What happened in WW1?

What happened in WW1?

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germany got btfo



Niggers! Niggers everywhere.

A lot of the worst people ever died, Turks and Germans.

germany bet it all on a quick decisive thrust and then fucked it up

Italy betrayed the Germans and all the peoples of Austria-Hungary.

Germany and Austria sperged out for literally no reason and destroyed themselves because of it.

Also the Ottomans play too and lose.

and they gained nearly nothing from it.

but what about the black soldiers?

Empires fell apart

An edgy Serbian ruined Europe forever.

They didn't even consist like 1% of the war.

Who cares about niggers? The only people who think blacks were relevant in WW1(or ever) is EA/DICE.

finland won and kicked russians out, russians are still salty and removed mannerheim memorial plate from st. petersburg

Austria invaded a series of countries and Serbia was pretty much the last in that line of countries.

The Austrian leader was parading through Serbia, flaunting his power and showing the people what was to come, pretty much using the country as if it was already his own.. so some assassins shot him, because they knew he was going to invade them.

This caused Austria to demand their own investigation be permitted insider Serbia, and Serbia denied them since they would simply conclude in things that justified war with Serbia.

Austria pretty much did exactly that anyways, and used it as their excuse to invade Serbia.. this triggered a defense pact with Russia, causing Russia to be bound to declare on Austria, which caused Austria's allies defense pacts to go off, and then some countries decided "Im getting in on this land grab!" and they declared too.

Meaningless, pointless war. It was really just the Austro-Serbian war, and everyone jumped in.

Who won? The jews, when we sent hundreds of thousands of our best men off to die by running into machine guns. It's one of the reasons our societies are so pathetic these days, talk about an alpha male DNA drain.

Allmost non-existent.

More like the eternal Austrian wanted more war and land and then got BTFO.

you have to wait 2016 and the swedish involvement

We all got BTFO.

It caused the rise of communism in your country pretty much.

>In 1918, when the Bolsheviks became the ruling party of Russia

Yeah, we all got fucked because of Austrian greed.

The Enternal Austrian happened

bolsheviks were based.

Good guys lost.

Indeed, ripip Russian Empire.

>mfw Austria-Hungary got blown the fuck out.

i hope the next time we side with the germans, we wont lose.

>xe still thinks ww1 is not just a hoax

when will sheeple learn

Sounds exactly like Russia

People died

Everyone lost. Only one group profited.

Glad to see you getting along with your roach brethren

The Poles would like a word with you.

Germany v Rest of the world

Unsurprisingly Germany lost.

Competition between empires reached its peak. First mass mobilization happened. The increased central state control required more commitment from the citizen, which in return were granted more say in the government. This was the main challenge for the state: keeping its citizens (relatively) satisfied by not asking too much of them, while simultaneously getting them to do as much as possible in the war effort. After WW1 we can see a surge in social spending, voting rights largely as a result of this. Democratization happened in part because of the demands placed on the civil society by the state.

Nationalism caused mass mobilization and mass mobilization caused increasing nationalism.
(I'm a historian, attending a conference last year specifically on the nation states and inter/supranationalism during WW1)

Well the Poles were the best goyim

We kicked a lot of British and French ass is what happened.

Too bad the ((Entente)) were too numerous.

>starts a conflict knowing exactly that it would lead to a massive war because of existing alliances
>gets BTFO by Brusilov and has to go crying to Germany for help
>get BTFO in the end anyways and gets turned into a province of the German third and fourth reichs to this day

You shouldn't be talking about others getting BTFO, ostrich.

This is a bit inaccurate
Truth is there were several factors, most important being Germany ascending to an industrial and military continental powerhouse able to change the balances on Europe
It was a dangerous game that great men like Bismarck managed to keep on a diplomatic waltz but it was to much too handle for for his successors.
Meanwhile France, Britain and Russia were all in the brink of civil class war and when the opportunity appeared they jumped in to diverge attention (Russia didnt manage it though)
And then of course there was the land-grabbing race of the Ottoman Empire collapse

A couple of big empires disappeared.

Autistic ideologies appeared.

>Germany and Austria wanted clay in Europe and Africa, Bulgaria and Turkey wanted Clay in the Balkans

This and a lot of internal conflict, economic decline, revanchism etc. Money and jewry are to blame as usual.

