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first for STANNIS

Azor Petyr

Imagine if Robert gave Stannis Storm's End and then he had the entire Stormlands to use at the opening of the War of Five Kings. It would have been a curbstomp.

Why would Robert though?


azor bran

Stop post Show Stannis. What an abomination of a botched character.

off topic but none of cunts at Sup Forums wants to help so i have to ask here.

does anyone know any image hosting website that lets you set part of URL. for example www.website.com/randomString/myString.jpg or www.website.com/myString/randomString.jpg

Makes sense to give an entire kingdom to your loyal capable brother and not a 6 year old.

Remember me, mother of whores

one minute late nigga

Imagine if Stannis hadn't shat out a shadow baby to kill Renly. Then the war would be over in a few weeks and everyone would have peace under a Renly-Robb dual rule.


Jon flexed the fingers of his sword hand

Assuming Renly was still crowned at Highgarden (doubtful since he'd probably have a minor lordship at best, maybe a small council seat) then it would be Stannis' roughly 30,000 troops vs the Reach host of 80,000 or more. Tywin still gets the shit kicked out of him by Robb, and Stannis would probably try to autistically siege the capital while Renly marches much faster to King's Landing. Stannis might take the city in time, but even if he did he'd still end up besieged either by Renly or Tywin, both of whom have larger armies.

nuthing but a pree thang

GODS what a shitty show

>GoT Warlocks
>talking about a order of warlocks
>pyat pree is the only warlock of the universe
>house of undying, its just pyat pree living there
>pyat pree death, warlocks dont exist anymore

Was Ned a virgin before Cat?

the final scene of the series will be

>Euron as the final victor
>Jon Snow's head on a pike to his left
>Dany's head on a pike to his right
>Tyrion's skull used as a footstool, with three dragon skulls surrounding him
>Dust of the Night's King in a transparent glass box next to the throne
>Cersei, Sansa, and Melisandre on a leash as salt wives
>Sam as an enslaved Maester forced to write up works glorifying Euron and depicting the events of the series, titled "A Song of Ice and Fire"

>and at the last episode, Arya attempts an assassination attempt on Euron, but Jaqen suddenly appears to kill her, avenging his WAIFu and frustrating millions of normies who want justice served to Euron

This all makes sense. In this season, the maesters talked about how a man named Lodos prophesized that the "Drowned God" (Euron --> I AM THE DROWNED GOD) brings down Aegon Targaryen, which is Jon's real name. In the released TWOW chapter "The Forsaken," Aeron has a vision of Euron on the Iron Throne with every god from every culture impaled on all the swords.

They can also use Euron as an allegory for Trump. GRRM (and probably D&D) both hate Trump, and this idea will be used to motivate fans to want to bring down the current administration even more.

Euron ignores the White Walkers --> Trump ignores Climate Change
Euron kills Daenerys --> Trump tramples on feminism
Euron kills Jon --> Trump represents the embodiment of evil killing good
Euron kills Tyrion ---> Trump represents the death of intellectualism and wit in favor of simple mindedness

Renly would have never accepted Northern independence

What are you some kind of fucking nerd?

>everyone would have peace under a Renly-Robb dual rule.

Yeah, that sounds stable.

Renly was completely underdeveloped, in the show at least. All I remember of him was that "people liked him" and "he licked the d"

What do you call the space in between her thighs?

Robb would probably put his crown aside after the Lannisters were defeated or Renly would agree to a Dorne-like deal where they get to call themselves kings and have some autonomy but are in the end subjects of the Iron Throne. Either way, Robb had no intentions of fighting a Baratheon as evident by his maneuver to leave King's Landing open for Renly.



So why did Bronn escort Trion to The Veil along with Cat and all those lords? He wasnt a lord. He was a sellsowrd hanging out in a tavern. Why did he linger around in the veil?

He probably wanted to get paid or some shit


I would sniff it

me on the right

Modern day Caucasian Filthy Frank

I believe the British call it the front bottom.

>hpuse of the undying
>its literally a tower
>house of the undying
>there are no undyings, only pyat pree

Renly is just a selfish, conceited faggot that thinks that he should be king just because he is handsome and likable.

