Gary vs Jill

If you had to choose one which one?

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Gary Johnson

I'd fuck Jill Stein tbqh


The only ting is the guns but he is better than Gill.

Open borders, but generally reasonable faggot


open borders and generally unreasonable faggot


Jill is anti TPP



gary might as well be clinton

Well consider me a Jill shill now

tpp can suck Mhu dick!

Neither is a closed border cuck but ill stoll go with Gary

Darrell Castle

Jill, at least she wouldn't do anything

Jill would be hillarious with the shit she'd try to pull, Johnson's just another democrat.

they both suck but id pick jill because of TPP
both better than $hillary tho
id actually love to see a 3rd party president someday but i wonder how well it would actually work, would congress co operate with them ?

i'd go with the dude from NCIS

what a joke, saying you cant say stuff because its not PC is the most anti libertarian shit ever, atleast jill admits shes a lefty bitch

>They came into this country because they couldn't get in legally and the jobs existed and you or I would've done the same thing

>They stole that persons money because they couldn't get it legally and the rich people existed and you or I would've done the same thing
>They raped those girls because they couldn't do it legally and the girls existed and you or I would've done the same thing
10/10 logic

The best part is the very end

Jill has been very reasonable and sort of based every time I have seen her talk in interviews and debates. That said, I've done no research on what her policy stances are and with her repping the Green party I'm assuming they are self-destructive.

Gary on the other hand comes across as insufferable retard nevery time he opens his mouth.

The comments are actually pretty funny, someone needs to make a compilation of these.
>So does he consider drug dealers Undocumented Pharmacists?
>Rapists are Undocumented Semen Donaters.
>terrorists - Undocumented Religious Activists
>Muggers- undocumented charity collection agents
>Murderers = undocumented executioners.

there policies are pretty similar to bernie sandes but with more emphasis on the environment, there basically commies, but atleast there not pretending to be something there not like gary

unironically jill. shes anti-tpp, and gary is a massive faggot

Do you have to ask?
The superior memer of course


I'm more socialist than libertarian, but Johnson seems pretty based while Stein is legit crazy.

Tough call.

>data miner detected
I'd choose your mom


I have taken the Jill pill

Lel how can you find Johnson anywhere close to based?

Gary Johnson. I'm voting him over Trump/Hillary.
Gary is the only candidate that's not a bigot. Hillary does the whole "I'm a woman so you have to vote for me" thing and has some sexist policies, but Jill is even worse. She actually wants to force private companies to have gender quotas. Also pic-related is from the California Green Party

I'm not really Libertarian but holy fuck identity politics need to die, and Gary is the only one of the four that wants to do that

See this He's a politically correct faggot who puts immigrants over americans.

>abolish IRS
>eliminate coporate tax
>replace with flat sales tax
Gary Johnsons tax plan would shred the economy to pieces and allow big businesses to make out like daylight robbers. Johnson knows less about economics than Bernie does, and Bernie's a borderline socialist.

He's already a socialist, my bad.

If you choose the socialist wacko you're a moron.

>He fell for the all identity politics is bad instead of just liberal identity politics is bad meme

She looks quite good for 66. Amirite?

good goy. vote Hill.. i mean Garry

You don't seem to know what the fuck you're talking about m8.
Maybe leave this board and do some reading up!

~Le "corporativism fucks the economy up" meme
Sure, it isn't exactly good for the population in the short term, but Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and motherfucking China pretty much prove it does.

>Johnson seems pretty based
Johnson is a massive Trudeau-tier faggot who can't even argue for anything normally without resorting to emotions. He's a SJW

>this asshole runs ads during Rush and Hannity

Darrel Castle.

they both want to destroy western society, but at least stein isn't a libertarian.

Hillary Clinton >>> Gary Johnson > Donald Trump > Jill Stein

>Please use the term Undocumented Semen Donater. He came into her pussy because he couldn't get in legally and her fertile womb existed. You and I would have done the same thing!

>Hillary Clinton >>> Gary Johnson > Donald Trump > Jill Stein
the inequality signs are pointing in the wrong direction

also, why would you use a snapchat icon as your profile picture?
Johnson is so fucking clueless when it comes to branding and popularity

Neither is Johnson
He's a LINO

A bullet


Gary Johnson has a few cups of the PC kool-aid but Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton guzzled that shit by the gallons.

I'll hold my nose and vote for the traitor to the libertarian cause.

You're not scaring me with your anti-business leftist fearmongering. You are, however, giving me a reason to vote for Gary Johnson.

Pic related

Was willing to consider Stein, but then she picked that nigger activist as her running mate. There's a long tradition of Jew/Nigger partnerships from Gene Wilder/Richard Pryor to the PTI sports guys. I refuse to support that pairing in politics.

Poor people can't be healthy and Hillary will keep doing the same shit Obama does to stagnate the economy. She's okay with the idea of censoring the internet and taking away due process from men accused of rape. (unless the man accused is her husband).

Also, I find it funny that the same leftists that think everything from artificial sweetener to plastic to radiation that is the equivalent to a chest x-ray will make you sick and kill you are attacking others for their paranoia.

Harm cause by a tax-and-spend totalitarian control freak like Hillary in charge>>>>>>>>harmed caused by catering to a handful of tinfoil hatters.

