Ok Krauts. Who's going to win in Mecklenburg tomorrow? AFD right?

Ok Krauts. Who's going to win in Mecklenburg tomorrow? AFD right?

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It's likely they will come in second behind the SPD.

Do state elections get a shadow ministers? Or is it one party at the helm full stop?

I don't care.
Only when there's a new NSDAP let me know.

Second or even third when some "studends" make a mistake again after another "mistake"


Pic related

Rostock tomorrow 8pm

It's not the same.

German parliamentarian system has no shadow ministers

elections are sunday then?

Thanks user

The shadow ministers is a shit idea to begin with

>italy calling working government shit

elections for 1 state with a population of 1 million literally meaningless

Wouldn't be so meaningless if AFD wins.

Yes, it would be. No other party will form a coalition with them, so they need to get 50+1% of the vote, which is pretty much impossible in Germany.

one thing for sure the butthurt on twitter will be glorious

it's NOT meaningless, because it would be another major upset for the establishment

spd und cdu kommen zusammen ja nie und nimmer auf 50%. weiß jemand, wieviel prozent man mindestens für eine geduldete minderheitenregierung braucht?

spreek Engels of ik ga je holocausten

theoretisch alles möglich, man muss sich nur irgendwie immer Mehrheiten zusammenbasteln. Einfache Mehrheit reicht ja nach dem dritten Wahlgang zur Ministerpräsidentenwahl (Vermute einfach mal in MV ist das so)

Interessant wird es, wenn die Grünen unter 5% fallen sollten

They'd become opposition though.

Right now, two left-leaning parties are in power and two ultra-left-leaning parties (the left - ex communist party) and the greens (cultural marxists) are the """""""""opposition"""""""""

yes, sunday.

don´t underestimate the message it will send. you know the polls.
Union 20
SPD around 30 I think
AfD 23

The thing is, if AfD beats the Union they basically should form the gov. together with SPD as first and second strongest forces BUT they´re saying right from the start they won´t rule, they want to be opposition.

I personally don´t agree with AfD 100% but I appreciate the point this whole election cycle will make. And even if it means those PC faggots will get kicked in their nuts just because, that´s totally fine.
Politically, nothing will change anyway at this point ... one´d have to overthrow the whole shit and start from scratch tbqh.

but yeah AfD might also get some of their ideas through .. maybe the referendums for "easy questions demanding easy answers" .... I don´t know ... I hope so much for the people to be interested in politics and what´s going on nationally and internationally again, though I´m not quite sure about that

dude even if afd gets 49.9 percent the other parties will form a coalition against right wing

because you can fight retarded shit only with awareness*

They already justify it because some AfD idiot said if NPD would make resonable propositions the AfD wouldn't vote against it. Now all those left-extremist "experts" state this means they ally with NPD and all democratic parties should bully AfD.

Like that helped the last years. Idiots

wait is merkel being voted out?

I´m aware of that. absolutely. But as I said, the implication is, protest voters or stock voters, that the people are sick of parties from extreme left to mid-right doing exactly the same shit in different facettes just for the sake of preserving power and the status quo.

>(((coalition against right wing)))

Nah. They will just say that it's not surprising because the easterns are a bunch of Nazis and filled with Kartoffels. Berlin will have a way bigger impact since it is a town popular by the youth and has a shit ton of migrants.

no but its a big fuck you to her

Afd will be in first place because the polls always underestimate the far right parties alot

Then it will be a fun sunday

Oh but there´s one important thing which those PC faggots always forget about:

Even though NPD is ultra right, they are (as party) night right extremist. They aren´t undemocratic, otherwise they wouldé been banned (and not not banned for the sake of "ZU VIELE V MÄNNER YO"). I´m not saying NPD is great, but as long as they´re votable other parties have basically no right to boycott them, because THAT is undemocratic. And a "strong democracy" (as stated by basically EVERY MdB over and over) should basically be able to deal with this left/right wing extremists ...

There is a chance for AfD to become the strongest party, but even then the cucks will not respect the will of the people.

Currently, NPD has a few seats in the Schwerin parliament. Just a few. Still, all other cucks have a rule to vote against any proposal the NPD might make. So NPD man tells them 2+2=4 and they vote against it. I think that NPD are a bunch of morons and I hope that they fade into irrelevance with this election once and for all. Still, a few of them were democratically elected and all cucks colluded against them in the most undemocratic way. They will do the same to the AfD, but AfD will have so many seats, that (((they))) won't be able to ignore them.

