Soros told Bloomberg that Western Civilization is doomed and that Donald Trump will win the popular vote in the general...

>Soros told Bloomberg that Western Civilization is doomed and that Donald Trump will win the popular vote in the general election in a landslide. He added that Hillary Clinton’s win is already a “done deal”.

>I think it is going to lead to a landslide for Donald Trump in the popular… The popular vote will be a landslide.

>He then agrees with the reporter that Hillary Clinton will be elected.

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Why is that thing still alive? Imagine what would have happened to that fuck back in the 1950s.

when will you fucking dumb faggots on this board realise all these politicians and important people never present their true feelings for each other when infront of the media cameras

Obama could get disgusted just thinking of Hillary Clinton he thinks shes such a stupid bitch. Hillary thinks Obama is a fucking worthless nigger. you'll never see their hatred for each other on camera.

the video is fake you dumb fucks look it up he said clinton would win

what the fuck, hearing him actually speak is unsettling as hell

sounds just like I imagined though

this. its all cloak and daggers. whatever they state officially is usually bullshit. one have to look at what is happening. not what they are saying

Anyone with half a brain already knows this.

When they push a legit criminal this much you know that its already decided. Even worse the burger media blowout that will follow declaring that feels won over racism

Civil war.

Yeah no shit. So explain why he said what he said

>Trump will win the popular vote in a landslide
>but Hillary will win the electoral college

That doesn't even make any sense. The only time you realistically have the popular vote not match the outcome of the electoral college is when it's REALLY close, like in 2000. In other words, not a landslide. Yeah, that outcome can technically happen, but it would require some unrealistic shit like getting 99% of the vote in all the red states and then 49% in all the blue states with the blue states winning overall due to winner take all. This would be ridiculous and essentially impossible

We were pretty close to civil war in 2000 when al gore lost with the popular vote. Imagine if someone like Trump who never backs down lost with the popular vote.

And then what?

All of our problems would be solved and there would be no wars or Marxism.


Deal with it goyim

Good I want a civil war.

It gonna happen.
Entire states red, carried blue by a few counties.
Absolute bullshit.


That simply doesn't happen.

>he doesn't know that electors are not bound to honor the results of the popular vote

>america cannot into democracy

but it will.
say it with me:

Now THAT would actually result in mass riots.

I heard this was edited and soros actually said the opposite.

no it wolnt. the only thing that would cause riots today would be no NFL coverage of #{yourstate} foot ball team

just more proof that our votes never mattered in the first place. even if almost every vote in the popular election was for trump, it's the electoral college that determines who gets elected and they can all vote for hillary.

>Far left activist
>Corporatist globalism
>Far left

The hubris of these people. They've told us upfront for decades. Whitepapers, memoirs, hearings, etc. When the public's eye is upon them, they serve platitudes and out right lies, when they think the only people listening are in the know and complicit, or are too small or dumb to realize what's going on, they flaunt.

As the past few years have gone on, they've been less inclined to dismiss their intentions, even towards the public. sometimes spin it to make it sound shiny, ((progressive)) and other times they just flatly state them. In their spheres they are unchallenged and cohesive, and it is becoming clear they are close to wrapping up this monstrosity of bureaucracy and increasingly desperate to not lose it, right in the final stretch.

This is truly a crazy time be alive. You're witnessing history unfold right before your very eyes.

I really think Soros has stepped his game up in recent years. He probably realized he's going to die soon and he won't be able to see the fruits of all his hard work, destroyed White's society

Well didnt they try to push a bill through that called for the popular vote to be non binding so they didnt have to vote for trump?

the only thing binding them before was fear of their voters. but they could still vote for who they want.

The GOP considered a rule change for the primary that would require a candidate to win a set number of states before being eligible to be placed on the ballot.

As noted here the popular vote for the general election is already non-binding.

>You're witnessing history unfold right before your very eyes.

Agreed. They make no effort at all to hide it anymore. It's a fight for America's soul, pretty much.

Have normies realized it, though? That's the question.

Fuck if I can into reading at this time in the day.

Is what Soros is claiming possible?

Has any US Pres. Election ever been decided by the Elec. College, while ignoring the popular vote?

Didn't it already happen when Bush was elected?

Lmao I doubt any of you will do anything if this happens. Someone who isn't a fag will take care of the problem if it happens all you closet niggers will make threads ironically about it happening and not do what's right. Screen capture this

Video is fake. Alex Jones just posted a video saying it's fake - why they didn't run it.