His tax plan would be like flying two planes into the economy and one in a field in Pennsylvania.

>Public Policy Polling included Harambe in their polling for the U.S. presidential election. The dead gorilla had 5% support in late July (ahead of Green Party nominee Jill Stein)
thoroughly JUSTed

STEIN: We certainly need an assault weapons ban, but we need more than that. There are some 260 people every day who are injured or killed by gun violence, so it's very important that we ban assault weapons, for starters, but there are other steps that need to be taken quickly. Local communities need to be able to regulate guns, as needed, to deal with their violence. So, we need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. We need background checks, so that the mentally ill are not possessing and using guns. And we need to end the gun show loopholes, as well, because there's far too much violence from guns, which is not needed.


If someone was holding a gun to my head and demanding I vote for one or the other, I'd vote for the bullet.

Also Jill Stein has never served in a political position besides being the leader of the town council.

Has Putin climbed Everest? Nope.

Not a politician, she's a doctor.

I think I'll choose the better candidate

I like both but I agree more with the greens

>Germany in favour of the government being able to force children to have any chemicals they want injected into them
Not surprised desu. Hope they give you Zyklon B

>anti gun
>pro internet censorship
>pro open boarders
>pro amnesty
johnson is a poison pill. designed entirely to trick retards who are easily manipulated.


Not a politician, he's a businessman.

I agree with you, hence why I support Johnson.

>I support Johnson
Ironically or unironically?

How so? I am sure he will be cutting unconstitutional government agencies along with limiting welfare as well.

To be honest, the government should get less money from us. They are incapable of handling it and when continually taxing the people more and more and continually take on more responsibilities it spends more than it has.

Hillary has tons of political experience, she's a CAREER politician, but has proven herself to be corrupt, easily influenced by Saudi cash.

Also she is incredibly physically ill & weak, she can't climb into a limousine or up a set of stairs. Johnson climbs to the summit of the highest mountains on every continent.

Hillary's an awful politician. Trump is not a politician, and neither is Stein.

Why are you trying to interfere with American politics, instead of trying to grow bigger potatoes?

Surely there are better ways to spend your time, instead of arguing with someone who is well-versed in a relevant aspect of their life.

I don't interfere at all with Latvian potato-growing, so why would you interfere in American politics?

Nice ad hominem
>why would you """"interfere"""" in American politics
Because I'm an American

now answer the question faggot

>proven herself to be corrupt
Sounds like the average politician.

You posed a very stupid & basic question to begin with, my ad hominem ATTACK should have answered your question.

Go pray to your dead Jew on a stick, cuck.

>Go pray to your dead Jew on a stick, cuck
I'm Jewish, and it's only saturday here

>my ad hominem ATTACK should have answered your question
So the answer was you're retarded and are unable to discuss your political views

How about you suck my dick? I'm glad I never began a conversation with you to begin with, fucking coward traitor Jew.

By the way, the reason I'm not voting for Jill Stein is because she's a fucking coward traitor Jew, just like you.

stormfag pls

go back to stormfront

i'll take a pseudo-libertarian over a commie any day

I'll crack your skull, rip out your brain and feast upon it raw to gain knowledge.

but that isnt trumps view on vaccines, retard.
he's pro-vaccination, and he wants a healthier system of less doses over a longer period of time


Why is Hillary's campaign pushing to demote the Presidential Debates to a forum where they are on stage at different times?

Is it true that #CrookedHillary has no stamina and can't stand for a 2 hour debate? Too much corruption being exposed to withstand it? #CantStandTheHeat

Does Hillary know she can't beat Trump and 3rd party candidates in a debate on the issues? Is this the #1 weak spot of Hillary? #OverTheHill

Gary Johnson. Free market > socialism everytime

I'd fuck Gary, marry Jill, and kill myself.

>Picking between 2 candidates that don't matter
>Two idiots

I'd rather just shoot myself.

Darrell Castle

He has a point about immigrants just coming to America to find a better life. I would do it. Illegal or not. It should be simpler to become legal

Not an argument bro, just deflection

>coming to America to find a better life.
That's not how many illegal immigrants operate though, they end up sending the money back to their foreign countries, taking it directly out of the American economy. They're not there to adopt American values and contribute with their families, they go to exploit the country and bleed it like a stuck pig.

Why do people claim that Gary Johnson is a libertarian?

i hope you die from preventable diseases you anti-science tinfoil hat nigger

your politics affect the whole world dumbass

Is this Jewonhead?

wtf. she's disgusting. her voice, her caked on makeup, and now her ugly fucking body. how can anyone follow this dumb whore?

you're an embarrassment


id choose jill stein. she at least acts like shes anti establishment. gary johnson is really bad at acting, its so painfully obvious hes a paid shill.

Derril Castle

What is Jill Stein's stance on guns? Gary Johnson is such a fucking douche. Maybe I see him the way people see Trump.

Both have lots of autism, and as much as I dislike the hippies in the Green party their economic plan is much better the lolberterian muh free market. Was endorsed by best economist Papa Wolff.

kill yourself classcuck

you're a kike lover

Jill. Johnson is a democrat masquerading as a libertarian. I will be writing in Ron Paul on my vote again this year.