What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

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In the novel his father goes on about how bad black people are, abuses him constantly.

This is why he hates Mike because he is Black and the reason he kills his father is because he has had enough of his father abusing him

Also in the novel, one of his bully friends gives him a handjob before trying to suck him off

That is one unfortunate mullet.


This was honestly hard to watch

Kind of let down by the end. I expect more from him besides falling down the well

Was the flying blood sucking meat mosquitoes appearing from the fridge in the movie?

He was insane

>Sup Forums complains when movies use the race card.

>Sup Forums complains when movie doesn't use the race card.

So what's the solution?

>Also in the novel, one of his bully friends gives him a handjob before trying to suck him off

This and GRRM have me wondering if there's a trend of nerdy writers getting too excited about writing sex

Delete Sup Forums, this board is shit

>So what's the solution?

It's ok to have the racists get btfo eventually but they actually have to get to say "NIGGER" instead of pussyfooting around the issue

is he related to Kevin Bacon?

Was that the kid who played "young Jacob" in LOST? Guess I'd better get on over to IMDB.

Try sitting in one room 10 hours each day with a pen in your hand and try to come up with a novel.

I am pretty sure you are likely to get horny sometime and begin to put some sexual fantasy in your work

It makes sense in this situation. He's psychopathic, a bully, and a white trash hillbilly with a mullet to boot. It doesn't make sense for him NOT to be a racist

He is a racist in the novel. LISTEN TO THE AUDIOBOOK

This movie watered down Henry and Mike so much. Is a shame cos I really enjoyed it but the book is so much better with all the character development because you get the life story of every single character hence why it's over 1,000 pages long

this scared his dick

the book is shit so who cares

This is actually my problem. I want to right but the minute I do I'm compelled to write smut or torture porn.

It's too bad, if I was born in the 70s I could make a killing as a ghostwriter of cheap trash. Now the internet has made it impossible.

What does IT mean by "we all float down here"? Why is it such a famous line?

I've seen this picture posted multiple times and I don't get it. Am I retarded?

It's mysterious and menacing. I don't think it means anything.

It sounds like the filmmaker decided to get literal with it, which is a bit silly. Humans wrapped up like spider prey is WAY more terrifying than a person literally floating for no goddamn reason.

Dead bodies float and it connected with the beginning where Georgie wanted his boat to float.

Now IT's trying to scare Bill with making him imagine his brother is floating down there. And the rest of the times, just dead bodies floating in water.

At least that's how I took it

It's just alluding to the fact that he drowned the kid, the rest is just to be catchy and sell the movie.

>Dead bodies float
>and it connected with the beginning where Georgie wanted his boat to float.
now that I'll buy. It's probably just King on coke again.

I was thinking he'd return towards the final scenes or Pennywise possessing him.

nope, patrick hockstetter has 0 history in this movie. a real shame desu, he's the scariest of the bullies by far.

I'm really surprised how restrained they were with his racism, he didn't even call Mike a nigger

I thought it was a simple insentive to follow IT into the sewer, like offering balloons

>he didn't even call Mike a nigger
leftist don't like that word, they're trying to purge it.

you can't even find it in Tom Sawyer anymore.

Yeah, he was one of the most genuinely creepy parts of the book. It's a fucking shame he was reduced to nothing in the movie

It's an R-movie with a kid cast. It's amazing this film was even made today.

It had to have the most explicitly abusive and sexual content sanitized. The book is literally unfilmable, in a way the DT is not. There's too much content that cannot be put on a screen.

IT would garner a hard NC-17 in unedited form, and then they would have to use adult actors.

The handjob scene didn't need to make it in, I would have understood that, but the murder of his brother and torture of animals could have been in it

>torture of animals
I don't think so. People go to the films and watch actors gets mowed down in all sorts of ways, but animal death? Rarely and usually played for sentiment or, even more unlikely, laughs. Tragic things tend to inspire remorse or hilarity.

