One of the reasons why a lot of men and women are singles these days it's because weddings are getting more expensive
The Cost Of Being Married Versus Being Single
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Bitch better poo in the loo,
after what he paid for it
Would pajeet poo in solid gold loo?
The shit of the Saudi princess deserves the best
" Why Weddings Are So Crazy Expensive, And How To Avoid Getting Manipulated By Vendors"
" Those planning the wedding have limited experience (or no experience) shopping for specialty items such as the wedding cake, dress, linens and bouquets. The vendors, on the other hand, have far superior knowledge of the industry, and this asymmetric information makes it easier for vendors to inflate the price — essentially "ripping off" their clients."
" Location plays a key role in price as well, so even generalized online research may be skewed. For example, renting a venue in New York City (where the average wedding costs over $82,000) will be far more expensive than a venue in Kansas City (where the average price tag is a bit over $24,000)."
As someone that got court house married because I didn't want to pay the costs of it in order to get us both health insurance, no the cost hasn't changed at all.
If you want to put on an extravagant show to impress your family it has risen with inflation.
cannot avoid vendors because of Wimin :( I have a huge problem with the cost of all this circus :(
It was always an extravagant circus, when was there a time you could have a cheap "dream" wedding?
The entire point of a wedding is to let the plebs known what's up.
A cheap wedding is an oxymoron if it's a social event. Though there are some young kids that think weddings are about love still.
I'm currently involved in helping plan my own wedding. Part of the problem is that if you want to keep it small everyone you know who doesn't get invited will get super offended and butthurt.
Also, for some reason making reasonable concessions to save on cost is seen as super tacky and passè, there's a lot of social pressure that goes into making you cough up more and more money.
>I'm currently involved in helping plan my own wedding.
Yea. You better have a say in your own wedding.
Stop wording it like you're allowed to make a decision.
A lot of people are single these days because most western women are sluts and whores, and most men have lost their direction, but they also don't feel like settling for sluts and whores, even though so many sluts and whores exist because men allow and encourage them to exist.
Holy shit it's the flying nun
>go to court
>pay like 50 bucks
>get married
worked for me
M8 I'd have no say if I had my way, I fucking hate wedding planning and school is stressful as fuck right now. Although now that I've gotten my list of people out of the way, my part is mostly over with.
Well I'm glad to be a Mormon.
Getting a huge ass wedding is usually looked down upon because "you could have used that money to buy a bed for your first child" etc.
Meanwhile non-religious folk around here pay a ridiculous amount of money for a fancy wedding ceremony for a girl that is not even virgin and will divorce them once the going gets tough.
Feels good to be a Mormon..
>Buy a nice dress I can wear later
>Go to justice of the peace
>throw little party afterward at home
>just as married as the $25000 bride
dont let her spend a stupid amount of money.
Also dont let her feed you that "its my day" bullshit.
Women are programed from an early age to blow this shit out of proportion.
While you were playing in the dirt, she was fantasizing about "being a princess on HER big day"..
Have you seen the bill for this shit yet? Its retarded. Most of the companies that sell wedding shit wont even tell you the price, they mark the stuffs price range like "4 out of 5 bells" and you wind up spending $56 on napkins.
Same thing with kids names. Every one of my exs said "were going to name out kids * and * ". And it was always some stupid name.
Redpill me on Mormonism bro. It seems like a great religion because of its adherents but I really like caffeine and drinking moderately. Can I still join?
Mostly I'm interested because I'm starting a family within the next 5 years and it's pretty apparent that raising a kid with no other code of morals besides what progressive secularism has to offer is a recipe for disaster.
>>Buy a nice dress I can wear later
>our daughter can wear it on her wedding day too :)
better go find her mom and dad and get their dress cause Im sure she gave the same bullshit line
Her parents and my parents are paying for everything, 10k maximum. Even if we could afford more, it would be so retarded to dump that much money into what is essentially a glorified party for one night.
Thats bs.
You can still get married at the registry if youre poverty.
People just dont want to get married, ita not about money
y tho.....
>buying a dress
>not renting
mormons are ape shit crazy fucks that are a: cult, jewish pnzi scheme, scientology, apeshit, tin foil, big brother, and some other shit I cant thing of, all rolled into one.
They wear magic underwear, have to pay out big time to the church to upgrade their status, think native americans are a lost tribe of israel, think after jesus rose tha the came to america and preached to the indians, think that jesus and satan are brothers and white people sided with jesus, black people were turned black to punish them for staying neutral and the deamons were the angels that sided with sata.
