Holy shoot, you guys didn't tell me how kino this was. Sure there were some pacing issues...

Holy shoot, you guys didn't tell me how kino this was. Sure there were some pacing issues, and certain characters didn't get enough screentime, but holy hell this was good

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Yeah good shit. Solid 8/10, maybe 8.5/10.

It was good, but the book was better.

Nostalgia Critic didn't like it. Are you really going to disagree with Nostalgia Critic?

I really feel like Mike, Stan, Ben, and Henry were underused. And it feels weird that they killed Henry off here by Mike when he's meant to be killed as an adult by Eddie

I actually watched a bit of his 'sibling rivalry' video of IT and it was fucking unbearable to watch

was it like that brother of the Joker faggotry?

At the theater now. Movie is about to start and someone just walked in with their 4 year old kid lolllll I'll keep you guys updated after the movie is over

I had my dick out for 30 minutes waiting for the gangbang.

never came. fuck this movie

He'll float too

The black kid was a token black character

>Lazy eye
>random drool
>buck teeth
>fraiser hair
>ye Olde Clown Costume
>dumb clown make up
where did it all go wrong?

>speeding up film
>have actor walk backwards and show film in reverse
>actors eyes never focus on the kids
>no shadow
they did some interesting "tricks" to make It seem unnatural

What do you disagree with exactly? Everything he said about his movie was spot on. It was a 5/10 movie at best.

His desing was the elast scary thing in the movie. They should have go with a very creepy teeth face as his default look. Or just use the demon looking ugly clown face like in the Clown aliens movie.

If he was, he wouldn't have lived and killed the bully

It's even better if you go to see it using Movie PassĀ®

A lot of real movies reviewers instead of some virgin getting paid to hate things you like would disagree

>killed the bully
He will be alive in a nut house and actually kill the black guy when they grow old after timeskip. This movie explained why he was so fixated on killing him and why he listened to IT. In the Tim Curry movie he just followed him because he saw a deadlight.


>"i don't read books, teehee, but i probably watch MLP"

>Agreeing with Doug and Rob
top kek

But in the timeskip, Mike survives and Eddie kills Henry

Did you see him die?

You know it to be true

>steve king
he writes pulp
and what the fuck MLP? Major League...Pussy?

would have been nice to see him survived at the end.

Why is the shilling for this movie so fucking obnoxious and obvious?

>and what the fuck MLP? Major League...Pussy?

>implying the opinion of that cuck with the glasses ever mattered

It wasnt scary though. It was like a good scooby doo film.

The effects were also lacking at times (especially the picture lady).

Genuine Spookino.

Heard some girls in the theater lobby talking like they thought the tagline was the title. "Oh my god did you guys see You'll Float Too?"

Where's Hank, Butch's son in this list?

I laughed
I cried
I got spooked
I got pumped during the final fight.
No lie, this movie really was like Stranger Things cranked up to 100

could this be described as a scary movie?

It's a little of everything.
There's jumpscares to spook you.
There's drama and sad moments to make you feel.
There's fun moments to make you laugh


>I got pumped during the final fight.

The movie really did do a good job in building up the confrontation and it showed. I heard people in the audience cheering when the Losers began laying the final smackdown on Pennywise.

alright these two posts legit sound like shills
I'll still go see it though just for the fuck of it

Ritchie grabbing the bat was a great part.
>you made me walk through shitty water
>you brought me to a crackhouse
>And now I've got to kill this fucking clown

Whole lot better than Eddie blowing air in his face and Bev hitting him with a slingshot

Richie and Ben were the MVPs

Bro everybody clapped including me at the end of the flim

It was pretty good but the audience reaction to the rock fight was the biggest.


Doug doesn't like anything that he didn't grow up with. He'll defend objectively crap cartoons that even most 90s kids don't remember yet shit on current movies that most people enjoy.

Dude just accept that not everyone is a cynic

8/10 for me, as well.

Stanley, too. The movie was mainly about Bill, Richie, Bev, and Eddie. But I doubt Henry's actually dead. He fell through some wooden boards, so they could have broken his fall.