AJ is a fraud and would benefit more from a Clinton win. He is literally pro-wrestling tier.

Only thing I can recall about the two elections with G.W.B. was the "chad" incident that led to the Florida recount.

So where's the source?

>babies first redpill about the (((democracy))) meme

>Soros told Bloomberg that Western Civilization is doomed

Where did he say that? Stop making things up, faggot.

Honestly, I hope this happens. It'll be even better than a Trump victory. It'll literally trigger a secession and possibly a civil war depending on Hillary's response to said secession (which is guaranteed to be insane given Hillary's brain damage and vindictive personality).

Ah thank you

Yes. Gore won the popular vote but Bush won the electoral vote. Due to the partisan nature of the country and the court's involvement, only a portion of the electorate were upset.

Nah, it wont. The majority of Americans will wake up the next day to the news of Clinton winning think that it was the obvious outcome because of media shilling so hard for her and then go about their day like normal.

Refer to: Faggot

You'd be a racist to riot just because your preferred presidential candidate didn't win.

Sad but true

Considering this is pretty much what happened with Gore v Bush it'll probably be just people bitching for a few months then fucking nothing.

We already are racists

we aren't racist enough though.

You're underestimating how different things are now compared to then. Political affiliation is way more polarized and the left is borderline radical these days.

I completely agree with you.

i dont believe he would speak this candidly for the public to hear

One of these two things will happen:

>the general public is fooled to believe everyone voted for Hillary
>they find out and they're too fat and lazy to get up and fight for it

>Has any US Pres. Election ever been decided by the Elec. College, while ignoring the popular vote?

Daily reminder that George Soros funds Obama, Black Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton, Femen, Antifa, Angela Merkel, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Planned Parenthood plus many more people and organisations without much attention in the mainstream media. Despite all of this, Soros is STILL ultimately just a puppet of a force that is VASTLY MORE POWERFUL than him - and one that does not even originate from this dimension!

number two. surprisingly we know a lot of the things going on around us and we are to fat and\or lazy to do anything about it.

Half the populace doesn't vote.
Most people still only get their news from cable.

I hope you're right. America should have a second civil war if Hillary becomes POTUS so that even if Trump doesn't win the election, America STILL becomes great again!

>Soros is STILL ultimately just a puppet of a force that is VASTLY MORE POWERFUL than him - and one that does not even originate from this dimension!
So cthulhu is behind it all?
Makes sense the world is going mad

Yes reading that now, but that was in no way similar to what Soros is imagining.

Gore won the pop vote by approx 550k and Bush won elec vote by 5, doesnt seem like a landslide either way

Guess they already digged up the dead people.

You are supporting it with your post.

You can't stop him anyways

It's not Cthulhu, it's the Demiurge. The puppets of the Demiurge are ALL victims of the Demiurge, even though most of them don't think they are. The Demiurge is the 'god' of the Abrahamic religions AND the Devil, so it doesn't matter if you worship the 'god' of the Abrahamic religions or the Devil (if you worship any of them), since your energy is being vampired by the Demiurge either way. Energy flows where attention goes.

Demiurge as Abrahamic 'God' = Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

Demiurge as Satan = Darth Sidious

Also, this universe is akin to a computer simulation and the Demiurge is akin to a computer virus. The Demiurge is the original 'virus' and the Archons are replications of the original Demiurge 'virus'.

The 'God' of the Abrahamic religions (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is actually the Demiurge. Worshipping the Demiurge and praying to the Demiurge gives energy to the Demiurge. The Demiurge receives an energy bonanza from Muslims in particular, who pray to him five times a day. Energy flows where attention goes.

Human dynasties = Darth Vader

Archons = Emperor Palpatine

Demiurge = Dark Side of the Force

got the full interview? this one is heavily edited

nice try CIDF


>2016 - Temple of Truth provides weekly funny political satire videos - SUBSCRIBE
its like you niggas cant read

he was literally working with the nazis

the guy responsible for half the shit in the world got gassed at a young age in another timeline



Demiurge, Archon, the Architect, Lightbringer

all similar names.

Gnostics for example think they're fighting the Demiurge by worshipping the Lightbringer (aka Lucifer) which is hilarious

The Demiurge seeks to infest and infect all that exists. The Demiurge's only goal is the complete assimilation of everyone, everything, everywhere and everywhen..... forever.