Joseph smith, the founder of mormanism (in the late 1800s) was a known liar and crook and was literally thrown out of the state of new york for being such.
fuck it, read this:
and then watch this:
tldr: you are retarded for even thinking of joining them.
Maybe a cruiseship-wedding could be the answer
" With CruiseShip-Wedding, your choices are endless. The Cruise Lines have a great selection of Wedding Packages, some start for less than US$1500 and others for a little more."
No, most women don't care about a big ceremony, everyone knows it's dumb as shit, it's a meme perpetuated in the media that weddings cost a lot of money, they don't, just get married at the registry office if you really must. Preferably don't get married at all though, assuming you're not stupid enough to be a christfag or you're some dumb paki muzzie.
>not getting one from a thrift shop
whats the matter? they dont have a problem buying barrels of second hand clothes any other day.
I was friend with a momon on a mission. You know, the creepy weird ultra white guys, hilariously american accent, with those cheap white shirts they button up to their nose.
Well, i became friend with one of them through mutual friends. He ended up 3 months later hanging out with me one night, losing his virginity to a nigerian street hooker while completely wasted and then ending the night with an angry rant against the jews against a taxi driver who had a kippah.
Good times. Still friends with the absolute madman
Virgin Mary would be proud to take a dump there
trust that flag to focus on the cost >_>
Nothing you wrote is untrue but it's all pretty much true about other religions too... they just have the advantage of being founded before the modern era so they can make wild claims and not worry about counter evidence popping up.
literally the sole reason I dont need a girl or a woman to get married to is because of Porn
Jews have ruined me, careful because there is a point of no return
intersting point, but mormanism is literally wuz aliens and now gonna be gods and sheeiiiit
I'm getting married but I agree for most people it's retarded. The worst are people thay dont even want kids who still get married anyways because the media tells them to, that's a complete waste of money.
The entire point of marriage is to provide a stable environment for children. If you aren't going to bother with those, then why the fuck would you limit who you're going to bang for the rest of your life?
She looks like she's dressed to take on the armies of Sauron.
Oh, and also the "witnesses" that claim to have seen john smith write the book are all fraudulent.
And the scribe that john smith hired to write the book (because he couldn't write) literally never say the golden tablets (which smith claimed only he could read (I think it was through magic glasses)), and on some days of writing it john smith would actually show up with nothing.
In US it's about not opening yourself up to permanent indentured servitude status by summary judgement of some lower court judge, forcing transference of a hard % of your private wealth (held or earned) to the state.
There is no getting out of that condition, besides falling so woefully behind on your reproductivr tenant duty that they straight up toss you in prison with the rest of the freedmen-turned-serfs who risked having a family "of their own".
>protip: in a lot of states, if you are "dating" and living together for more than X years you are legally married
iirc its 3-7 years, but my memory is fucked. Look it up yourself.
It's only as expensive as you want it to be, faggot. Just spend less on your wedding. Only an insecure cuck falls for popular opinion and what you're supposed to do? Who do think introducted the "spending more money on your wife means you love her more" meme? Diamond and gold merchants obviously. Whatever happened to marrying for love? Whatever happened to marriage being a bond between two people? Or do you marry for the publicity?
" Marriage is more beneficial for men than women, study shows"
" “Not marrying or cohabiting is less detrimental among woman than men,” said Dr George Ploubidis, a population health scientist at the UCL Institute of Education."
" “Being married appears to be more beneficial for men.” "
" “Numerous studies have found that married people have better health than unmarried people,” "
" A major study in 2011 found that being married lowered the risk of premature death by 15 per cent. The previous year research by the World Health Organisation found marriage could reduce the risk of anxiety and depression and those who tied the knot were much less likely to suffer the blues than those who stayed single."
it's because a marriage doesn't mean anything in the secular world
what is marriage? here's a few things that makes marriage attractive:
>1. security. once you're married, you have a lifelong partner, by law, until death.
now not true
>2. you have saved yourself for your wife, sexually, as your wife has done for you.
now not true
>3. it is the unique foundation of man and woman to create and nurture offspring
now not true. it's just a consensual contract between 2 adults of any description
it has no value, so why bother doing it? all it does is guarantee you have 50% of your shit taken when (not if) your marriage ends before death
Acknowledging that the pressure exists doesn't mean everyone is falling victim to it. You're the fucking cuck here if you assume that even the existence of social pressure means that everyone caves into it immediately.
This, marriage only holds value if you're planning on raising children so they can live in a stable environment.
As long as it's white people not getting married and having kids I'm OK with MGTOW.