ITT: its the year 2020
ITT: its the year 2020
India suddenly superpower
Trumps running for re-election!
So weird that London is now a city state under Shariah. I guess it's all democratic though.
Still cant believe we won 3 world wars boys
When will it all end?
Im dead from cancer.
Don't you guys feel like shit really started to go downhill sometime around late 2016? Looking back it seems like such an innocent, idyllic time.
Music from 2016 had so much heart and talent
Wow half life 4 is shit
Wow! I'm so excited that Trump has just been empowered as emperor of the world! That was one hell of a good war!
I'm married???
I miss the Venezuelan flags
Japan just pulled off the best Olympics ever!
I work at a Concentration Camp for illegal Spics. AMA
World news: Race targeting virus has wiped out all non-Whites from Western countries. White traitors are sent to labour camps or hung on lamposts.
How the fuck are we here then? Sup Forums will be b& by 2020.
>mfw bundeschancellor petry is attending the public execution of traitor merkel
What are you talking about?
Both parties stand behind Trump now, he's the only candidate so elections are cancelled.
What position are you?
yes everyone being nuked was really interesting
I work the ovens and sew the lampshades.
IT'S 2020.
In retrospect, letting Japan build nukes was not such a good idea. Who knew they still had it in them?
Kek, you do traditional women jobs. Baking and sewing
Post yfw you haven't discovered enough Trump peps after his latest payload explosion
52nd state is best state, all hail God Emperor Trump, purger of shit skins, and savior of Canada.
The year is 2027
It's a time of great innovation and technological advancement..
It's also a time of chaos, and conspiracy..
I don't even know who's side i'm on..
girls post here too
Greater Israel is established
I am the grill. :3
>It's the future year, the future year!
Rip you
I'm dead. Australia is owned by the Chinese.
Still a virgin beta
ohboy time for my seasonal job as a Hill Shill for CTR
Um excuse me shitlord, it was bought fair and square. Reported for violating 18C.
By the time i'm middle aged I'm seriously convinced my generation now of mid to low 20 year olds will destroy this country and world through retardation and apathy
>1st and 2nd amendment have been stripped from the constitution.
>Entered into yet another war with some dirt hole country
>Draft reinstated
>Hillary is involved in yet another illegal scandal, there is undeniable proof she did it, yet everyone is too scared to drag her ass to court
>Hillary has fallen down and hit her head more times than she can count. At this point her brain no longer functions properly, not that it did before, yet every is afraid to impeach her on the grounds that she is incompetent
This is the year by which we will all be told what to do by a cult.
Enjoying my God given unalienable right to bear machine guns in the NZ Empire.
Kanye West is running against Trump
Where`s my weed.
*tips taqiyah*
>implying Kanye isn't dead by now
> I step out of my bunker expecting the worst
> the air is still breathable
> I double check my rifle to see if it's loaded
> I head to the super market for supplies
> I gather all the scraps of food left
> I try and find medicine at the pharmacy but all is left is athletes foot cream
> I step out of the store
> in the distance I see a Muslim
> it starts walking towards me
> other muslims notice
> I've alerted the horde
> I fire my rifle
> popped some down
> it attracts more muslims but it's the only way to buy me more time
> the swarm crowds around me
> they claw at me as I try and gasp for air
> several sets of teeth dig deep into my flesh
> "religion of peace" I hear in the back somewhere as a Quran whacks my head
> I put the barrel of my pistol into my mouth and pull the trigger
Holocaust 2.0 was a success guys
I really really like this image.
Why can't my shoes still tie themselves?
Why can't I have an actual non-bullshit hoverboard?
مرحبا أنا الفرنسية