Realistically speaking, can Germany ethnically and culturally survive the current wave of immigrants?
Realistically speaking, can Germany ethnically and culturally survive the current wave of immigrants?
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Lol worthy that pic.
For now yes. The problem is that the more mogrant you get, the more they are used to erode the very notion that your nation is based on an ethnicity, and thus the more immigration it produces.
Eastern Germany probably yes, because the """refugees""" don't want to stay there and the native people are racist as hell.
Western Germany certainly not, especially NRW is basically becoming the next South Africa right now.
The massive influx of refugees/migrants will change the cultural and ethnic shape of Germany for ever
" The issue isn’t just that immigrants are arriving in the hundreds of thousands rather than the tens of thousands. It’s that a huge proportion of them are teenage and twentysomething men."
" In the German case the important number here isn’t the country’s total population, currently 82 million. It’s the twentysomething population, which was less than 10 million in 2013 (and of course already included many immigrants). In that cohort and every cohort afterward, the current influx could have a transformative effect."
" But it could also double or treble this migration’s demographic impact, pushing Germany toward a possible future in which half the under-40 population would consist of Middle Eastern and North African immigrants and their children."
look at the little girls expression, she's the biggest slut of them all
>tfw NRW
NRW isn't german anymore. It's a mix of a turkish bazaar and Nigeria.
All our politicians and refugee welcome cucks should take a stroll through the inner city and tell me afterwards that it's totally okay that they didn't hear a single word of german being spoken (even before the fabricated refugee crisis, lmao).
This shit is not normal. This is not healthy. This will inevitably lead to disaster.
No, 3 things will possibly happen, Germans fight and win, Germans fight and lose, or Germans lose Germany and are forced to migrate themselves. Every single time through history those are the outcomes.
What is NRW? Also I've been really interested in going to Germany, but kinda scared right now. Any survival tips for not getting rekt or my shit stolen by the new diversity?
Pic not related
>tfw living in the heart of NRW
Everytime I go outside all I see are roaches and nignogs...
North Rhine-Westphalia. Where Ficki Ficki City Cologne is located. Whatever you do, DO NOT GO TO NRW. Seriously.
If you are confronted with nu-germans, simply be more aggressive than them. Most of them are pussies after all. This is a gamble though because depending on their mood, they might either weasel away or gang-curbstomp your head in. So don't blame me when you get fucked up.
I would simply not go to germany, if i were you. It's not worth it anymore.
we didnt surivive our first enrichment injection forced by the US.
Turks still barely integrated even though many of them actually were in the workforce.
Now we get a shit ton more """refugees""" which dont wanna work because they are "merkel`s guests" and live off welfare.
If this influx continues in 2020 German young man will be a minority and every town will have their own muslim jihadist breeding ghetto.
at 2040 we are a caliphate.
Bavaria and East Germany. Yes
West and North Germany. No
The East is full of half-slav nationalist and Bavaria is to expensive for Mudslimes besides some Turks
Very difficult
What about Berlin?
Berlin is long gone.
Gets burnt to the ground hopefully.
Yes. Only retards think that intermixing between distinct populations is widespread enough to actually change anything.
I am more worried about the europeans here in that regard.
What should change? The US still survives despite having only around 60% whites.
Berlin is considered western Germany, because DDR (GDR).
only if you have a strong distinct culture motherfucker, like Blacks and Mexicans in the USA usually have a separate culture.
You need to fight like crazy against assimilation, which is the key ingredient in the recipe for mixing. Why do you think Merkhell says multicult isn't working?
She wants to assimilate them so a distinct native German group disappears.
Nope, it is too late.
Every muslim will have multiple wives, rape many german women and father many kids.
Each of those kids will have more kids before being an adult.
And more immigrants will keep coming.
Meanwhile the natives will not breed. Their kids do not breed. Their old die.
And many german women will marry to muslims, and become muslim women.
With all those factors combined it is only a matter of time for them to become the dominant faction.
>What should change? The US still survives despite having only around 60% whites.
Sorry man but this is really not true. From a cultural stand point we have fallen apart from 20 years ago, and are a totally different cultural landscape than 50 years ago.
I was very close with my Grandfather before he passed and he lived in the Golden Age of America as a hardworking blue collar man who bootstrapped himself up out of literal dirt floor, 3rd world style poverty to raise a family of 6 in decent conditions. The culture that we used to have that not only allowed that, but encouraged it is long since gone. It's all about being taken care of, letting the state powers coddle you, and living like a glorified prisoner where they tell you that you have rights, but they're very strictly controlled and regulated, and you can have a job but the market is set up in such a way you really only make the prison (state) money and you're left with enough over to buy a pack of smokes and some ramen from the commissary.
