Post yfw Hillary wins
But she won't.
fucking cuck get out of my country
After you get out of your parent's house and get a job.
so you'll leave? why did your id change?
because I'm not a static cuck
kek is ded
Kek worshippers BTFO
Get out
>not being a shitflooding frog poster
Kneel to your God faggot.
Like Obama won't, twice?
there's a sad sort of irony when a paid shill tells someone with a skilled job to get a job
do you reflect often btw?
why do you care you fruitcunt
I didn't have a nuke picture, but we'll all die.
Keep this for future use.
can someone post a link to a stream of hillary's america?
ahh good old Sup Forums tier reaction face threads
Don't forget the current year
I see that it's a .hi does the cats head get cut off or something?
.gif not .hi
nice gif
It doesn't matter
America has a REAL opposition either left or right wing to the demorats totalitarianism. So either if killary wins we still have a voice
Also guns, don't forget guns, muricans also have them
Trump will win
> (OP)
My vote for Trump is locked-in regardless.
I miss Carl the cuck
Turkroach is a pedo lolicon, not suprised not suprised at all
Half the users on Sup Forums are pedos
November 9th if Hillary is elected is going to feel like that moment that the rollercoaster gets to the boarding and exiting dock and you think “thank god, I made it” and Just as it arrives and stops, everyone else screams “Again, Again!” and you think “Oh God NO! Please NO!” and then the walking platforms pull up and you think “The conductor is smart, he isn’t going to let us go again” And you hear the hydraulics pull out and the rollercoaster boards and you think “Ok good, the ride is over.” But just then the conductor guy at the panels face turns into a skeleton, and he pulls this big lever and the rollercoaster starts moving again, you seat straps you in, and music starts playing. The skeleton man laughs at you “KEE HEE HEE HEHE HEHEKEKEEEEEEEK”
You remember waaayyyyyyy back, and this is just how the ride started. And you grin nervously as the rollercoaster dips forward. You see the flashy lights above the rollercoaster spelling out the words “The Ride Never Ends”. You think to yourself “Oh yea, thats right, I forgot, The Ride Never Ends”. [Screams] Free fall into darkness.
He's waiting for us
Ye Sup Forums not Sup Forums
>Post yfw Hillary wins
>she rigs the election
>anger at the establishment intensifies
>8 more years of building rage
The harder they push the harder the pushback will be. Part of me wants the left to win by dishonest means all over so we can have our 1920s Germany to build up the fury. My body is ready.