Did your father do a good job of raising you?
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Father's day is in June
He was in prison from me being 9 until I was 13 so not really.
yes mate
My dad is the type that had to marry some foreign woman while in the army instead of earning a white woman.
She's hispanic too. My life experiences have taught me that hispanics genuinely lack common sense.
>watching movie
>she just talks and tries to make unrelated conversations during it
He abandoned me when i was 8...so not really.
Never taught me anything. Absolutely refused to teach me any essential skills or even moral lessons
"It is society's job to raise you" -style of parenting where you never grow up to take any responsibility of your offspring and hand over your children to the state, teachers etc.
My dad was addicted to coke and alcohol and beat my mom until she stabbed him.
So he taught me if you beat your wife and she stabs you she will get away with no charges.
>tfw almost all the stuff in that picture save for entertainment interests applies to me
Around the ages my dad used to beat me. You had it easy
god damn these are alot of sad stories here.
My Dad stuck around parents never divorced. Gotta say I was blessed. Whether it was little games and dad cheering me from the bleachers or getting lent the car for junior prom. Having a dad is pretty cash. Never did drugs or anything.
Life was pretty good. Until the housing crahs of 2008. The brake plant closed down and we didn't what would happen to the house.
So, thats when my mother said Im going to live with my aunti and uncle in Bel-Air,I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought, "Nah, forget it."
– "Yo, home to Bel-Air."
I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo home smell ya later."
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air
emotionally distant.
always working.
shitfaced when not working.
never really said much to me. got the impression he was disappointed in me.
on my 21st birthday, when he was nearing the end (thanks to a lifelong cigarette addiction), he told me he was proud of me and that he always loved me but didn't know how to show it.
still tear up thinking about it desu lads.
My dad was alright, but raising me?
He and my mom hit me until I was 11. My dad never taught me anything, had to figure it all out on my own. But, when I needed him to pull through on something (drive me somewhere, fill in a form for me), he'd always do that. So I think my dad was alright, although not the best parent.
Sorry for all the others with worse stories.
he got hit by his second divorce from my mother when i was about 9
saw him 2 days a week until he drank himself to death when i was 13
so no, i don't even remember him that well
He did ok with what he knew desu
Could've been better I guess, but he tried and was there
Have you noticed that T B H has been converted to desu? Whats that sneaky NipMoot up to now?
Alcoholic, not involved in my life, emotionally and socially very distant, rarely talks at all.
Fuck him.
Fuck no
My dad neglected the shit out of me and i was raised by mom who never should've married my dad
Government jobs are indeed slavery and at the end of it all you lose your mind after all your years are gone
Mine died on a car accident when I was 3.
My stepfather wasn't a bad guy but my mother divorced him after a while.
She is currently dating someone and I like him. But I never had a father figure growing up.
Trump is the closest I've gotten to a father/masculine figure.
From age 9 and up I mostly lived with my mother, had the fucked up every-other-weekend system with my father except for about a year where it was 50/50. When I was 14 he moved out of town and I went on to live full time with my mother. I was a complete commie faggot, never knew something was missing. A few years ago I moved to the same town as my father, we reconnected, I finally started learning how a man is supposed to carry himself. He also redpilled me on the various breeds of niggers. Wish he'd been around more in my teens, could've saved me from a lot of faggotry, but better late than never I guess.
once heard a hypothesis on male political orientation
right wing = daddy issues
left wing = mommy issues
thread seems to confirm one part.
>Trump is the closest I've gotten to a father/masculine figure.
What constitutes as daddy issues anyways and what constitutes and mommy issues?
I wonder if the opposite applies for women. My ex has severe daddy issues and turned into a SJW.
But who am I kidding, women tend to lean left.
After a quick review of the comic, it's neat, makes some good points. But seriously, what the fuck is wrong with automatic transmission? Or going to some source to acquire the knowledge to change your oil? Not everyone actually has a father. Plus, why do you let someone else make you think you're somehow a cuck just because you're part of some current fad? Young people are supposed to try shit out and follow fads. The good ones, like jeans and some music, stick around because it doesn't suck. Seriously, have some fucking backbone and just compare what's happening around you to higher ideals and values.
22 year old raised by a single father reporting in
If you think I'm bullshitting the only reason my father got custody of me and my sibling is because my mother started doing meth and didn't show up for her court hearings.
no fuck my dad it's my birthday today and he didn't fucking call me or anything, he can fuck off
Scary how much of this applies to me
Longing for a father, a strong leader to worship and hypermasculinity would be daddy issues.
