Just watched all the important bits on youtube

It's fucking terrible, prove me wrong, there's nothing scary about this shit, i'll be here all night waiting for someone to prove it to me and literally you cant. This whole thing was built upon clever marketing because clowns have been in our collective memories recently with the whole prank shit, and racka racka on youtube took it to another level. This is basically a cash in on social media shit, you cant fool me it's mediocre at best, and if you're not going to fully adapt everything like the rape or the gangbanging then whats the point just make a ronald mcdonald film instead

>Just watched all the important bits on youtube

it's just the shill who are saying it's good senpai dont worry real knows real and if you look carefully there are real threads about this shit film

shit like this pisses me off because the whole thing was not scary am i just desensitized? ive seen real ghost footage and exorcisms more scary than this shit but people are scared of a projector footage, didnt the Grudge already do this? or the ring or whatever that jap film was?


Still not scary


Sad you couldnt find anyone to go to the movies with user :(

>people actually find that scary/disturbing

I mean, if you're 12, I guess it can be, but it looks more cartoonish than frightening.

looks fucking hilarious mate, plus it's a fraction of a second, so anyone getting triggered is a beta faget

The parts you watched on youtube were not the full scenes and the stretched woman in painting freaked me the fuck out.

the parts are watched were in full mate. come back when you know what ive seen

This thread isn't really enough for you, user?
MY 10/10 isn't real enough for you!?
It was real enough for Normies!

OP here, the parts I watched on youtube were not scary the stretched bitch is on youtube too and it's not scary at all, so how is watching the full film going to amplify the fright? Fucking bullshit

It's a theme park haunted house sort of fun movie, you aren't supposed to be scared if you're older than 14 (which you probably isn't)


I already made a thread a few hours ago about why none of you find this scary and that's because you are too used to seeing photoshopped images of people's faces all over the internet so when you see this you think "OH YEAH I REMEMBER HOW FUNNY SOME OF THOSE PHOTOSHOPPED IMAGES ARE."

If this was made back in the 90's, you would be more terrified because it would be something you never saw before.

And as I stated, problem with this movie is that it uses too many jump scares and David Lynch's Inland Empire is a perfect example of how to do horror well: one scene has a woman running towards the camera as a long camera take as background sounds keep getting louder and louder and it freaks you out with her expression and how weird he looks.

This scene of It coming out of the projection would have been better not as a jump scare but as him slowly coming out with that laughing face getting closer and closer.

Im black and when it comes to this sort of shit I'm straight up nope! I was fucking crippled with fear with how fucked up this white dude was. I'll say this for white though, you guys sure know how to make a fucked up character, no way would a black guy come up with some crazy ass shit like this.

>Just watched all the important bits on youtube

Fag who eats nothing but icing on the cupcake

except the cupcake sponge is overcooked in this case.

>ive seen real ghost footage and exorcisms

I miss being 12

>Just watched all the important parts on YouTube
>All in garbage quality
>I can say this movies shit now!

>i only watched bits and pieces instead of watching the whole movie to form my opinion
Sup Forums in a nutshell everyone. Doesn't actually watch movies

>ive seen real ghost footage

>Watch something out of context
Why is it I only see brainlets hating on this movie.

>ive seen real ghost footage and exorcisms


>WWAAAAAAHHH why are people criticising the movie I like ;_;

>Im black

Thank you for predicating your posts with this. It saves everyone the trouble of reading them in the hopes that they contain an intelligent or insightful thought.

You share a website with people this fucking poor holy shit do you really not have 10 dollars to go see it in a theater?

>ive seen real ghost footage and exorcisms
>real ghost footage and exorcisms

You'd never watch it in a dark theatre by yourself with YOUR EYES OPEN THE ENTIRE TIME


How can you, a supposedly grown man, get so worked up over people enjoying a film? Not even that, but a film you haven't even seen, just seen clips of on YouTube. Please, kill yourself my man.

Do you actually believe a film of this caliber would be improved by a random child gangbang that only the people who read the book will understand? Why do you feel comfortable acknowledging that you are a pedo? You are literally saying this movie is bad because if failed to provide you visual fap material in the form of kids fucking each other.

If user wanted his own comeback he would have wiped it off your face you butt hurt faggot

only retards thought this movie would flop. it's a shit remake with no political agenda. normies love this garbage.

