Why are they the way they are?
Redpill me on Canada
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ingestion of too much fag spoof
when you lead a too comfortable life for too long you start losing your self preservation instincts
Liberal Media, millennials, economy is shit and poor people are taking over.
When you don't treat your minorities like crap, they don't react badly and everyone gets along.
Sounds crazy huh Burgerguns?
niggers and jews
Up until the first Trudeau we were GOAT. Afterwards, we've been shit. A good book is Who Killed The Canadian Military. Canadians killed Canada.
Don't be so smug. It's coming for you, too.
>Why are they the way they are?
you mean better looking and more intelligent? I'm not sure
Be nice to Tranada. They've been a bit touchy since coming out of the freezer last fall.
>tfw even if you fuck their women you lose
>tfw the memes are real
>pic related
Friendly reminder that leafs were always retarded
They've really become hellacious. - Indicative of their meme president.
Hopefully it correlates with his term.
>good looking
>has children (actually saving the white race)
>believes in true freedom for all, even degenerates
>doesn't waste money on useless wars
>mfw Americans are just jealous because they're on the verge of electing Hillary Clinton
Canada belongs in the trash
You are now aware that the first and second world wars were jewish plots to kill off masculine men in white countries so they would be too beta to fight back against mass immigration and leftism.
Low test
I'm not even kidding, canacucks have this look and demeanor that suggests low testosterone
Honestly, a lot of European men have facial signs of low test.
I was watching a video called "Joe goes to Sweden" and when he interviews Swedish men, they have total beta faces.
video in question
all the men are so feminine looking and timid
I don't know why everyone hates the weed dude so much. He has been the best thing to come out of Canada in recent years.
Why does he sit like that?
They don't really have anything to go on.
They're just following the trends.
Plus, our population is good at articulating racist ideas without coming across as racist and we don't really have an SJW problem like you do.
He's a fuckin' faggot.
>we don't really have an SJW problem like you do
>we don't really have an SJW problem like you do
Canada please
There is no country more loathsome and contemptible than canada.
There is no nation more irrelevant and worthless than canada
There are no bigger idiots on planet earth than the people who live in canada
Canada contributes nothing to the world, and if the entire nation dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow no one would even notice.
Weedman is... entertaining at least.
Sometimes I forget he's our prime minister since he's such a joke and clearly not qualified.
He simply says what people wanna hear and that's it.
The only reason why he was elected is his good looks, just like PKP never got elected as Quebec prime minister because everyone thought he wasn't charismatic enough
what a shit society we live in when the most important factor to run a country is how good you look
after Trump wins, Canada will be the go-to place for liberals, fags, transgenders, blacks, and feminists
Enjoy, Canada!
It's different.
I've been in a couple Eastern Canadian Universities and it's a lot more moderate than what goes on in the states.
The sentiment I get is "Lets not offend anyone, but people get offended too easily", not "BAN ALL DISSENTING HATE SPEECH"
The worst we got was Ottowa U. complaining that Yoga is cultural appropriation.
he's a good little goy. What do you expect?
We were the test site for what is being fed into your schools.
Mark my words, the next generation in the US is going to be even more cucked than us.
((((president hillary clinton))))
Remember, if will make fun of Canada, they win
I mean, on nearly all documents the agreement/text is first, thén the sign of agreement. Not the other way around.
However it takes 2 seconds to notice how it works so Trudeau is still a moron