Longing for a mother or nanny that nurtures you and keeps you warm on her lap and let's you suckle on her teet would be mother issues.
>internet addict
>shit grades
>0 friends
My dad unfortunately died when I was 3 months old, so ummm... I'm still alive and I turn 20 tomorrow, so I guess he did an alright job.
He is the definition of an alpha. The masculine figures I had around me were not very positive, so when I was a child I "distanced" myself from my masculine side as result. You can bet your ass I was bullied at school but looking back I’ve learned why I was such a target of abuse back then. I was submissive and wanted to please people. I don’t want to blog but in a nutshell Trump made me realize that there is nothing wrong on being masculine, in fact, as a male that’s your duty, because everything around you has been built and created by men. Even my ex criticized me for acting masculine, and after breaking up with her no long ago and paying attention to Trump I decided to make him a role model.
And so far it has worked very well. I’ve been doing exercise and I can socialize very well, I’ve improved my body language and language in general, amongst other things. But if it wasn’t thanks to Sup Forums and Trump I would’ve turned into your average nu-male cuck.
It’s never too late to improve yourself.
Its been like that for a long time desu senpai
Could be that it is reversed, I don't think a woman with an abusive mother would turn to feminism
I would like to think so.
>Taught me history from a very early age (no surprise I'm studying that now)
>Always talked about what was going on in the world and expected me to show interest.
>Even though he didn't have an education he always worked his ass off for me and my sister.
>Took me, my sister and half-brother mountain biking in the woods.
All in all, I like my father and I'm pretty sure he is proud of me.
Yeah, I mean, think about it: Women needs someone to protect and provide for them but they never know what they want. Current feminism emasculated males and turned them into mere providers, but not protectors. But perhaps those women that are feminists have some sort of Eelectra Complex where they want their providing male to give them everything at any time every time... Just like a father. The one they never had. After all, they do nothing but demand like little children.
I should know. These woman want someone to provide for them, but they want all and all their demands met or you’re a soggy knee pig.
That's just women in general bro.
>misbehave as child
>get beat with a belt
>forced to stand still for 30 minutes
>forced to step out of the car and walk back home at age call me a faggot for only inviting boys over to hang out with
>still living with him and he's afraid I won't survive on my own, bought my car and even offering to buy a house for me
what did he mean by this?
Idiot kept blaming me on everything, when I fought with my sister, even when she hit me first, my father blamed me on starting the fight. He even blamed me when I tried to say something to him when he was watching ice hockey and enemy made a goal at the same time when I was talking to him
fuck him, I hope he burns in hell
My dad was a double felon and was in prison for 6 years of my life. For another 6 he was a drug addict and when I went to his house for every other weekend I waited at my grandmas for up to 6 hours after school for him to pick me up, then I'd see him for probably about 20 minutes and then he'd leave to his room to shoot up or go sell drugs. He never smacked me around or took my door away like my mom though, so I don't know who did better.
my dad is like that really loose cannon of a mate that you dont take home to meet your family, absolute shit tier parent
My dad died when I was 16 and my mother died when I was 21.
Not sure if when he died, I was ready for the responsibilities that were given to me in his stead, but I don't think anything could have prepared me to speak at his wake and see the people who were with me from day 0, die in front of me.
I learned a lot from him during the time he was alive, but grew to appreciate everything he did for me, which my 16 year old-addled brain couldn't comprehend. Miss him. Both of them. My dad had a magnetism that had everyone in my small town come up to him for any problem. People would affectionately refer to him as the "Don."
I'd later find out my dad's side of the family were Cuban mobsters and that my grandfather was caught smuggling from Cuba to the U.S. in the Panama Canal, but I'm pretty sure he was never personally involved with the business. Voted for Bush twice in office and worked as a veterinarian. We never had pets.
Still don't know all there is to him and only when I was 12, did I find out I had an estranged brother and a deceased older sister from his previous marriages. Mom still got along and even paid for my brother's immigration. That guy didn't even make it to my father's funeral. Who could blame him? I got lucky.
RIP mom and dad, hope you're proud of your depressed shitposting sack of shit son.
Yeah, but there are a lot of thirsty men who are ready to satisfy women's demands until the unavoidable reckoning that comes with age.
Jesus, did Francis E. Dec Esq wrote this?