>NPD literally voting for the Verfassungschutz

Pic related is latest poll (yesterday or the day before). Considering that AfD usually does better in the actual elections than in the polls, they are likely to surpass CDU, but probably not the SPD.

they might have included this effect already into the polls. Some poll institutes do this, other don't


Daas hängt davon ab wieviel die duldende Partei kriegt

thank you

...Oh AfD is head to head with CDU ? I had in mind 23AfD and 20CDU .. don´t know where tht came from. But yeah even if they tie it´s a massive bitch slap for established parties

They need about 47-48% of the votes because parties need at least 5% to even enter the parliament, which means that every party that passes that wall gets more seats than they would without it.

49.9% are the majority dude.

I am indifferent since I dont vote

>ultra right
What the fuck is "ultra right"? What does that exactly mean? How do they differentiate themselves from the regular right?

you fucking cuck

NPD is basically the attempt of reviving NatSoc with some moderations to be "democratically acceptable".

Shit like "Germans help Germans", "schools should be race-segregated between real ~Germans~ and others" or "~CRIMINAL~ foreigners out" and shit like that

tbqh you shouldn´t be indifferent at all. yeah voting is a whole ´nother story but not caring is basically the death of society. Why wouldn´t you want to change society for the better ? Depending on your own policies/opinions and stuff you might already say it´s cool the way it is and that´s totally fine ... but
>fuck shit up I don´t care at all
is just bull shit

In Germany, if you even dare to question multiculturalism or immigration, you are already 'rechtsextremistisch' (extreme right). Seriously the leftist media just throws around random scary sounding containing the words 'Rechts', 'Extrem' and 'Radikal' if they don't like something someone said.

as shameful as that sounds, it´s absolutely true.

thats not the point.the point is to just oppose EVERYTHING.
if the npd says 2+2=4 they would disagree just because the NPD said it.thats just utter bullocks.

this is very likely

>NPD is basically the attempt of reviving NatSoc with some moderations to be "democratically acceptable".
Looks like the most successful thing the Left ever pulled post-WW2 was make people subconsciously associate the right with Hitler. Fuck sake. National Socialists were textbook lefties, with government meddling hardcore in the national market and all sorts of programs and incentives for the working class.

Makes me wonder how they'll present nationalist parties in a generation.
"Hyper right winger extremophiles that score 6 Megahitlers on the Rosenberg morality scale" or some shit like that. Political descriptions are already meaningless jargon in the modern day, and it's only going to get worse.

I know. It's the "schweriner weg", but they will try to implement this on the AfD. Effectively they are doin this already since most prominent politicians will immediately denounce any idea of the AfD, even if they use the same idea months later

This would be great, but Greens must get 4,9%.
Would be a great day for German, also good for shitposting on a sunday evening

Actually, the media used to call the AfD right-wing extremist until they noticed that this is bullshit and no one safe for a few Green voters even believe it. Nowadays they just call them right-wing populist.

don't you have some more rapists to pick up from Libya

>Die Linke 14,5

Fucking how? At least the Green Party is somewhat sane but those assholes are literally the worst there is.

How the fuck do they manage to get such a high percentage?


we must shift the narrative now. Being right-wing must be normality again. All this "gegen rechts" propaganda suggests that only the middle is an okay opinion. As germans tend to like compromises they think allocating their political beliefs at the center would be a great idea.
You never hear anything about left-wing populism or center-populism (anti-atom for example). To be right-wing, to advocate limitations of state-interventions must be normal again.

Even if the Greens get in, the SPD+Linke+Greens still only have 45,5% of all votes, meaning they won't have a majority. Even SPD+CDU (Große Koalition) only have 44,5%, so the only possible coaliations are CDU+SPD+Greens or CDU+SPD+Linke.


>Ok Krauts. Who's going to win in Mecklenburg tomorrow? AFD right?

erdogan gewinnt

The most remarkable thing one has to take into account concerning this is that there's a fucking TOTAL WAR going on against the AfD in our state media and every fucked and cucked celebrity making a youtube statement how voting AfD on Sunday is going to bring about the apocalypse.

Still they will probably 'win' this thing since they will be the only party that's not actually losing votes but making massive gains.

They are better than Die Linke by a long shot.

By the way guys, next week there are elections here in Niedersachsen.

How is the shit gonna go down here? Are there any predictions already?

Udo was a Master Troll

yes I know ... and that´s why I consider German parties and/or politics at this very point failed. Basically the only reason for "change" is to preserve power by seducting voters ... everything else is not for the people but against the others, always.
There´s no "politics for the people, because we´re a representative democracy".

And then, when ideas come up that might even benefit ~everyone~ (see AfD attempting to introduce parental funding) it will basically get smashed right at the debates (especially when a party proposes it which is considered non-conformistic in a broader "society acceptable" sense), just as you said.