>You lost immediately after we entered the war and invaded Thrace
Face it you have always been our fucckbois

>joins a local conflict on the Balkans knowing it will turn into a world war because of existing alliances
>gets BTFO by half of the German army
>Commie shithole forever

>You shouldn't be talking about others getting BTFO, ostrich.

you neither, that's what I was talking about

Everyone turned on Germany as usual since Germany is human and everyone else are niggers. Germany is the lion, the rest are hyenas, insects and some are parasites.

>A 4 v EVERYONE is not exactly even odds
To be fair though we were quite douchy at the start of the previous century

The beginning of modern warfare. Artillery and machine guns were advanced greatly, tanks and planes and sharpshooters made their debut.

My great grandfather shot at your great grandfather and vice versa.

What is the Enternal Austrian going to do after he runs out of Germany?

t. BTFO by roaches

>we were quite douchy at the start of the previous century
You want to talk douchy?
We started a civil war because half the country(and the king) wanted to stay neutral, so we kicked out the king because "Fuck you we want to make war too!"

WW1 was a truly tragic war. I get goosebumps going to exhibits and memorials for WW1, but not WW2. There was almost an innocence in WW1 that was lost by the end of the war.

I think a part of the soul of our race died in that war.

Eternal Teuton ruined Europe


me and my waifu nation lost

>Austro-Hungarian Empire wanted Serbia and killed their own Archduke to have and excuse for war
>Germany wanted Western Russia
>AHE thought Germany would help them taking Serbia but got dragged to the Eastern front instead
>Germany wanted to invade France and capture Paris in six weeks to prevent them from defending Russia
>everybody underestimated the power of modern weaponry
>nobody had an estrategy
>worst and most incompetent generals in history except the German ones
>UK joined France
>the Ottomans joined Germany
>Belgium's neutrality was violated and the whole country was razed lmao
>six weeks war turned into a 4 years war
>battles in Africa, the Caucassus, Middle East
>Italy a shit
>Bulgaria sucker-punches Serbia
>millions of people died
>millions of refugees
>Armenian genocide
>empires crumbled
>the Jew won

it's quite funny if you think about it

Jews and their lies.

>muh lets just end this bloody war now guys just drop your weapons and everything will be fine we promise...

Just banter

You know that one where the British tell the Aussies and Kiwis to go take the Dardanelles and they get massacred and riddled with disease without even taking a single one strategic point?

>>Germany wanted Western Russia
Only this is wrong
Germany and Russian were pleading for self-constrain and peace until the last day of peace
Their relations were on their peak

65 Million people fought in WW1.
430,000 of those people were black.

I never quite understood the breakout of WWI. I know about Austria and their obsession with the Balkans but what the fuck did Germany even want?

65 Million people fought in WW1.
430,000 of those people wuz kangs.

And got BTFO again


At the time where most of Africa was evenly split among Britain and France, the Germans had very little colonies, and at the time they were the main source of a nation's wealth.

Had Germany won, they would have demanded territory in Africa s reparations, Austria would annex part of Serbia, Turkey would get some clay from Greece and Bulgaria would have demanded Macedon from Serbia and North Dobruja from Romania



What nations always want, to be strong and relevant
Problem with Germany is that whenever they even go close to this, it is enough to completely disrupt the balance of the East-West dipole of Europe (aka Russia-France/Britain) that keeps the continent in two well defined spheres of influence and therefore at peace.
Germany makes an enemy of both powerhouses by just being there and when they try to expand their sphere of influence and build a buffer zone all hell breaks lose

And is currently being BTFO


>Germany wanted Western Russia

When the war started, the Germans didn't know what they wanted and concieved of it as a purely defensive operation as a result of the envelopment by the Franco-Russian alliance.

>nobody had an estrategy

The French had Plan XVII, the Germans had the Schlieffenplan. Nota bene that both of these are attack plans and aimed at achieving victory quickly. They did so because ...

>everybody underestimated the power of modern weaponry

This is plain wrong. Moltke the Elder, in 1890 already, pointed out: „Meine Herren, es kann ein siebenjähriger, es kann ein dreißigjähriger Krieg werden – und wehe dem, der zuerst die Lunte in das Pulverfaß schleudert!“

[Gentlemen, this can become a seven years', it can become a thirty years' war - and woe to him who lights the fuse to the powder keg!]

