>tfw no homeland
Tfw no homeland
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You have a homeland.
You're not alone.
we wuz vikingz n romanz n greekz n shit
what do you mean?
everybody having homeland tho.
If we can get our shit sorted out, Come home white man, regroup maybe reconquer Europe when the time is right.
Sami are the native people of Norway. And our King just declared Norway as a country for everyone.
you are all lucky
restore the Kingdom of the Isles, friend.
Is norway even a country?
How much does a nor way?
>Sami are the native people of Norway
we have lived in some kind of symbiosis with them in the north. we fished and traded, they gave us pelts and meat. dont call them the "natives of Norway"
They are, lad. They are a protected people. Unlike us.
No Finn
I'm thinking of leaving this shit, if it doesn't move in the right direction. Traitorous people.
Where should I go?
You're welcome to join us again, Great Finnish Empire is rising
But isn't the nature shitty. I mean den denmark is ok, but it's too close to germany and sweden
Denmark isn't any better
Åland is a good bet.
>tfw one of my great uncles died in the winter war
I make a fair bit of money through internet. I want to buy land and automate my production. Get off grid and live off grid.
Denmark is too small for that
Suggest a good European country that isn't :
>A nearly uninhabited island
>Close to Germany/Sweden
>like living in Africa / Oceania.
>tfw my grandfather was born in New York
>Close to Germany/Sweden
Why do you even bother to mention Denmark then?
If directed to me, it was to give perspective
It was directed to Nowegian user, no worries Danskbro/Norbro.
>tfw around a bunch of people who don't care about others, pretend to be globalists because it is easy to see they are not nationalists, when in fact they are just a bunch of anarchists/libertarians
Fuck Brazilians
nice i'm norwegian now