>Sup Forums wants to exterminate this
seriously, if done right, race mixing can have phenomenal results
>Sup Forums wants to exterminate this
seriously, if done right, race mixing can have phenomenal results
Other urls found in this thread:
her face looks like shit
What races?
Looks like a tranny.
Fucking disgusting. Gas this cunt.
i have a pic of an uber cute half asian grill
dubs i post it
Just looks like an inferior version of your typical white model.
Why fix what isn't broken?
Not dark enough. I only fuck black women.
>seriously, if done right, race mixing can have phenomenal results
Like a confused daughter doing porn ?
Skyla means dog in Greek I think, weird name.
>muh dick and potentially hot daughters
The extent of the pro-race mixer's argument.
That is pretty hag to be honest
Reminder, Skyla was a mythical monster and also means bitch.
Just sayin'
Seems legit.
1st generation: black guy and white woman produce 1/2 mixed girl
2nd generation: 1/2 mixed girl and white guy produce 1/4 mixed girl
If done right the result will look like this youtube.com
The key point is that there are no black women in the lineage anywhere. This where most of the genetic garbage lies. There are also no black Y chromosomes, because the daddy of the 1/4 mixed girl was white.
Only the good parts remain. This produces really cute girls.
>black girl monkey face
>white girl ass
nah shes ugly
Nice drapes. I'd love to hang em on my face. Do you think she tastes like armpits? I had black pussy before and it tasted like sweat. Gross but was too into it to give a fuck.
who are these semen demons
that girl looks like a shaved white proto-human from 1000000 BC
>1st generation: black guy and white woman produce
Are you a cuck?
No clue, but they are so adorable. I would kill to be with them and cuddle up with them and feel their naked little bodies against me.
Pro-race mixers always cherry pick cute girls. If you think they're representative of the average, ur dumb
Bitch has a man's ass.
A monkey's face.
And in general her overall body shape just seems... off.
Even her nipples are straight up stretched out and nigger tier.
The only good examples or mix racing come from whites and asians.
Even then I don't buy into that bullshit.
Maybe if this world had no spics or niggers... sure. But whites need to stay pure against this bullshit.
What the fuck happened to this board
summer is over you know.
Right. When will non-pedophiles learn to stay the fuck off this board?
>wearing shoes while only having underwear on
>What the fuck happened to this board
We always had pedos on pol even when it was still called new, pedo tripfags too.
>hur dur we should race ix because it makes girls that look cute that i couldnt ever get hurdur
top fucking kill yourself
>no ass
She looks mentally handicapped
I remember seeing one of those cartoons mocking liberals maing the statement of "look at this hot chick, surely you don't want to deport every other person that shares her race do you?"
Does anyone else have it?
>seriously, if done right, race mixing can have phenomenal results
And the Jew can never get anything absolutely right.
6/10 face
nice tits
lolwut ass
I hate this so much
>Girl leaves her stupid fucking high heels on during sex in porn, is nude otherwise
they can all get deported or gassed too
autism awareness.jpg
Adriana Francesca Lima is of african origin but she does not tell from where exactly
It is not the same thing genetically to be from Mali than to be from the very prognathic and very negroid Ivory Coast for example
>If done right the result will look like this
Or like this (pic related). I've seen better looking both white and black girls. Why would you willfully want to put an end to what makes each race its own and deny your kids of their cultural and biological identity ?
I know everybody wants to be a special snowflakes nowadays but it is not worth it. Whatever your race is, your heritage is not yours to piss away.
Just take your fucking shoes off it's not that hard. And high heels aren't even attractive on pornstars.
WTF even is this? Some sort of Irish albino negro?
Ugly ass
>Racemixing is good, just take this valueless pornstar as an example
I was with you on this whole eugenics character creator idea of mixing races to produce the perfect semen demons.
It seemed promising.
But holy shit you could not have picked a worse example.
That girl is disgusting.
I was expecting a white girl with a black booty or some shit like that.
Not an ugly black girl with white skin.
She still has all the worst facial features of her black side.
What the fuck is up with that arse? Sloppy.
i'm not a fan either but its not that big a deal
though i have met a few people that love heels and stuff and want their woman to wear heels when they fuck
what ass?
So you want everyone to endorse the production of cheap hookers?
>seriously, if done right, race mixing can have phenomenal results
And so makeup and photoshop
She looks like a combination of Amy Reid, Ginger Elle and that singer JoJo. Neither of them have an ass.
She is ginger elle
that scares me.
I now will think every asian woman I want to bust a nut in is really a guy.
I think I better stick to my 2d
>rather than risk being a faggot i'll be a turbo faggot
>doesn't understand someone making a joke.
hello autism my friend.
Bailey Jay actually looks pretty good with that blonde wig on.
Except nine times out of ten it's done by the poor, stupid, and ugly.
There are a couple of reasons for that:
1) catering to shoe fetishists
2) porn sets are filthy
oh, the mashed tits confused me
What's the genetic makeup of this splooge succubus?