He was drunk every night of his life. I didn't receive any kind of guidance from either parent.
My dad beat my mom, cheated on her and stole her jewelry to fuel his alcoholism and smoking addiction, which resulted in him having a stroke and losing most of his speaking and walking ability.
I talk to him once a year, by phone, when HE calls.
tfw I probably a mistake after very uncomfortable sex
good for you bro. my parents were divorced when i was very young but i still saw my dad. i feel like the long, intermittently vicious custody battle that persisted until basically the end of middle school caused kind of both "bad sides" in me. at home i wanted to please everyone and not rock the boat because of home fragility and not wanting to favor one parent over the other. and at the same time outside of home i was hyper aggressive, confrontational, and would thrown down at the drop of a hat.
and now i feel like i dont even know who i am. like if i wanted to just 'bee myself' i'd literally not know what to do so i mostly do nothing.
What's the grinding teeth line meant to be about?
Is that some kind of cross between oompa loompa and human?
i dunno. My dad lived with me until my mom and him seperated. i was like 4.
he kept living in the area and visited me but at some point he left to go back to the us.
i do visit him once a year and we skype a lot.
didn't really raise me, hence why i lack discipline and am a pussy at times
No it was unironically Sam Hyde
Same. wasnt abusive worked long hours amd provided well for his family, but the longest conversation we ever had was "hay son" "oh hay dad". Thats it.
It has been that way since before hiroshimoot even took over.
>went to RISD
>snorts Adderall off of Charl's dick while balancing a PBR on his head
>hipsterdom of anti-comedy
>probably grinds his teeth at night
Art is pretty cathartic, I'm glad Sam has good channels to vent.
I like jackie Sup Forums better.
Mine killed himself when I was a kid.
We live in an age where most people no longer have an idea of what is manly or not anymore.
About the whole Estrogen in plastic bottles meme; is it real, and what can I do about it? Tap seems worse.
Died when i was 1 years old. My absolutely insane manipulative control freak mother raised me, was like growing up in a cult.
Biological father? no. He was an irresponsible older spic preying on a white teenager in 1984.
My stepfather wasn't abusive, but he'd talk your ear off. His rants lasted no less than six hours of just drivel.
I can't say it did much for me. They were nosy and would search my room all the time so there was never any oppritunity for degeneracy (thank goodness).
I was already a legal adult by the time bad shit happened in our family. Since the age of six, my brother never had a stable home life and was homeless or near homelessness for most of his life. I don't know how he will turn out in the future which crosses my mind not all too unoften, but at 19 he seems to be doing alright.
Yea he did, I wasn't raised by a single mother or something haha.
>never there
>when there, sat with a beer in his hand watching TV
>when i tried to talk to him hed just turn the TV volume up
>hey dad wanna go fishing?
>4 days later he goes fishing with his buddies and their kids
>hey dad wanna go camping?
>2 weeks later, he goes camping with his buds and their families
>hey dad wanna go see that movie?
>he all of a sudden one day pops up in my room and says are you ready?
>for what?
>the movie
>me: okay give me half a minute to change into jeans
>movie starts in 10 minutes, ill go by myself then
im 35 now
every fathers day he gets nothing , and he asks why. My response is the same.
Youl get a fathers day when you become a father
I'm not sure. He was always there, but he seemed pretty distant. I was afraid to open up, and ask questions, because he would often answer with contempt and underestimation.
>Had a great dad, alpha as hell, only negative is that he worked a lot
>passed away when I was 17, still miss him
>Taught me essential life skills
>Was red-pilled
So yeah even though he passed away in the latter years of the "parenting process" he was a great guy. I don't know how you guys had such shitty dads, what in the fuck. Western parents are generally shittier I guess.
Good on you user.
Aside from regular parent-child miscommunication (me bitching about doing things I didn't want to) I never had a problem with my parents. It is probably neglectful parenting.
But then again, I suffered in other areas of life as a kid.
>he'd talk your ear off. His rants lasted no less than six hours of just drivel.
Lmao that's how my father is too.
>Sup Forums - daddy issues
My parents did that sort of stuff (albeit less severe) until I was about 12/13. They smacked me for being a fucking little shit or when I chucked a tantrum up until age 10, they did the car thing and banning xbox, friends, etc for screwing up until I was about 16. Now they mostly let me do whatever, but express concern when I miss school, or have shit marks, or drink too much, or do something stupid in a car, or irritate my younger brother. I'm, pretty sure I turned out alright, I mean my dad is pretty intelligent and my mum is quite good as well, they know how to be dicks or be soft when necessary, and encourage stuff like music or making friends or meeting girls. I couldn't have really asked for better parents, but I feel like my dad hasn't tried to make me manly enough, but he's largely been very docile since he left the airforce.
