How do you think based Geert will do in 2017?
Will he win the most seats? The popular vote? The out right majority?
How do you think based Geert will do in 2017?
Will he win the most seats? The popular vote? The out right majority?
He has my vote
he's an indonesian zionist, but i'd vote for him if i were an angle
Hij heeft ook mijn stem. +1
He will become a major player, however in terms of political power, he will be cordoned. No other party will work together with the PVV.
I really, really hope he wins. I hope we are a Brexit effect of the right being more passionate.
> Angle.
> Anglo.
This is about the Netherlands.
> American education.
that was the germanic tribe that inhabited modern day netherlands. very nice, mongrel
Shhhh. No arguments here, only PVV.
>that inhabited modern day netherlands. very nice, mongrel
Absolutely disgusting and wrong. My ancient forebears were Frisians. Anglos originate from more north.
> American Education.
Where do you think the term 'Anglo' originated from?
He'd be a lot easier to vote for if he was actually capable of coming up with proper solutions instead of just shouting about problems. If only he was a lot more like Trump...
How do I convince my "open minded Dutch girl ;)" ecologist vegetarian girlfriend to vote for him?
Serious question
Which party would want to work with him? Last time didnt work out so well since Geert is a loose cannon. How is Geert going to deliver any statesman? What kind of intelligent and competent person would want to subjugate themselves by being a foreign minister under Geerts rule. Geert never shows any loyalty to his subjects and the people with self respect have left a long time ago. Two months ago it came out his treasurer stole money from the party to pay for his drug addiction. Not that his voters care though.
I get that borders are a problem but I won't vote for him. He's a literal socialist when it comes to economy. I think he will get a plurality, maybe even large one, but not a majority. That is unheard of in Nether/pol/.
VNL is where it's at. They are Wilders-tier on immigration, but better on the rest.
>Wij hanteren een realistisch beeld van de mens: beperkt, met zwaktes en tekorten. Dit betekent dat niet de maatschappij of ‘het systeem’ verantwoordelijk is voor menselijk falen, maar de individuele mens. Vrijheid brengt verantwoordelijkheid met zich mee. Bij ons is er geen ruimte voor socialistische ideeën over de maakbaarheid van de samenleving.
You cant. Why would a Dutch woman be together with a shitstain from El Salvador?
Yeah sure a worthless vote at a party where Jan Roos is active. Noice choice
I don't think the trip is necessary you are probably the only guy from el salvador on here
I'm voting for him
You get a new grill.
>Dutch woman be together with a shitstain from El Salvador?
You answered your own question
I give her progressiveness points or something. The girl is literally drunk in a sea of love. What should I do?
Actually there's another guy but he's an asshole. But thanks for the (You)'re special
What about the Erdo-agents etc we have?
Literally all I want is a Christian, virgin, blonde, blue eyed, non degenerate, traditional, wife material, girlfriend. But for some reason the only white girls I attract are liberal "open minded" refugees-welcome-tier women. I don't know what to do.
>Was Dutch police officer
>Is Dutch lawyer
Bigest fag in holland, he will do the same as boris johnsonn when he gets voted for president because he only names problems without solutions.. he is only there to shout stupid crap and make money