just a common guy thing when a girl even looks in your direction you assume she's hitting on you. It's just how guys think
Probably the best part about being married is that I don't feel pathetically desperate when I talk to women anymore. Its still fun to look, but there's no yawning chasm of bitterness and need anymore. For someone who is socially retarded like me, any bit helps.
thing I love about my job is no one that HR seriously. This fat red headed bitch came in to show us how we should lift boxes. The fat cunt couldn't even lift the fucking prop box and we all laughed till she left all red cheeked. The managers told us we needed to care about other peoples feelings. Told em yeah nah since they know if they fire any of us they are fucked
how do you know if she is genuinely into you or just using you?
I tried never flirting back for a while and it just pissed them off to the point where they wouldn't talk to me
HR is genuine meme spouting
most people working there are really fucking cocky too
It's less that politeness is rare than it is that flirting with and trying to fuck as many people as you can like a degenerate is so common.
People assume when you're nice to them that you're trying to fuck them.
Not because being nice is rare, but because most people who are nice to them are trying to fuck them.
We need to talk about that 9Gag watermark.
Don't listen to people here.
Just try to say a joke and if she laughs at it then she likes you. If not. Well idk desu. And if she laughs then idk either. Most of us here have autism you know.
>Most of us here have autism you know
yeah me too
oh wel
"Hurr durr I'm a drug addict"
Dr. Faggot
Then i don't think anybody will ever like you, sorry. Girls think that autism is disgusting. I don't blame them tho. It really is degenerate.
Can someone please shop zyklon ben qoutes in this pic?
>t. Chaim Witz
most people just think I'm dorky though
and very clumsy too
I watched and loved every episode of House
This post made me crack up
Let me get this straight, they have Netflix and Chill but are having less sex?
How does that work?
Fuck ain't that the truth
>use mind games and manipulation
sure thing meister PUA
Dan pls
You italians with the mom things
You guys can't be this 14 year-old, can you?
Loosen up.
really makes you think
I'm polite and nobody has ever mistaken it for flirting
the person who made this probably did it so they could post it on facebook and get some likes
Sure thing Francesco.
Damn Leafs will defend anything even the Big Dick@Nick
Sven knows, but i would add "favours" to that list. Literally who would want to be polite with somebody without an ulterior motive?
What about getting a job?
>tfw you don't know when kindness ends and flirting begins
>tfw a girl caresses your arm and laughes at all your stupid jokes and you don't know whether she's just being nice
Anyone else encounter that awkward shit fags do at parties where every girl hugs every guy who's leaving even if you barely know them?
Shits fucking weird, having a bunch of random girls press their tits against your chest just to be polite to you
It's crazy how self centered and full of themselves people can be. I always have girls thinking I'm flirting with them when I'm not even the least bit attracted to them. I only find out about it because they tell somebody else that I was flirting with them.
You can't even talk to people.
Makes you think eh
Muhhamed, stop trying to convert these innocent women to ISIS with your
>mind games and manipulation.
Here they just kiss you.
We've taken to heart the "do onto others how you wish to be done to you" line from christianity and we appreciate our personal space. And if you don't we don't consider you a fellow human being but an inconsiderate prick.
I have a simple checklist for you
>dick in pussy
>dick not in pussy
You can only pick 1
around eternal anglos never relax
she thinks youre gay
Simple yet correct. Wise greek is wise.
With the multicult, politeness goes out the window, even among the natives. Game theory explains it (with a certain number of impolite people added to society, it costs more to be polite than it does to be impolite.)
>Senior year of high schooI
>FairIy attractive dancer girI in my EngIish cIass has a broken Ieg with a moon boot
>Routine fire aIarm, cIass is on the 3rd fIoor of a buiIding, everyone has to go to the ovaI on the other side of the schooI
>See her picking up her bag
>Try to be nice even though I don't reaIIy know her
>'Do you need any heIp?'
>She Iooks at me Iike I just asked her if she Iikes it up the ass
>'Uh no? I'm fine?'
>Get saIty as fuck
>'I was just trying to be poIite, jesus'
Fucking bitch man. She wasn't even that attractive either, had terribIe water puffiness in her face, 5/10.
One must expose the Jews as bearers of the communist virus.
Nah man, we're just bunch of autistics.
I unironically thank for trolling me, this gif made my day