Those numbers of course referenced the historical conflicts, in both of which Brandenburg/Prussia, out of which Germany arose, was brought to death's door.

The white man is stealing our history, senpai.
Kaiser Wilhelm was actually Egyptian Pharaoh LeJamal II, the supreme ruler of the Melanoid People. Then whitey killed him and suppressed the Melanin within him, tricking the Kings and Queens into thinking he was one of theirs.

Fixed your map pham

>mfw bulgarcuck is defending his bull
whatever you say neighbor

>Plan XVII

the 16 previous failed miserably

thats a wrong map

Austria-Hungary used us to do their dirty work for them. Gave us a lot of hiking paths too though.


More like they constantly redrew the plans to accomodate new information.

>On 6 September 2011, when the exchange rate was 1.095 CHF/€[16] and appeared to be heading for parity with the euro, the SNB set a minimum exchange rate of 1.20 francs to the euro (capping franc's appreciation) saying "the value of the franc is a threat to the economy",[17] and that it was "prepared to buy foreign currency in unlimited quantities".

Who suffered more under bad leadership? france or italy? I heard italian military rule was brutal

Mhm, that actually makes a ton of sense. I always wondered why Germany was always so eager to destroy Europe but you gave me the perfect answer, I think it all comes down to geographical position.

>This is plain wrong. Moltke the Elder(...)
Yeah but they didn't command during WWI.

>Plan XVI
Proves my point. During the battle of the frontiers, the French main strategy was to advance 50 metres in 30 seconds which was the time enemy gave them to move between reloads of their rifles, old rifles. They got mowed down by machine guns instead. Joffre had no fucking idea.

Well France suffered much more casualties, but Luigi Cadorna was a total fuck up.

I would like to nomine von Hötzendorf and his Carphatians campaign and Ismail Enver and his Battle of Sarikamis.

WEBM for you OP:

Thats what i heard, cool man. you know any good ww1 documentaries?

The point is that that knowledge didn't just disappear somewhere in between. Both Britain and Germany suffered munitions crises at the end of 1914, and if the Haber/Bosch process had not conveniently been invented, Germany would plain have been unable to continue the war for a blockade-induced lack of ammonia. Nobody wanted a long war.

France was in some deep shit because peasants were getting pretty assmad over the fact that the elite were exploiting
As I said above Britain and France were on the brink of a civil war, killing off their unhappy population on meaningless battles was a god given gift for them and stopped them from turning communist like Russia did

The Balfour Declaration

Germany had essentially defeated Russia in the East and would have sued for peace. The Tsar would have remained in power of a slightly smaller Russia. The west was in stalemate.

The Jews used their tool Wilson and their tricks like the Zimmermann Telegram to take the isolationist US into the war on Britain's side in exchange for Palestine.

Their radical Bolsheviks topple the Tsar and seize Russia while they also get their foothold in the Middle East. Germany is humiliated. Millions more Europeans die between the war and the resultant Spanish Flu.

And nothing else changes except some Germans are given to France and Poland, which would become the casus belli for WWII.

The great British trick at the end of each war was always to redraw lines to make future conflict inevitable. WWII was about Germany getting back what they lost after WWI.

If it was about Polish sovereignty, why wasn't the USSR also attacked? Or required as a final war goal like Patton wanted? It's also why Dunkirk was allowed to be an escape rather than a slaughter.

It started out as a rush to mobilization but it ended up just a tragedy with only one winner. Rockwell and Pierce spoke intelligently about it if you want to know more.

>I have never read a history book: the post

What happened is that Imperial Germany had ass raped France in a few months in the Franco Prussian war.

England the eternal meddler decided that The new German empire was becoming too powerful for their own taste.

Furthermore the colonies in the world were reaching their maximum extent.

Add to that growing nationalism in the populace, bad diplomacy and essentially trigger happy military staffs and this was bound to happen.

The train schedules for mobilisation were set in stone, like nuclear launch codes. Once "started", there was no going back.

However all of this is irrelevant. At the end of the day England used everyone as usual to fuck over a regional power to remain as #1 in Europe.

KANGZ happened

you lost an empire