The ethnic make up of a country is imperative to the continuation of it's culture.
>implying no group of Germans can reform and resist and carve out a landmass for itself with help from eastern European powers
Once America isn't tied culturally to Europe, it's over. Our interest and country will die. The elite don't understand that and seek to destroy what is important to America. Whatever I'll just move deep into Canada or Alaska. Black people and spics hate the cold.
>The ethnic make up of a country is imperative to the continuation of it's culture.
Language is more important. What will happen is more segregation and eventual deportation because Europe isn't America where the 'we're all immigrants' card works.
The we're all immigrants thing really only rolled around in the 1960's. Mostly just as a fluff piece to disguise the fact that the powers that be started to frown upon European immigration and started importing 3rd world barbarians. It sounds nice on paper, but it's a very thinly veiled propaganda piece.
However you are quite right language is imperative to the survival of culture, but it is not a guarantee. If you visit ANY American ghetto you will find the large herds of Basketball American tribes we house, and while all of them speak English, more or less, they might as well be from a different planet with how they act. It's like taking a time machine back to human predecessor days where all they do is wonder around in search of food, and fuck babies into each other. However we used to have predators and natural dangers that would kill us off, but now we feed, clothe, and shelter them so they just keep breeding. Luckily abortion keeps their numbers somewhat in check.
Anyway point being trust in a community is very important and needed for a culture to persist and this "let's mix everyone together!" bullshit has done nothing but pull our culture, and by extension, our country apart. Classic America neighborhood barbecues, neighborhood meetings, town halls, and small community management just isn't something that happens anymore because we've grown an environment that pushes everyone away from each other because we like people that look like us. You, as what I'm assuming is an ethnic Sweede, are more likely to get along with me than some random Abo from Ausland, because we by definition share many cultural values and norms that are becoming more and more spread to the wind with time.
ISIS, because of their fanaticism will spill their spaghetti and try to launch a large scale attack on Germany in multiple locations at once. Like what happened in France. The German people will demand action, Merkel or her successor will make some stupid statement about Germany being tolerant and diverse and will infuriate the people into electing a Drumpf character. Only this one will actually literally be Hitler.
Germany couldn't even survive if the recent wave of migrants didn't take place.
There were talks of demographic shifts 10 years ago already with projections that by 2050 non whites would be the majority.
The only thing that changed is it became a mainstream talking point and leftists had to admit that yes it's going to happen, but it's good because muh Nazis and muh pensions.
I cant stop laughing at that pic
>Anyway point being trust in a community is very important and needed for a culture
You make valid points, but you include an entire country on this.
A country is just a collection of towns and cities that are connected via infrastructure.
Your ghettos are probably very similar to our Swedish ghettos, only exception is that hardly anyone in these ghettos can speak Swedish.
Most migrants are poor and will remain poor throughout their stay in Europe.
Rightwing parties are on the rise, these will make a lot want to travel back home to the Near East, leaving only minuscule details of their culture behind that nobody, least of all the majority white population will really seek to retain.
What a shitty father, he doesn't deserve his family.
No, they're in the same boat as us.
Statistically speaking i doubt it, theres 5-6 million muslims in Germany which has a total population of 80 million, the fact that they breed like rabbits i give them 50-60 years before they are the majority.
>No, they're in the same boat as us.
Not really, people actually care about Germany.
Pro diversity brigade anyone? I was raised by a single liberal mother, I'm into it anyways.
what did sanchez mean by this?
It means females are crying for an evolutionary leap forward.
Is this it? Is this the end of Europeans? Non-whites are almost literally flooding into every white majority country in the world. It's much harder to get them out than bring them in. Once the next generation of them is born there's nothing you can do about it, besides the obvious.
Mass genocide.
It has to happen to save western civilization. We're doomed unless YOU are willing to fight. Your ancestors built these nations only for us to give it away to people incompatible with the west.
The jews have nearly succeeded in destroying Europeans unless we fight back. The question is, are you willing?
He could pass as an spanish expat desu
what did nigel mean by this?
I bet that little girl had a bloody vagina in the first week.
Sweden being irrelevant was the point i was trying to portray.
thought this too
Makes be feel sad
Don't be so sure, France is already reaching the "We're all immigrants" stage.
Because of segregation plenty of shitskins even go as far as claiming that there are literally no native French people left, that most Whites are Portuguese/Italians/etc.
dammit, why do I keep mistaking flags all the time lately?
Anyhow, my point is that germans too have a shitty birthrate while artificially keeping their population growing by importing shitskins. Don't know what the fuck is trying to bring to the table other than weak bantz.
They grow up so fast.
why is it always white girl, white boyfriend, black refugee. No single men or women just white girls with white boyfriends helping black guys into their apartment.