Stranger Things is babyshit compared to IT.
ST kids were backed up by adults and psychic girl, these kids were on their own in a fucked up town full of fucked up people

Reminder that Stan becomes an hero later on and Eddie dies tragically

I missed the slingshot scene, man it was cool getting to see Eddie fuck it up with something other than the inhaler since in the book he kicked it when it was the Crawling Eye too.

Why was everyone in town a pedophile or a child beater?

Not kino tier but definitely a good film.

I would certainly call it kino

Literally centuries of being ground zero for It.

>watching horror at the movies

i'll wait till i can watch it alone in the dark on my own tv

Sure guys, don't bother helping the other kids floating around, just let them rot

Don't like the audience or?

Most adults are shitheads and/or useless in Stephen King books.


Their already dead mate

Yep, the final battle between Pennywise and the Losers was really cathartic with the kids overcoming their fears

Why didn't It just eat them?

This is top tier bait and most of the people replying don't seem to understand that

Because they stop tasting good once they're corpses.

Storing the bodies for power? maybe to scare future victims maybe for the illusions i dunno

This movie was try hard shit
, Pure and unadulterated shit

>pacing issues,

what a meme critique

I like how Henry and his goons gave no shits that their emo looking friend went missing

Storing them for hibernation

You see IT eat a corpse in the sewer though

their already dead what?

I broke out laughing. It was so ridiculous. I don't mean it was bad or anything, but I couldn't take it seriously.

I did like how Pennywise was basically a Bogart in that scene, trying to morph into each kid's fear, only to get hit in the back of the head by their friend each time.

Just politicize my shit up senpai

Niggas knocked the fuck out of cuz

I did laugh at pennywise because he was scary and gunny at the same time and again me and somebody else at the same time claps our hands when pennywise was stabbed in the eye

bet they don't have a problem with the Henry and Patrick scene
because that would be "homophobic"

I wish I could dance like Pennywise

he was shuckin and jivin!

> (Me)


How old are all the kids in the books? In the new movie, the actors for Bill, Richie, Eddie, Stanley, and Ben are 13; the actress for Bev is 14; and the actor for Mike is 15.

Bill may have got the last kiss this time, but Ben's gonna be the one that gives Bev his baby batter

They're even shilling on plebbit. (seems like a lot of negativity there to)

How do i get a job basically sucking a films dick on shit websites?


>it feels weird that they killed Henry off
Yeah, but all he does is come back and injure Mike and then he dies.

I honestly though Stan was gonna die when It started eating his face

I went to see it last night and a little bit into it a mother left with 2 small kids. They didn't seem too upset but I guess the mother realized it wasn't for little kids. I forget what part it was, but it was right after a scare.

>You didn't know if the TV ads were on purpose? They literally tell the bully to kill his dad.
When the TV ads first come up in the movie, nobody draws attention to them. The camera doesn't even show them. You just hear the television in the background.

>The scene where Georgie loses his arm made you almost vomit? Have you seen any horror movie in the past 25 years?
It happened to an 8-year-old. That isn't common in horror films.

>The adults "seemed super creepy, was that on purpose"? Umm..yeah, fucking obviously.
In the book, the pharmacist wasn't creepy. Also, I don't remember if Bev's dad molested her, though I know he beat her.

That fucking Jewess recorder demon form IT took was the spookiest part of the whole movie. It's no wonder Stan kills himself rather than deal with that shit over again.

How old are they in the movie? Are they all supposed to be freshman or was it a school that combined middle school and high school?

IT influence others so no one will look out for you, and "forget" you.

I didn't think it'd hit me so hard to see Georgie die and Bill so broken over it, but it did. I swear I shed a tear when Bill found his remains and the group hugged him

Anybody else notice that Stephen King makes a cameo even Beverly says "mr.king"etc etc but i couldn't find him anywhere on imdb cast
(except producer*)


Bill never forgot Georgie

Mate, duh

>"Holy shoot"
>all these anons falling for the bait

They're influenced by It