Went to left leaning Catholic high school

>Went to left leaning Catholic high school
>Leftist as fuck
>First vote I ever cast was for Bernie Sanders
>Say that Trump is literally Hitler
>Am passionate about politics, so I visit Sup Forums naiively
>Get red pilled over the course of the election
>Now conservative
>Now mildly racist
>Ordered my Trump shirt a few days ago
Thanks Sup Forums

It's good to have you, brother. Praise Kek.


Its amazing , the things they completely ignore in school ciriculums to push the globalism .

I think everyone starts off this way. I used to be a Sup Forums fag in 2007, been going on Sup Forums 3 or 4 years now.


>Be in AP gov
>Liberal, gay teacher draws political spectrum on board
>In order from left to right:

Bless you friend, right-wing catholics are true red pill

redpill your classmates

You have to be 18 to post on here, countryman

Exactly the same here (dual citizen). My mum's very left-leaning, so I've told my parents I'm voting for Hillary. I try to drop 'innocent' facts into political conversations (how corrupt Hillary is, etc.), but from the 'at least she's not Trump' angle. I doubt I'll redpill her though

I graduated a year ago. And even if I was still there, I'd be shouted down as a racist.

Fun Fact: A girl in the class below me was on National Fox News because of the Black Mass satanists were doing at a community center here

I'm 20, buddy

>Mom is a Bernie convert Hillary supporter
>We get in fights all the time about Clinton
>"She dindu niffin, Trumps literally hitler!"
Real life CTR

aren't we all proof that we can polarize humanity?
Sup Forums is becoming like a living organism changing the opinions human by human, meme by meme.

This must not be stopped.

Good to hear, user, I have a similar story:

>son of italian immigrants
>very catholic from early on
>go to cucktholic school in Germany
>become leftist extremist atheist
>discover Trump and Sup Forums
>go back to right wing conservative
> thanks Sup Forums for saving my life

Parents are helping with uni fees, etc. so I don't want to burn my bridges yet. Anyone know how to get official MAGA hats in the UK?

>Not being truthful to your mother.
>Not being a good son and being honest about your views with her
>Not calling her a dumb leftist cunt in front of her whorebag face

Youre a terrible son

You should have draw a line after that, and on the other side you should write:

and tell him that there is another world besides left-wing ideology

Yes, it seems like a great idea to insult my mother and financially cut myself off from my parents for no achievable goal. Any more incredible advice?

>studied history
>my dissertation was on the far right in the UK
>tfw i defended multi culti and spent 10k words bashing based Mosley and Powell
>tfw now feel Powell was right
>tfw realise Mosley wasn't even that extreme

>went to normal school
>didn't really get any political agendas shoved in my face
>parents weren't religious or politically active so now I'm an atheist
>started browsing here and realised I naturally lean towards the right wing

I still don't care about politics because in nz it seems like both major parties don't end up making a real difference, they just cancel each other's plans to try reach the same goals.

Also I like the idea of family morals that religion brings but all the things I've learnt about Christianity just makes it sound like a scam

I wear my MAGA hat to my left leaning family functions. From there the subtle redpilling takes effect.

Welcome to the fun side


Should have questions how they get placed on the political spectrum. Presence of government? How it deals with social issues?

Though I like how Democrats are right next to socialism and Republicans are right next to Nazism. Your professor isn't trying to suggest anything at all.


Pic related


Kek amun


They aren't protesting that, they are protesting POLICE using lethal force on blacks, not white civilians killing black civilians.

Join in the fight, Kamarad.

I think he's making the point that the idea of 'white on black police murder' is ridiculously inconsequential compared to the thing the police are stopping by being brutal i.e. black on black murder

>be me
>be a tech guy
>surf Internet in the mid to late 1990s
>get job as library assistant in my tech college
>first always on Internet I've seen
>nothing to do but type whatever I want into excite and yahoo search engines.
>literally whatever edgy shit I can think of, black Panthers, Klan, etc.
>become addicted, get red pilled way before Sup Forums ever existed.
>ruin relationships with all family and friends trying to wake them up.
>tell them the Jews run everything and they are destroying western civilization
>find out years later that Jesuits actually run it and are doing it to destroy Protestantism.
>find the connections between masonry and Jesuits
>find out that illuminati was created by a Jesuit
>find out that all the wars were backed by Jesuits - on both sides!
>find out that lots of blacks and almost all Hispanics are bro tier.
>find out that lots of whites are pretty scummy.
>become a Catholic myself
>I'll be wearing a pointy hat one day

Fair enough. Their fault for never reporting incidents to the police as eye witnesses. If they actually did then the criminals would get caught much sooner before more people die.

>born in a religious family
>went to France, became a fucking atheist
>eat whatever propaganda was on tv, was a fucking cuck
>discover Sup Forums
>became a christian again
>now want to destroy democacry and put a king like the old days

Remember to love animu

Welcome to the board of peace, brother. May the great Kek bless you and may He keep you away from the shills, Commies and Kikes.