The Handmaid's Tale

Let's talk about this show shall we? Please help me figure if this show is worth anything at all.

I didn't watch it. I learned about it by the recent Honest Trailer. Searching for it on Wikipedia, I read the summary of the first episode. Complete lack of subtlety in his political agenda: Oh no, gay men, catholics and abortion clinic workers are hanged. Well ok. Of course reviewers and critics talk about how this show is needed in the age of Trump, about how this dystopia is not unrealistic, etc.

Except the freaking premise is that the fertility rates have dropped tremendously. Literally my first thought was: "Well it justifies patriarchy". And it does. just imagine in such conditions a fertile woman who doesn't want to have children. What is the only sane reaction? But the show apparently disagrees with me.

Is this show anything more than an internally inconsistent leftist political metaphor?

It's a well acted, well scripted, well directed show.

You're not gonna like it anyway.

>stark warning about what the islamic world wants for earth
>the response is fuck drumpf and fuck white people
My almonds are overflowing with activation

>What is the only sane reaction?

Not one where they commit terrorist attacks and frame another religion, kill numerous innicebts in a religious extremist military coup that creates a tyrannical regime that soies on everyone and forces everyone to live under extreme religious doctrine that involves female slavery, spreading propaganda about how being a handmaiden is a choice, an act of solidarity and charity rather than actual forced sex slavery, making ALL women second class citizens with no rights to property etc. even if you aren't fertile, robbing and taking away babies from fertile mothers so that only the wealthy elite can have children, selling the handmaidens to foreigners in exchange of trade, maintaining hypocritical secret brothels for the use of the government elite despite preaching against "degeneracy" in public...

>I didn't watch it.
>Complete lack of subtlety in his political agenda

Hot opinion. So spicy.

It's anti-christian drivel. All the evil things the antagonists are shown doing in the show like dehumanization of women, polygamy, and female genital mutilation have never been done by Christians yet are still done by Muslims to this day.

>story implies that a fundamentalist christian ethnostate could be established in a decade or even less
Well, what are we waiting for?

>What are Christian cults, Alex?

The book was inspired by the Islamic Revolution in Iran you philistine.

No, it was inspired by the sudden rise of right wing religious conservatives in the 80s during Reagan's term in office. You know, the type of moral law and order people who ended up getting convicted and sent to jail for crimes and corruption in record high numbers for any administration?

Christian cults don't practice female genital mutilation, yet Muslims in the US do.

Has anyone pointed out the irony that the lead actress is in a cult that imprisons people who try to leave it and seek help, that encourages people to cut off family members who leave, that has a fucking militia and has infiltrated national governments in order to corrupt them?

>it's another dime a dozen "exploring facets of historical representation, the flaws of western culture or legitimate and objective suppression/oppression of a group is somehow a Jewish agenda" thread

Man, these guys really drank the Kool-Aid. Those infographs I found on Sup Forums told me that the slave trade didn't actually happen and that black people actually wanted it. Did you know black people owned slaves and that women hate voting? This study from Simon's Rock University in 1978, sourced form 22 students, shows that women actually hate freedom. Based Milo Gyronipplus told me that women are getting sad because of their rights, which is crazy since he has lots of female friends which means he doesn't hold any inherently sexist positions.

Am I allowed to like this show, Sup Forumsros? It won't indoctrinate me, right? I hate that ((((they)))) are trying to brainwash pure Aryan blooded men like me that would have definitely fit in with the time period that I'm desperately hoping will come back, as the BASED AS FUCK 50's really valued emotionally unstable, bitter, unfocused, lazy, directionless manchildren that hate women because they won't give them the puss puss. If B A S E D Don Draper lived in current year, he'd totally know that women are just dumb bitches and that gays should be executed. Where are my non-SJW shows?!

What did he mean by this?

It was written in that political climate, but Atwood was Canadian; there's more to the world than the US. I can see more parallels with actual Iranian Revolution - after all, that one succeeded. It also prevails.

Just tell us what fucking cult she's in, smart arse.

I know this is a troll but I will clear up that the statistics show that women vote for more government, more surveillance and more welfare

They do hate freedom, because they'll vote for daddy government to make them feel "safe", if they are single

The Church of Peace

Whatever, Billy Bob, the KKK and ISIS are totally incomparable too, right?

Knowing it's baiting troglodytes like yourself and still replying speaks volumes of your self control.

why does it have to be a fantasy? they could have set it in any number of countries right now

I guess you'd have to objectively compare the aims of both, wouldn't you?