If they showed a scene even IMPYLING a bully was torturing cute animals, I think it would piss off way too many people. It would absolute alienate some movie-going public. I'm sure the creators were aware of this and that's why it's out.

>If they showed a scene even IMPYLING a bully was torturing cute animals

Even though I knew the Bower kid was gonna have a shitty home life, I was just like you fucking bastard when the cat scene happened.

the girl with the dragon tattoo had a cat hacked up

I love cats and have one sleeping next to my shoulder right now. That scene didn't offend me because I'm not a baby.

Henry is one of the villains, you're not supposed to like him. Just like you're not supposed to like a thing that eats innocent little boys

>Just like you're not supposed to like a thing that eats innocent little boys
Wait, you're not?

Yeah, the only thing I remember him saying in this was a weak "stay out of our town!" or something close to that. I don't even think he mentions his skin color at all

Pretty sure they used "nigger" and also "darkie" and maybe more in the original miniseries

before all this shit got so hopelessly politicized, that people forgot the distinction between reality and fantasy.

Different movie, and one that has a graphic scene of rape. The Hunt also has doggo murder. Neither of these movies are trying to pull in massive (in mass and number, ho ho) American crowds

Did anyone else notice the duplicate of the librarian staring at Ben with a shot eating grin while he was reading the history of Derry? That was legitimately scary, and extremely subtle.

I'm shocked by how well they did Henry Bowers in this movie, that scene where his dad shot at his feet was really good.

I was expecting him to be generic middle school bully but they went all the way with the sociopath element.

a final solution

and that was on television. they couldn't say nigger in a fucking R rated film. it felt so out of place that they didn't comment on his race.

It honestly felt disrespectful. Like they're trying to erase history and pretend that that kind of thing didn't happen. Sure they were horrible bullies but they want you to know it's not because he's black guys.

>having a character act explicitly racist is "using the race card"

I don't think you know what that phrase means. Stop using it.

There's also the part at the beginning when they clearly target him while cruising around town. Yeah, they never said "GET THAT FUCKIN COON" or anything, but they implied it pretty fucking strongly.

That was very well done but then they resolved it with that lame manner. The way he hunted for them with the other bullies in the sewers was better done in the mini series. Here he just shows up randomly only to get shoved down the well by the character that no one cares about as much and didn't do much of anything the rest of the movie.

>it connected with the beginning where Georgie wanted his boat to float.
That is the way I see the line. Like that IT doesn't really understand kids. IT sees the boy be excited about paper floating and things kids love things that float. Plus he also knows kids love balloons that float. So it's some weird out of touch way to lure the kids, not only do boats and balloons float, everything does!

>There's also the part at the beginning when they clearly target him while cruising around town.
That just seemed like regular bullying to me?

It seemed obvious to me that they went after him because he was black despite not actually saying it.

But they were just riding around town looking for anybody to bully.

Speaking of floating.

Why have all the kids at the end floating in his lair? Then they say the kids are starting come down and I float slowly only for them to never show if they were still alive or a bunch of dead bodies. Seriously what happened with all those floaters? Kind of annoyed me they mention they're coming down then don't offer closure to what happened to all the floaters that were released.

Sup Forums just really wanted to hear Mike called a nigger, but they were denied.

They're all dead.

Those kids were obviously dead.

I guessed they were but maybe not. Bev wasn't dead and she was floating. Maybe they were all in suspended animation too.

And if they were did why didn't the Losers go back topside and tell an adult "hey there is a mass grave of the dismembered missing children in the sewers."

He didn't kill Bev because she wasn't afraid. He was waiting to instill fear into her because apparently scared kids taste better.

>Bev wasn't dead and she was floating
She was floating for a few minutes. All those kids up there were long dead.
>tell an adult
Nobody listens to the kids or believes anything they say throughout the whole movie. Why would they bother?

Yeah, I see your point now. They were just riding around looking for ANYONE to bully, but obviously they chose the black kid for simply being black. That makes sense. I still think they were way too restrained about actually coming out and straight up saying it tho

You'd know would you? nerd.