You sound underage

>This entire post


i bet you watch lets plays on youtube and then tell your friends about the game you watched all the way through like you actually played it

yes, it's an adaptation, i used the wrong word. great argument, user.

arent you a big tough guy. do you brag to your friends irl that you were not scared the entire time? i bet theyd be impressed

this new pennywise movie is the best horrer of the century so far, deal with it faggor


was it autism?

thread after thread
is this the new star wars or something? is it hyped because DRUMPF is banned from it?

God I fucking loved when he came out of the projection. It wasn't scary for me, but it was just so good seeing him take on that huge form rather than the usual sized clown.

what video game is this?

>is it hyped because DRUMPF is banned from it?
IS that true?

I would had preferred if the next shot was showing him mixed in with the kids then a jumpscare.

>this tinfoil hat thought process
>getting mad because a bunch of teens didn't gang rape a single girl on the big screen

I watched it on the theater and I feel like it's not supposed to be scary honestly, it comes out as goofy and it's sorta fun in some portions (when the clown is dancing for example). I still the movie is fucking garbage though.

this kid is a terrible actor

I think the projector jumpscare is fine. Like they built up all this tension of having him inside the photos, and then suddenly he is the size of the room and climbing out of the wall.

It works because of the surprise of him being so much bigger than he should be. At this point we only saw him as this normal size clown, or as other strange, but normal sized things.

So it's a bit of an oh shit moment that instead of just your regular jumpscare he is now scaled up to gargantuan proportions.

But in the book it was consensual.

I wonder why the shills are focussing so hard on Sup Forums. I've never seen anything being so aggressivly advertised here.

This in particular. Why are they trying to hype up this projector thing so hard? Its like it's the only part of the movie they think looks good.

>ive seen real ghost footage and exorcisms

I haven't really seen much hype for it.

It's not really one of the best scenes, or one of the best looking parts.

I just liked the "oh shit" feeling of IT being so fucking big. Like all the other times it's like "eh, it's a regular size clown" but now he is fucking huge, and it was really cool to see. But that's it.

>decide to read the book cause I hate myself and have shit taste
>every time Pennywise shows up the characters just start feeling supernaturally spooked because lol internal logic magic aint gotta explain shit
Obviously it wouldn't translate well to a movie because clowns aren't fucking scary inherently. Why did they even bother.

>watching a movie by yourself on a 17" monitor
>watching a movie in a packed theater on a huge screen with hundreds of people

Horror movies are a communal experience, you colossal pleb.


Kids cant consent you dumb pedo

Inland Empire was boring and pretentious as fuck, though.

just marathoned the subject on this post. what was my impression on it?

maybe stick to creepypastas and jumpscare vids

user, this world is but a material one. none of that stuff is real

t. the establishment

I fucking loved it.

I read the book, and to be honest, even the book wasn't all that scary except for a few bits. And even then it was just creepy.

But it's a fantastic story, and while they changed parts of it, the characters themselves were spot on, and the

Except for Patrick Hockstetter. I wish they did him the way he was in the book.

Also there was no rape train on Beverly, which sucks.

Either way I can't fucking wait till the next movie

>just watched the important bits in YouTube

Youtube links pls?


>Just watched all the important bits on youtube
You're the same wannabe patrician faggot that claims to have seen a movie by watching the trailers

>implying being normie is a bad thing
you fucking caveman youre a disgrace for your parents

It's just a fucking movie, you child, of course it didn't scare you. You didn't even watch it in proper context, you didn't get any buildup or tension, you just watched bits and pieces on YouTube. This is the stupidest thread I've seen in weeks

>watched all the important bits on youtube

opinion invalid

also nice autistic rambling

Pic related is a good horror. Subtle but terrifying in its implications at the same time. Hollywood spew like It is just trash

A bunch at the institution, I presume. You dumb retarded faggot. Im going to find you and rape you. Kill you. Rape you. Fuck your dick in two, make labias with it, staple them to your mouth and fuck your fish pussy. Stupid dumb fucking gook

jesus christ, you're pathetic. i didn't want the movie to flop, you stupid cunt.

13 year old me could, you late bloomer.

If you watch horror films to be scared you are either an easily scared pussy or a pleb who can't revel in feelings of tension or dread.

Can someone post the projector scene? I wanna watch it in motion.

>watching parts of a movie
>calls it terrible

You just spoiled your dopaminergic brain just to experience the thrill of watching a movie without having to deal with the build up.

Congratulations nigger, now go back to watching porn.
