Mirror of "erised"

>mirror of "erised"
>it's just desire spelt backwards
Truly amazing, Rowling, what a profound writer

it's quite clever, actually.

It's a mirror. What does mirrors do? They mirror things

Harry's mum looks a lot like ginny

It's clever in a way a kindergartener would find amusing

it's name should have been a palindrome that would have been smarter

no shit these are literally children's books
why are you guys so retarded

the Mirror of Fo Rorrim?

Even the word desire would be wrong. In Dutch it was called de spiegel van Neregeb. Not only does that sound much, MUCH better, but when translated back to English begeren it means coveting which carries a much more accurate meaning in this case.

this is an english book by an english writer

because the FUCKING NOVELS were MEANT for A YOUNG AUDIENCE you mongoloid