He would have been Bobby 2.0. only with no bastards.

>le bald magic man
Shitty character 2bh

Not a single prophecy from the books was included

Undead dragon fire cant melt an ice wall

thats a man.

Kek then they would fall into civil war trying to kill each other, with the help pf the other houses etc.
The outcome would be the same.

Renly in the books was a decent guy. He actually tried to save Ned and only left the city when he knew Ned had fucked things beyond saving. When he marches on King's Landing, he makes more and more allies by the day. Cat notes that everything he does is in perfect moderation, unlike his drunken brother.

I think he would've been a good king.

>next thread: pyat pree thread
>until then, leaving this thread
pyat pree out

Would she make a good khaleesi?


>GoT names are popular as fuck now
>our kids will go to school with kids with retarded names like Tyrion or Eddard or Robert

>Robert ruins the kingdom with expensive parties
>Renly throws a hundred parties on a war march

how does Gregor clegane look like in the books?

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

>decent guy
>plans to overthrow his nephews (he didn't know they were Jaime's bastards when he crowned himself) just because he wants to be king


he is a big guy

>or Robert
Nothing wrong with Bobby. If I have to tell Aegon to refill my coffee in twenty years, that's another story.

t. Roberts

He would have been an exceptionally weak king, as demonstrated by his willingness to bend over for the Tyrells just so they can crown him ahead of his older brother - which would have set a very bad precedent for his own reign - and he had no idea how to actually rule or wage war. He was Master of Laws and yet had no control over the goldcloaks and didn't give a shit about doing his job. He was a limp-wristed faggot who mistook court sycophancy for actual loyalty.

Medieval monarchs were all strong warlike men who knew how to intimidate and inspire respect. Renly is capable of none of those things, and he would probably have ended up deposed within a couple of years.

>good king
>only wants to be king because he looks good in a crown


Might just be true considering Robert is the 62nd most common name in the US

he didnt bend for the tyrells m8, he bent for loras

Holy fucking based! Would be over the fookin moon if this happened. Would redeem everything

Why not, she looks like a classic case of inbreeding

>le based! le based!


Shut the fuck up

Daenerys was beautiful.
All those colours
Now everyone wears black. No costume design whatsoever

>be in Dubrovnik when they're shooting King's Landing scenes
>they're looking for extras to play Lannister guards
>get turned down because I'm too tall

Lannisters confirmed for manlets.

Maybe. Harwin, the Winterfell guardsmen who joins the Brotherhood without Banners, implies that Ned and Ashara Dayne fucked in a tent at Harrehal.

This show is so fucking good compared to most stuff on tv tho

No, you were wrong and you deserve to be ashamed

He was willing to do whatever as long as he was liked. He'd give independence to random ass fucks as long as he was liked and the Tyrells were okay with it. A kingdom under Renly would be a giant Reach/Tyrell Empire with Renly as a figurehead.

Best house

It is commonly accepted that Aurelian probably joined the army in 235 AD at around age twenty.[6] It is also generally assumed that, as a member of the lowest rank of society - albeit a citizen[8] - he would have enlisted in the ranks of the legions. Idiosyncratically, Saunders suggests that his career is more easily understood if it is assumed that his family was of Roman settler origins with a tradition of military service and that he enlisted as an equestrian.[9] This would have opened up for him the tres militia - the three steps of the equestrian military career - one of the routes to higher equestrian office in the Imperial Service.[10] This could be a more expeditious route to senior military and procuratorial offices than that pursued by ex-rankers, although not necessarily less laborious.[11] However, Saunders's conjecture as to Aurelian's early career is not supported by any evidence other than his nomen which could indicate Italian settler ancestry - although even this is contested - and his rise to the highest ranks which is more easily understood if he did not have to start from the bottom. His suggestion has not been taken up by other academic authorities.