It´s actually a shame, because that is, what makes our system undemocratic. Not the fact that certain SJW fags disagree with right wingers or some shit but that the establishment boycotts everything which would touch the status quo, the political correctness and the like

already happened in SA and will happen again for the "sake of democracy"


Niedersachsen-fag here. It's only municipal elections, but there are no polls

depending on who you talk to.
As much as i hate both parties, but both have candidates who are "in between" enough for the normies to vote for them. For the greens there is this guy who tokk the election in BW i guess and for the left, wagenknecht got shit on for her statements, that you can't do it like our current gov does.

I think that's what's getting them their votes. Not the pure insanity both parties represent.

>6 Megahitlers

this is fucking gold

3 party coalitions aren't really stable though, especially with the Greens. If the AfD wins even more elections, eventually it will become like Sweden where every party has to be included to even form a government. This leads to a shutdown of all operations and lawmaking.

If this is the "official poll" then you can add +5 to AfD

So? That situation will MAYBE lead to long-term change but "our guests" will still increase in number. Two years more and it'll already be too late.

What will be do about it?

Because I feel already dead and I wont reproduce in this country in its current state.

What have I to lose when I am already dead?

>I won't reproduce
Good goy. Just pay your taxes so that Mohammad and Aisha can ;^)

Your boipussy can't produce children anyway, fukkboi.

Your dignity for one. Not to mention the place amongst your ancestors.

I said in the current state. I dont want them to grow up in a minorty German "Germany". Thats nothing worth of living.

>CDU and SPD will be well under 50%
>AFD will be strongest party since they have been always underestimated in the polls
>Greens will drop out because they get like 4,9%
>Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will not be able to form a government

We're in this state because of people like you. Just reproduce, have about 7 children and make Merkel pay for it.

>23 year old who is right wing since he is 14 is guilty of the current state but not baby boomer generations who voted for all of this

yeah sure, it was me x)

People like you not "you". If you were the sole problem to everything that is wrong with Germany, I would have told you to kill yourself already.

be ready for
CDU + SPD + Linke

I would have killed myself it it was the solution.

Still there must be a fight before I reproduce, I dont want to be the dad that has nothing to say to his son that comes home from school in 2040 and say "Dad I got beaten up by blacks and muslims because I was the only German child in class and the teacher said it was alright because I have to atone for our racist past".

I wish. If they did this the CDU would lose so much voters.

Let´s be honest here ... it´s not like at this point it matters at all. When the system is rigged through lobbying and personal interests of those in charge, there´s nothing much reasonable happening anyway. Not to forget about "collective guilt", because as you know

That´s basically THE narrative which is holding back eveything. I´m not talking about going full nazi again or deporting everyone who´s not white and christian and bull shit like that, but when AfD proposes something to benefit GERMANS (see one of my posts above), which didn´t even go for "biologically German" but everyone with German citizenship, it can´t be waved aside as

I mean yeah, of course, acknowledge the death of millions of people within 3rd Reich and war-related but holy shit don´t make me responsible for shit that happened like 50 years before I was born

Also ... when people have to be afraid of openly expressing their (political) views because they might get persecuted for that, how the fuck is that even possible ?


The key to everything is not giving a fuck.
Tell everyone what you think (as long as you don't get caught for having "illegal" opinions), have lots of children and be as annoying as humanly possible when demanding the state to support them all. Basically, use nigger tactics.

I dont even get Bafög if I type in only one of my parents income, I wont get anything from the state, my whole life.

CDU should just go with AFD they have more in common anyway but I guess if the system can't bend it will break.

>Bydlo af party that is half meth bikers, half hired mudshark ponstars and half STASI agitators


wew little hamster

they can´t, because CDU has come from "basically super christ conservative" to something which can´t even be defined reasonably now with all the decisions Dr. Merkel took regarding the refugees and Turkey and shit. I mean even SPD is more right-wing than CDU at the moment ...

Also the almighty "Nazikeule" would prevent anyone to coalise with AfD at this very moment. Truly anti-democratic if you ask me.

what ?

the CDU is just another SPD. the AFD is pure anti immigration which both the SPD (liberals) and CDU (religious liberals) oppose

any flip flopping they have done this year is about trying to stay in power. if you dont vote for the AFD hans your doomed

even the meme npd party?

And even the AFD is just a centrist, more common sense party.

We dont have real right wing parties in Germany who dare to name and blame the jew.

Npd are a trash party that is literally worse than hitler.

I hope communists win

Erdogan Master of Krauts

allahu akbar
>allahu akbar
allahu akbar
>allahu akbar
allahu akbar
>allahu akbar
allahu akbar
>allahu akbar
allahu akbar
>allahu akbar
allahu akbar
>allahu akbar