The bullshit he gets away with everyday in the Philippines is astonishing. Why hasn't he been assassinated yet?
The bullshit he gets away with everyday in the Philippines is astonishing. Why hasn't he been assassinated yet?
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All the local assassins are too busy killing drug addicts
He's kinda based desu
you don't know shit about duterte you fat fuck
They tried, but were repelled by his swag.
Heard he is a muslim lover communist is that true?
Because most Filipinos are fucking retarded. Look at any Facebook comment section of a news article about Duterte and you will witness some of the most delusion human stupidity imaginable. Without fail, an army of Duterte supporters will be on there attacking anyone who rightfully calls this guy out for being a murderous maniac. Asia in general is idiotic on drug policies, but these people are totally blinded by absurd anti-drug propaganda and are supporting vigilante deathsquads. Just like you could call anyone you hate a witch and have them snuffed in 1600s Salem, call anyone a drug pusher or junkie and achieve the same results.
The Philippines are the Mexico of Asia
Just liberate us already.
he has his own right wing death squads that protects and huts for him.
Sorry mate. Due to existing agreements, we cant go in until the chinks get uppity again.
>right wing death squads
If I join up do I get a qt island-Chink gf?
this pls
how r the women there, i had a qt filipina gf when i was 14 but she was born in america so not the same
OK you damn chinks answer me this!
Have to like almost all civilized countries and have the 2 people with the most votes to run against each other ALONE!!!!!!!!!!
Boy, there's gonna be a stop to THAT
> trump will do this
He seems to have taken this personally. Expect a lot more killings
t. Drug addict
There are Filipino nurses left in the Philippines?!
>Just like you could call anyone you hate a witch and have them snuffed in 1600s Salem, call anyone a drug pusher or junkie and achieve the same results.
It doesn't work like that
Puterte is a national treasure.
pics are from the recent davao terrorist attack
the common people and the upper class dont give a fuck they are even happy because property crimes had went down, the only ones who cry are bleeding hearts and middle class college kids.
The most beautiful in the world
It's like that in most Yuro countries as well
Here, it's not unusual to win by just 20% because of the retarded multi-party system that splits votes
>Not It ain't me
>pics are from the recent davao terrorist attack
I was just pointing out he looks like he wants revenge.
Is Duterte helping the poor and sorting out the slums?
retarded multi party sysetm
everyone can literally create their own party
eg. party for guards, teachers, taxi drivers, old men and bicolanos
Who took responsibility?
Drug lords? Commies? Muzzies?
Thanks for correcting the record!
Abu Sayyaf
The song you are referencing is actually called 'fortunate son' by CCR. It is a common mistake to make
The Religion of Peaceā¢
what, vigilantes do extensive blood screening before taking out the machete?
Do you like whats happening?
cause to me it looks like you guys are on a path to becoming a great country
>purging drug dealers
>based prez
They are NOT political parties tho. More like useless "representatives" of x sector
I'm voting Trump faggot. Duterte is just awful.
>taking opinions from facebook plebs
facebook is literally the past time of slum rats here, they shitpost there all day long.
vigilante killings are not really done by vigilants they are drug sellers who kill each other because they fear that someone will snitch out and report their activities to the cops.
everyone killed by the cops has multiple cases of selling drugs,they literally go in and out of jail several times for drug peddling.
those who are not stupid voluntarily go to rehab are not killed and is given neetbux.
he declared a state of lawlessness already. Pretty much martial law without abolishing the congress. His probably gonna go buttmad even further now that they attack his hometown.
Those mudshit rebels that got trapped in their island is gonna get their ass bleed..
What drugs is he/they against ?
Just go kill him.
search "shabu"
cant u just say Methamphetamine hydrochloride?
as someone who has flip family, they're hideous. like god dammit. it's incredibly how ugly they are.
*hears sciency words*
Ah, amphetamines.
He's like that 1950s dad who'd beat the fuck out of you for smoking a joint underneath the bleachers
but you know if you try and tell him to fuck off he's probably gonna take the belt off and tan your ass so you just morph into that 1950s dad
>is Duterte helping the poor and sorting out the slums
I guess so
Due to corruption, a lot of the funds used to construct affordable housing for poorfags has not gone where its supposed to, so the results are a few houses that is barely better than slums
I hope he will demolish a lot of these poorfags' homes so improved infrastructure can be built
Found the dope fiend.
You get a femboi for your first kill. But the more you kill the better your qt you get.
18 people wore killed in salem you nigger ctr shill kike you dont know shit.
Holy shit you're literally taking this seriously.
send links will troll with my fake facebook account.
He's easily the GOAT president out shithole ever had, and not even the assassins would want Philippine Hillary Clinton to take over when he dies
that's probably a moro bro.
Duterte makes me proud. Any sources on who was behind the terrorist attacks?
>tfw he's gonna meet with Obongo and Putin
I don't know what the fuck would happen.
>UN's head of human rights are the Saudis
What the fucking hypocritical piece of fuck
It actually depends
It's split 50/50 of good looking and hideous orcs
no he isnt. He's a fucking protestcuck from UIC for heaven's sake
No need to guess
>tfw he's gonna meet with Obongo and Putin
>UN's head of human rights are the Saudis
Kek, probably why they send all the rapefugees to Yurop too, in order to fulfill their "Greater Saudi Arabia" plan
>A spokesman for the militant group Abu Sayyaf has claimed responsibility for the attack, but the president said authorities are considering the possibility that drug syndicates were behind it.
its funny how he is excited meeting putin while he is just meh meeting obongo
At least he is already starting to take down Isis here in the Philippines before it grows.
this meme has to fucking die
Druggies aren't human
The desperate mudshits who is now trapped in both land and sea.
Seriously, human rights were a mistake.
There was a brief window of time (19th century largely) where it was just a codeword for individuality and property. But the core idea of "human rights" is cancer. Now all cucks have to do is to declare that what they want is a human right and you are then the devil for refusing it, like "housing", "education" or even physical presence on the soil of another country.
He's fucking awesome, fuck you OP. Wish someone would start killing dealers and addicts here.
create right wing death squads that will sweep tha ghetto everynight.
8ch poltards really really wants it.
Might start doing it myself friend.
From what I've read he seems pretty based. Drug dealers/addicts don't deserve to live.
found it
>people deserve to die for peddling something we feed American schoolchildren to do their homework
how to justify the hanging of fags?
seems like unchr is too scared a fuck on your country.
There's your problem
People who post there are retarded regardless
can anyone of you guys redpill me on what duerte is doing actully? i read nearly 0 about it
Legal killing of dealers and addicts.
Fucking great man.
Too bad that will change nothing as their supplies comes from Sabah
non flips should not know the secrets of the enlightened one
There's an upcoming ASEAN summit and Obongo is DEEPLY CONCERNED.
pinoy sweg
Pretty much what he campaigned for is because he fucking hates drug so much.
And even he said it will bloody, 16 million people voted for him to kill the druggies
As of now there is 2k dead
And 600k who already surrendered.
His drug war is currently on phase 2 which is the rehab stage for those who surrenders while the Police force will start gouging the high value targets.
Then he wants to calm the 47 years conflict in minadao and since a group of mudshits didn't agree. He ordered their inhalation.
If things work out
He Make the country tourist and Investment friendly and basically want to make it prosper.
7000 troops are already being sent to Sulu to clean up the Abus
There is your answer, retard.
wat? What does this have to do with fags?