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Yes, why?
>clearly a dried up place
>vehicles are pushing up red sand
what are star wars haters so fucking retarded
I'm just really glad that Disney is finally going to give us the battle we deserve. I don't know anyone who likes The Empire Strikes Back. As far as I'm concerned this is almost 40 years too late. At last Disney is correcting the mistakes of the past.
>scene is slightly different
yeah star wars is awesome, and these new movies are even better than the old ones. More diverse, more interesting characters, bigger vehicles, etc. The only haters are just white virgin manchildren who are mad that "their" franchise is being shared.
>can't have a ground battle because it was in the other movies!
can't have lightsabers
can't have ships
can't have planets
can't have light vs dark
kill yourself
why are Star Wars shills so fucking stupid
>rebel snowspeeders in an attack against atst
>resistance ships in an attack against literally an atst reskin
the new star wars movies are shit because they're not being made because someone or a group of people had a creative vision, they're being made to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
>ha if you don't want cynical shot for shot remakes you must not want Star Wars at all!!!
Is anyone convinced this guy isn't indian?
Yes I am getting shitskin vibes as well
>speeders vs walkers on a white plane
But there's red sand it's so different haters BTFO
Haha based Disney letting me relive my childhood xD
whats the point of the sand skimmers?
look we have floating craft, just like every other star wars movie, but -get this -this one has an arm that reveals the red sand below as it digs into the ground!
>can't have a ground battle
That's pretty fucking disingenuous, it's an obvious remake of speeders vs walkers but instead of white snow it's white salt and some red smoke so normies can say it's aesthetic. At least some plebs on here admit they want the same shit over again instead of dancing around it and strawmanning
this, all sequels are the exact same movie with no differences or development. that is why they are good. if you say "why not set it with a new environment and take some separate philosophical steps when it comes to storytelling," you might as well just remove lightsabers and spaceships.
>Marvel/LucasFilm is taking over DC's shades of grey color aesthetics gimmick
>Marvel(Valkyrie on horseback)/Disney (Moana 'Know Who You Are' song segment)/Lucas Film(The Last Jedi) is taking over WB's bullet time slow motion gimmick
>Marvel/Lucas Film are taking over WB's colored powder/gas in the air gimmick (powder shot in air at Ragnarok colliseum/X-Wings causing red powder to go into the air)
>Marvel is taking over Justice League's target demographics
>LucasFilm is taking over Harley Quinn's target demographics
>LucasFilm is going to outdo DC's Flashpoint time traveling in Episode 9
>Marvel is taking over Justice League's theatrical release window
>Marvel is taking over the Australian film industry
How long before Disney builds a park in Australia to take over Australia's theme park industry and put Warner Bros Movie World out of business?
Principal photography began on July 4, 2016,[62][65] under the working title Creature Report,[66] at Village Roadshow Studios in Oxenford, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia,[47] exclusively using all nine of the studios' sound stages.[67] Additional filming was to occur throughout the state of Queensland,[47] as well as in Sydney.[20] Filming took place in the Brisbane central business district from August 22 to 25,[14][66][76] with the setting used to double as New York City.[77]
Originally, the majority of Justice League: Mortal would be shot at Fox Studios Australia in Sydney,[28] with other locations scouted nearby at local colleges, and Sydney Heads doubling for Happy Harbor. The Australian Film Commission had a say with casting choices, giving way for George Miller to cast Gale, Palmer and Keays-Bryne, all Australian natives. The production crew was composed entirely of Australians, but the Australian government denied Warner Bros. a 40 percent tax rebate as they felt they had not hired enough Australian actors.
I wish Zack Snyder would make a Star Wars film
>all these leddit fags getting absolutely ass blasted
just go back to watching rick and morty, it's so much smarter than star wars!
>calls others stupid
Star Wars doesn't need to be smart it just has to be fucking original god damn it
this, star wars is a patrician franchise. it doesn't NEED to "develop" to cater to the tastes of whiny manchildren who probably hated Lando anyways
>*2 lashes has been removed from your Mouse Shill Intern contract"
>someone who wants a space fantasy to be a little more creative=pretentious
hope this is bait, if not then storytelling in film is dead.
what ships should the resistance use to fight walkers?
Looks like a TONKA toy just like everything else in these fake sequels.
>still no arguments
>le shill
i want lebbit to leave
this, REAL 4channers recognize the value of star wars and diversity. ledditors need to go back to their safe space
i think this one is the most mad person in this thread
Before Disney bought Star Wars did anyone say the movies are intentionally dumb? Because after TFA I heard a lot of "Star Wars is meant to suck!" posts.
this, that guy is very mad and does not realize that the force is female, and that this is a good thing. He needs to get with the times, and the right side of history.
new trailer?
Huh you could swap Star Wars with Marvel/comic book movies and this would still work.
This, by fuck's sake this
No not at all and I'm still not sure what caused it. It's been a recent trend in the past couple years. 7 years ago people whether it be youtube comments or any movie forum were sick of reboots and sequels but now welcome it and encourage "safe dumb fun schlock" and revising movies as you said even though ANH was a big creative risk in the 70's that a lot of studios didn't want to fund. I can go on and on about this but it does fascinate me. Also this
havent seen this pepe before. mind if i save it?
I just don't understand that with one of the world's largest media companies holding the franchise with unlimited resources at it's disposal why we have to have a simple rehash of the original trilogy. I've heard George talk about making films for 12 year olds. I think he's covering his own ass for his failures with the prequels. I think that while Star Wars is relatively kid friendly, not being Last Tango in Paris or Apocalypse Now, it's not written for children in mind.
If Mickey Mouse made Jar Jar Binks (the character not the director) everyone would claim Jar Jar isn't cancer.
It hides what's behind them, allowing easier flanking and taking away the high advantage the AT-ATs have on visibility.
>AT-ATs vs speeders on a white desert
>but it's salt desert instead of snow desert
Wow vvv innovative and original
>I think that while Star Wars is relatively kid friendly, not being Last Tango in Paris or Apocalypse Now, it's not written for children in mind.
And you thought wrong, it's for 12-16 year olds, children or 'young adults' at best, the OT and prequels
The goal has always been to get kids to convince their parents to buy all the merch and video games and shit for them, I guess at a push in that regard you could say it's also geared towards manchildren in their 20s/30s/40s but really what's the difference between a grown adult who enjoys star wars and an infant
Why aren't they just using the EU for the movies
>TFA just had to remind us what star wars was, the rest will be an original continuation I swear!
>JJ Abrams never told you what happened to your father...
>You are my father! It's so obvious.
>No. I AM NOT your father!
>bigger Death Star
>bigger Emporer
>The Resistance
Pajeets do as the mouse wills.
>walkers but biggerer fighting speeders on a white planet
>big bad has a biggerer Star destroyer than anyone else
>main character spends their time training with a wise master most of the movie
I get half of you are being dumb as a joke but this is so far 40% empire strikes back and I don't know who anyone over the age of 13 could possible think this movie will
Be good