Hillary Clinton Is Even More Dishonest than You Thought

Report: FBI Found Ample Evidence That Clinton Violated Federal Records Act

Clinton tells FBI she could not recall all briefings on preserving documents

FBI: Hillary Didn’t Know Giant Letter ‘C’ In Emails Meant ‘Confidential’

SURPRISE. It Looks Like Clinton Foundation Officials Illegally Obtained Diplomatic Passports

Newt Gingrich: "In A Normal Society" The Clintons Would Be "Ostracized As Totally Unpatriotic Scammers"

>Due to the partisan nature of the country and the court's involvement, only a portion of the electorate were upset.

No, only people who didn't pay attention in civics class and thought we had direct democracy instead of an electoral college were upset. The rest of us knew the rules of the game coming in and weren't surprised at all at the outcome.

Do you think gore was trying to win the popular vote? Do you think that his campaign staff were unaware of the intricacies of electoral math?

>Gnostics for example think they're fighting the Demiurge by worshipping the Lightbringer (aka Lucifer) which is hilarious

Gnostics aren't Luciferians/Satanists, they oppose Lucifer/Satan. As I said earlier, the Abrahamic 'God' and Satan are BOTH the Demiurge.

He merely announced Trump having an 'accident' in the near future...

Fuck's sake, this. Can we get the full thing rather than a comedy edit?

Bud I know all about Gnostics

My father was a Rosicrucian

they oppose the Demiurge (The Abrahamic God) and worship the Lightbringer, its why the latin word for Morning Star is above the Hebrew word for Yahweh in this image.

Though we know what that both Morning Star and Lightbringer were used to describe Lucifer in the Bible.

So you either believe the old Testament was written by servants of the Demiurge or that is a lie and Jesus was actually the Lightbringer.

All very interesting to look into
If hillary was decided from the start she will win

Judeo Christian (desert) religions/customs/philosophies are extremely dumb and damaging as a whole and white people should be ashamed of themselves for adopting and glorifying this bullshit.

You need less than 30% of the total vote to win dumbass. By less I'm talking about it being around the 22-25% mark.

>Hillary Clinton shouldn't even be able to run!
The irony is that in her state of health she is literally incapable of running.

I absolutely agree. I've always been a fan of mythology though and delving into what the elites believe is fascinating as fuck

> They still think popular vote determine the result of US presidential election

Do you know anything about your own country ?

>what the elites believe is fascinating as fuck
They don't believe in anything other than their ability to be corrupt and decadent.

They can easily choose to use their wealth and resources to help people and develop their inner selves but it's easy for them to be spoiled and degenerates, that's why they're into cults and other bullshit clubs.

It's the grown up version of school clubs. That's it. There's nothing supernatural. They're just deluding themselves. They just want to be degenates.

Benghazi was because of that video though.

Don't tell me it was a preplanned attack because these same fucks defeated America and everything it stood for in one swift attack the last time.

People know, 2000 showed all the normies that pop vote means shit.

BUT, that election was still very close. If Trump gets like millions of more votes in a "landslide", electing Hillary would cause mass riots I HOPE.

> It's like France
What ? No ! We have direct elections for the presidentials.

>win popular vote and still lose
Nice democracy you have there, pidors


Your two-round voting system is pretty rigged though. By only having two candidates go through it basically ensures the status quo, because the moderates of both sides band together in the second round to vote against any radical candidates who make it through.

How is the USA considered a democracy if the president is not chosen by popular vote?

Pierre Sabak is a man who has spent over a decade going through dictionaries, he's obsessed with words as well as their etymologies and derivatives. Pierre discovered that if we follow back the derivatives of the words in the languages we use now to their origins, then they tell a story of reptilian beings taking over the human species and also how they symbolised these reptilian beings not as they really are but instead as eagles, hawks, owls and angels. If you take the word 'angel' back to its origin in Sabak's research, you get a word meaning 'snake' or 'serpent'. And so we have the eagle on the coat of arms, flags and logos of so many countries. We also have the so-called 'owl god' Moloch, who is worshipped at Bohemian Grove. Read 'The Murder of Reality - Hidden Symbolism of the Dragon' by Pierre Sabak. The Elites are manipulating what they KNOW is MALLEABLE 'REALITY'.

>Donald Trump will win the popular vote in the general election in a landslide

yfw whole Americans protesting and civil war happened.

>he's going to die soon

I wish. He'll probably outlive us all.

I hope Mr. Soros comes to Florida sometime soon

That's the plan
>goldshirts try to fight back
>madam president declares martial law
>country on lock down
>what little Freedoms we have left are taken away in order to fight "domestic right-wing extremists"
>globalist finally have complete control of the US