My family came from Bonn and Dortmund.
How's the situation there?
I'd really like to see it at least once.
why are these images so .... sexual
>this messy fucking shit
You/ve been watching to much interracial porn.
Really, you'd think they'd have their hands around each others shoulder or something if it wasn't the wife getting fucked and the husband getting cucked.
that image makes no sense.
>you will never be a buff refugee that fucks your cuck roomates wife everytime his out wage-slaving so he can support you
Good riddance. What a waste of space.
Dortmund and Bonn are gone, dude.
>explain yourself sweden, how is this even possible?
Welcome to Germany
That's a norwegian family, btw.
its not swedish?, all the scandi langugaes look the same to me.
What do you think is the chance of running into hostile browns?
I have some experience in dealing with them (growing up blonde in Brazil is a red pill crash course) but these simians don't blow up here, at least.
Also, can you carry knives?
That's not correct. I even found each of their facebook pages and it's pure norwegian, sorry.
>What do you think is the chance of running into hostile browns
They are always hostile.
She looks fucking terrified lol
thus destroying the ethnic and cultural make up of Germany, splitting again into east and west
>chance of running into hostile browns?
>can you carry knives?
But seeing you grew up in brazil, you're going to survive, just act appropriately. We are not that bad YET. The experience will still be unpleasant and underwhelming, i can assure you that.
not a chance
I thought the memes weren't true, but thank you for your honesty, I am a bit disappointed now anyhow.
Some of them can be tamed, tho.
Keep in mind I have never seen a Muslim from the mid East.
The faces and hairstyles just tells the whole story.
That they are people who are VERY hard to live with. People who are NOT sane.
The OP image, just look at her face. I get fucking angry when looking at it, its the face of a person who is DIFFICULT to deal with.
Should get shot so we could end her misery.
The cuck would be a lot happier too.
There are black people who don't act like animals, but they are almost always older and almost always intelligent.
Whenever I'm out I got to watch out for niggers. They'll fight you no matter your or their size. It's surprisingly disturbing. They will try to walk on you, even if you're over 6 feet and they are under 5'8 and 135 pounds. It's insanity.
Poor sub-species wide frontal cortex development. The part of the brain responsible for aggression management and decision making ability.
Ain't nobody got time for that
The """""""""refugees"""""""" are pretty much all males.
shitskins voting SD will be deported last
I hope so.
Mit dem Sieg der AfD wird das alles in Ordnung kommen.
It breaks my heart to see pictures like this one. What kind of father do you have to be to let these people anywhere near your daughter? To let them touch your cute, pure little angel?
Just what has to go on in your mind that you would let these people sleep in the same house as your children? What the fuck is wrong with him!?
Is there a label for the generatin growing up during the 80s?
Is the kids on the picture supposed to be his... sons
Something about 50 or so years of continual social engineering and brainwashing by the West's collectively greater and greater controlled state education facilities and a certain big nosed controlled media.
Seriously though long term brainwashing is hard to undo. It's like trying to tell someone that the sky isn't blue even though it's red (assuming the sky actually is red in this hypothetical scenario). The person you're trying to help in this equation is just going to think your nuts because obviously that's blue, and it always has been blue.
That's the "diversity is a strength!" pill that's been shoved down everyone's necks for longer than either of us have probably been alive.
I always heard they were lumped into Generation X, but I can't confirm they have a label.
Why are grown men touching their kids?
>and this is malik al bourdady our mandatory 12 years old somalian refugee
True, but it's not even just that.
There are several explanations, including the higher economic standards which make you complacent/apathetic and the rise of female influence in politics.
There's also a theory that the "manly genes" were killed in WW2.
All these factors combine and form a zeitgeist.
If you crack their skulls and leave what happens to you
Asking for a friend
i feel you
I don't think the system here is much different from where you are
Well of course it's not just one thing. That'd be great, it's an easier fix that way. Just destroy X and we can all return to our prime state. The truth of the matter is that its a jumbled mess of shit that all interacts with each other so it's too hard to fully disseminate because 40 things are interacting with 40 things, and you can't leave most of it out, otherwise it doesn't make sense.
But I will very very much agree with you on the rise in female influence in politics as being a high tier problem. Because lets face it: we are incentive based creatures, and what's the best incentive for almost any man? Sex. You start implementing politics around gender and sex you immediately have a captive audience of half the population (females) and some of the men because there always has been, and always will be, that cuck fuck who will kowtow to women in an attempt to get laid. Which is really a problem of exponents. If the equation is left to run under it's own power, it will only grow larger until acted upon by an outside force. The west's problem is that we've let it run unchecked for a half a century or more and now we might not even be able to stop it.
Hi again Salvador