Whatever his origins, Aurelian certainly must have built up a very solid reputation for military competence during the tumultuous mid-decades of the century. To be sure, the exploits detailed in the Historia Augusta vita Divi Aureliani, while not always impossible, are not supported by any independent evidence and one at least is demonstrably an invention typical of that author.[12] However, he was probably associated with Gallienus's cavalry army and shone as an officer of that corps d'élite because, when he finally emerged in a historically reliable context in the early part of the reign of Claudius II, he seems to have been its commander.[13]

Service under Gallienus[edit]
His successes as a cavalry commander ultimately made him a member of emperor Gallienus' entourage. In 268, Aurelian and his

I agree but there is a lot of wasted potential compared to what it could have been

No. Him and Ashara were intimate many times before he was forced to marry the trout slag

cavalry participated in general Claudius' victory over the Goths at the Battle of Naissus.[14] Later that year Gallienus traveled to Italy and fought Aureolus, his former general and now usurper for the throne. Driving Aureolus back into Mediolanum, Gallienus promptly besieged his adversary in the city. However, while the siege was ongoing the Emperor was assassinated. One source says Aurelian, who was present at the siege, participated and supported general Claudius for the purple – which is plausible.[15]

Aurelian was married to Ulpia Severina, about whom little is known. Like Aurelian she was from Dacia.[16] They are known to have had a daughter together.[17]

Service under Claudius[edit]
Claudius was acclaimed Emperor by the soldiers outside Mediolanum. The new Emperor immediately ordered the senate to deify Gallienus.[18] Next, he began to distance himself from those responsible for his predecessor's assassination, ordering the execution of those directly involved.[18] Aureolus was still besieged in Mediolanum and sought reconciliation with the new emperor, but Claudius had no sympathy for a potential rival. The emperor had Aureolus killed and one source implicates Aurelian in the deed, perhaps even signing the warrant for his death himself.[18]

During the reign of Claudius, Aurelian was promoted rapidly: he was given command of the elite Dalmatian cavalry, and was soon promoted to overall Magister equitum, effectively the head of the army after the Emperor – the Emperor's position before his acclamation.[18] The war against Aureolus and the concentration of forces in Italy allowed the Alamanni to break through the Rhaetian limes along the upper Danube. Marching through Raetia and the Alps unhindered, they entered northern Italy and began pillaging the area. In early 269, emperor Claudius and Aurelian marched north to meet the Alamanni, defeating them decisively at the Battle of Lake Benacus.[19]

While still dealing with the defeated enemy, news came

Tyrells wouldn't have gone for Renly. Either they'd go for Stannis but would be a lot less powerful than under Renly or they'd have stayed out, or helped the Lannisters.

So what his endgame, before his life was tragically cut short by the Stark children?

>Mace Tyrell supporting Stannis

Not after the siege. Mace was legit terrified of Stannis

Seasons 4-6 they guys were unstoppable

What happened?

but does Gregor clegane have a beard, long hair or a buzz cut with stuble?

How will GURM turn the WW to have grey morality?
Maybe they're gathering an army to stop a savage beast that has re-awakened after millennia?

Why was Stannis balding yet Renly and Robert had full heads of hair?

Dont get excited... this show is game of cucks now.

stress probably
nigga grits (gritted) his teeth and broods over injustices done to him constantly

does he have a big D

>Mace was legit terrified of Stannis

He got cucked pretty hard by him

Notice how the show used to be realistic when it came to sieges on castles

Now it's over in like 5 minutes.

But that wouldn't be honorabru, and you'd think that Robert would have mentioned her when he was trying to get him to talk about Jon's mom

This is how Gregor Clegane looks likes (ASOIAF books)

If Olenna tells him to do it, why not? And Stannis isn't the type of guy to turn down a free hand when he's given it. He'd just make sure Tyrells don't become like the Lannisters under Robert, Stannis is the type of guy that would go for full centralization which is going to piss off a lot of nobles and probably lead to even his own supporters rebelling at certain points to keep their power.

The show is game of cucks now...
Dont be excited.

Shansha pussy and power

so he's a nigger then


Ramsay's plot armor wasn't as good as Jon's.

Robert maxed STR and looks
Renly maxed CHA and looks
Stannis maxed INT and autism

No, only average. Also his sex-drive is low because of gigantism.

What siege?
The siege the Tyrells did on Storms End during Robert's rebellion?

Where is it said that they were afraid of him?

B-but symbolic images!

And Dany met Drogo, awwwww

And snowy King's Landing, ooooooh
