Skipping sex scenes

I know a lot of dudes, including me, who feel uncomfortable watching sex scenes in movies and prefer to skip them. Girls seem to love them.

Are sex scenes catered towards women?

Maybe? I dunno

I'm afraid you're gay user

Maybe, but they're also catered to non pussyfied men.

Nothing says manly like watching other people have sex, eh?

No, it's the getting triggered about sex part.

>movie has sex scene
>instantly lose all ability to relate to main character

>start channel surfing with family in the room
>turn to a sex scene currently in progress
>awkward looks and silence from everyone in the room

I don't skip them but I don't like movies having a sex scene just for the sake of having one
Sometimes they can make it a little awkward if I'm watching the movie with someone

But why do they do it?

Sex scenes are mostly filler. I hate them.

Actually, I get bored as fuck during movie sex scenes. They are too contrived, 99% of the time.

It's weird. I love watching porn, but seeing sex scenes (or just kissing scenes) in mainstream movies makes me want to turn my eyes away. But then, I'm generally uncomfortable with PDAs and even seeing it in the context of a film makes me feel like I've stumbled across a couples' snozefest that I have no business seeing.

With porn, though, you're not really seeing true intimacy so much as watching decadent lust/casual sex, so I ironically feel like less of a voyeur.

I only skip sex scenes if they go on for longer than a minute. If I wanted to watch porn, I would watch porn.

For me its the fact that I can see a sex scene coming and it adds nothing to the plot other than the fact you now know they had sex. I'll usually just check my phone, but I do that during dialogue scenes too and have to rewind the tape which is a pain.

Because they are fake, rarely show tits or genitals and have no reason to exist.

>getting triggered by sex


I don't them like either
>man meets woman, have a witty conversation, lock eyes, cut to sex
>bra on, only penetration in missionary
>man and woman orgasm simultaenously
No. either do it right or don't do it
t. woman

my ex gf would give me the death stare and if I didn't look away at something else id get hit.

She broke my planet terror DVD.

What was weird was she was the freakiest freak who ever freaked. She was full blooded native American so I kind of should have seen it coming.

>MC and girl he just met share an awkward silence
>cut to them vigorously fucking all night

>Are sex scenes catered towards women?

ALL MOVIE, TV, MEDIA, and mainstream entertainment is catered towards women.

>have this friend
>dad is conservative guy
>likes history
>"Hey user's dad you should watch Rome it's cool"
>decides to give it a try
>forget this is HBO
>like 20 mins in, milkcow shows up
>feels mildly awkward, user's dad just watches
>watches the whole ep
>doesn't want to watch another
>doesn't talk about the ep or anything either
it was so weird. i mean his wife was in the other room so maybe he was afraid she was going to walk in. lol.

me. any sex scene outside the porn one is overcontrivied shit for emasculated teenager

I dislike movie sex scenes they remind me of how alone I am and how the only thing I have in the world are the voices in the dark, well at least I did until other Barry murdered them.

I only feel awkward about it if I'm watching the scene with someone else. Then it just feels like watching porn with friends, which just doesn't feel right to me.

Quit being such pussies. Sex is a normal part of life, your parents have probably done freakier shit than the majority of the sex scenes you've seen. There's no reason to be made uncomfortable by it except your own immaturity. I can understand not liking them because they're usually irrelevant but come the fuck on.

>He says on a tv and film board

I dont find them uncomfortable most of the times, but I also feel they're mostly there to fill time which sucks because they're not adding anything to the film itself.

>I dislike movie sex scenes they remind me of how alone I am
I like them but if it's been a few months or years since I banged, a particularly hot sex scene can make me feel melancholy.

Like Masters of Sex, the first time those two doctors bang each other (for science), it was filmed in a way that really made me feel I was missing out.

I'm pretty certain my parents only had sex to conceive me.

>Watching Conan with GF
>Get bored and put hand between her legs
>Start fucking
>Witch scene starts playing
>We climax at the same time Conan and the Witch do


>Watch Conan
>Get bored

>have sex

things that never happened

>check my phone
are you a braindead millennial by chance

I feel like dying when a sex scene comes in and i'm watching it with my family, but alone i'm ok or get a boner from it.

This actually happened to me before too with out noticing or being intentional. We finished right when they did in the movie and laughed about it afterwards. God I miss her. She's in rehab right now. It wasnt anything unexpected though because we were banging every chance we got when we weren't railing adderall or smoking or drinking so we were up all the time going for that other legal drug. Sex.

Please don't type like that, how old are you?

I kinda view sex scenes on the same level as scenes about a secondary character where the whole thing's just expositional dialogue.

It's not essential to the plot usually, but it's not like it ruins the movie.

I'm not afraid of sex or sexuality though, so maybe I'm weird in OP's eyes.

No. You are a homo. Straight men are hoping to see some celeb tiddies.

Dirty turdy
I only toe like this because Im on a shifty small smart phone with a retarded touch screen keyboard