>not present
>made promises then went back on them to the point that i don't believe anyone when they promise something
>gave me shelter, the occasional video game, enough food to not starve, etc
>mother was much the same except she drank a lot more and had ptsd from the police or some shit
i don't know what to call it, maybe neglectful. dunno about abuse though. they only hit me once or twice a week and i never broke any bones so it wasn't that bad i guess
>grinding teeth at night
Wait is there something wrong with that?
was your dad pablo escobar?
I remember during his ramblings The Sopranos was on in the background and that episode where Tony saw Pussy as a fish made me crack up, which made my father furious.
it's called bruxism and it means you're a latent homosexual
wears out the enamel on your teeth, then your teeth slowly get ground down to nothing until they have to be removed and you either get titanium ones or get dentures
No. He was (and probably still is) an alcoholic. There were a lot of things he did that made me hate him for a long time until one day he opened up about his own father. It was the first time he ever talked about him. He went on to describe him and he was even worse than my father. I ended up realizing that all the problems I have because of the shit my dad did, are the same problems he had because of what his father did, except he had it worse and coped with it worse. I don't hate him anymore, I just feel really sad for him. I think he's trying to rebuild and make up for all the time we lost due to his alcoholism now that I don't take his bullshit anymore.
My dad likes Russel Brand, Nicola Sturgeon, Corbyn, Chris Hitchens.
He hates Peter Hitchens and considers himself a "socialist", he also beleives "islamophobia" is on the rise and called me a bigot and hung up on me for saying there was such thing as a native Swede and that just because you have a swedish passport doesn't make you swedish.
How can someone be so different from their father?
I feel you bro we are hurt people but not broken we must raise our families correctly like we would have wanted
This this this
Never teached me anything, never expected me to do anything more in life than to get a job, that's it.
Yeah. He taught me how to be a proper Montanan. I hunt.. i fish.. i can shoe quarter horse. He said pay attention life and always honor traditional values and to stay away from whining faggots . He told me one once to find a woman who will wake you up early be good to your dogs and will teach your children to pray. My dad looks like the Marlboro Man
I learned to order pizza using my dads card before i could cook (he never taught me anything either)
I can't even call mine dad because to me he's just some guy lmao
dont be sad mate your doing good and keeping well they would be proud of you and the people around you aswell
keep up the great work you can do it!
he left when I was 2, so yah, he did a good job
freedom nigga
Maybe he's not your father?
A man with cuck-like opinions is likely to have been actually cucked in the past.
No because he died
I've asked my mother several times if she's sure, sadly it seems he is. He says the most pretentious edgy stuff, hardcore atheist and mac-user.
Oh my god my sides, what's this from, a news article?
Lucky duck
I wonder if Sam had a father that raised him, judging by his early videos, it looked like he was cucked and his wiccan, liberal, new-age mother was the only ghost in his life.
Never saw my dad.
My mom told me the last time she saw him he poured gasoline all over her and threatened to ignite her.
If the story reigns true I would make it my goal to end his life one day.
Well, then it's just unfortunate of you. I'm sorry, user. It is really nice to have a dad you really connect with.
I was never too close to my dad growing up, but I've been spending more time with him these past few months, and we really grew close. We talk a lot, turns out he's dealt with a lot of problems I'm dealing with myself.
I'd say don't give up and continue trying to talk sense into him. Maybe go easy on him at first. Prepare some arguments. He ought to break sooner or later. Maybe he'll start opening up to you, and you'll see what the root of his cuckness is.
>90% of the comic is just "Ew look at those gay guys that is gross lol"
literally middle school tier jokes, way too wordy anyway, 2/10
My father is a good man. He's a bit autismo but so am I lmao.
Sam fucked a tranny, what do you expect?
You got this from the movie Paris, Texas.
>Trump is the closest I've gotten to a father/masculine figure.
My father figure was Big Boss. He taught me all about survival and not giving up.
No I didn't.
My mom was 17 at the time she had me (she left home at 16, my grandparents were apparently assholes, I don't know about that) and went to Commiefornia from Oregon.
Yes, he's a good person.
What if I have both ?