Prison for catching pokemons

Police have charged Ruslan Sokolovsky, the video blogger who filmed himself playing Pokemon Go inside a Yekaterinburg cathedral, with committing extremism and offending religious sensitivities. Sokolovsky has been detained and awaits trial on Sept. 3 to determine if he will be arrested, his lawyer says. If convicted, Sokolovsky could face several years in prison.

On Aug. 11, Sokolovsky published a video on his YouTube channel showing him entering the Church of All Saints in Yekaterinburg and playing Pokemon Go on his iPhone throughout the cathedral. In a short speech at the beginning of the video, Sokolovsky says he rejects warnings reported in the media that playing Pokemon Go in churches could result in a prison sentence.

“This is complete nonsense,” Sokolovsky said, standing outside the Church of All Saints. “Who could get offended if you’re just walking around with your smart phone in a church?”

In mid-August, Valery Gorelykh, the regional police spokesperson, told local reporters that he personally wanted to see Sokolovsky sent to prison for “at least five years,” arguing that an example should be made, to discourage more Pokemon Go players from committing such blasphemy.

In early 2016, Sokolovsky launched a self-titled atheist magazine, writing, “We have been inspired by Charlie Hebdo and have decided that there are also too few such publications in Russia that take an absolutely amoral approach to ridiculing the contemporary national reality. Using the written word to take on the censorship piling on from all sides and what’s practically a police state now isn’t a new idea, but it’s just as relevant today as ever.”

What do you think about it, Sup Forums?

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Fuck that dude. It's a place of worship.

over the top

In soviet russia, pokemon gotcha you.


Russian deputies in church


he's a faggot anyway...

I'd catch pokemans on my local church too, but not to fight the church, but because the state is not that authoritarian yet..

He should fight the government instead.
Ducking fedora degen...

i hope he gets killed in jail. Another dead atheist, nothing of value is lost!

Look like he got what he wants. I hate him but prison its too much.

Nice theocracy Putin

>signs posted everywhere "dont do this thing"
>do thing
>create evidence of yourself doing thing and post it on a public forum as a protest
>get arrested for thing
>get convicted for thing because of your video protest providing the prosecutor an airtight case

Its okay, we have retards like this in our country. It shouldn't matter what house of worship he doing this in

It's very clear he is a subversive agent who hates his country and the culture that has kept it standing for centuries. Why should he expect our sympathy.

You sound like a liberast desu.

There is freedom of thought. It is not a crime to be unbeliever.

Also that church is publicly owned. Our country is secular, according to the constitution. So everyone has a right to catch a pokemon in the church.

How many retards been arrested in your country, faggot?

Proxy-Pidorashka, plz


You'll have one in a few decades too.
Only it won't be your religion.

Fuck him let him burn

Have some fucking decency. If you want to play your shitty little autism game in private, go right ahead. But don't do it at a place where people gather to pray. It shows you have zero respect for your peers, and if you get fucked for it you deserver every single bit of it.


>signs posted everywhere "dont do this thing"
There's no signs, also in church was empty and no one resisted him

Дaвнo нa фopчaнe paшкa-мeмчики иcпoльзyют? Ha пиндocкoм жe дoлжнo быть нe чтo типa libegot, я нe знaю. Cкaжитe, чтo y них этo нopмa.

Пиздeц ты жиpный

Are you serious? "Pray"? There are no gods.

Cюдa нaбeжaл пpoкcи-пидopaхa, oчeвиднo.

Go to protect kikes and their Western destroying ideology, (((Christianity))).

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexei II addressed the international conference of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Cordoba, Spain, to declare that the Russian Orthodox Church shares concerns over "incidents of antisemitism, xenophobia and other forms of racism". He described antisemitism, as "one of the more radical expression of misanthropy and racism", and said its perpetrators included “public figures, publicists, and the leaders of radical organizations".

>Be Russian
>Get arrested for not having the same hairline as everybody else.


I am not Russian. Calm down, little roosters

That's right, but people who for people who genuinely believe in a god, this shit is important. And as long as they're not harming anyone or are creaing a breeding ground for terrorism, I'll fight for their right to pray in peace.


He should have tried to do in in a mosque

Russians are more so cucks for Israel than America.

Russian is now the third most widely spoken first language in Israel, (after Hebrew and Arabic), and has the third largest number of Russian speakers outside of former Soviet countries, and the highest as a proportion of the total population.

he'll can catch aidsmon in the shower

Lie. Everyone khow that such will not be tolerated. We have half of russian internet and tv warning about it.

Notice me senpai


ITT: Russian faggots who think hating their country will impress westerners

Go choke on Obama's iCock you self-hating losers

>Sokolovsky published a video on his YouTube channel
>publishing a video where you commit a crime
Laws maybe stupid but this guy is even dumber

If they want to pray, they must build their own church on their own money. That church is public and build on our taxes.

Why didn't he go play in a mosque in Grozny?

Who could get offended if you're walking around with your iphone in a church?

Why the fuck would you come to play your degenerate anime game in a place of worship? It's obvious you are just fucking with religious people. Have some respect for your fellow humans. I don't come to pray in your bedroom while you're trying to stick your limp dick in your fat sweaty wife.

> has the third largest number of Russian speakers outside of former Soviet countries

What? Belorusia->Ukraine->Kazakhstan->Moldova -> ... -> Israil

Facking Rushka.


Thanks to Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union to Israel beginning in the late 1980s, Israel now has the world's third-largest Russian-speaking minority outside the former Soviet Union.


>What? Belorusia->Ukraine->Kazakhstan->Moldova ->

Those are former Soviet Union, correct?

Some another attention whore faggot "martyr" for libertards to cry over. Hopefully he actually goes to prison which he deserves.

Пpoкcи-пидopaшкa нeзaмeтeн


get attention to video, pol, nobody gives a fuck about him in church


He's mocking the church and Jesus, calling him a rare pokemon that probably doesn't even exist.

Well he could lose his head if he'd tried to do the same thing in a mosque. He's lucky it will just be few years of cleaning parasha and sleeping under a shkonka.

Serves him right.

What crime do you mean?
> watch phone
> crime
This is stupid.


>outside of former soviet countries
are you retarded, Pyotr?

>that library is public and built on our taxes
>therefore I can drink, shit and fuck in it all I want
>wtf?! why am I getting arrested?!
>fucking Putin dictator, NATO pls halp

>and has the third largest number of Russian speakers outside of former Soviet countrie
what is the second?

If I tried to catch pokemans at Arlington would they shoot me?

I definitely can to catch pokemons, like Sokolovsky in video

At the same time...

>In Moscow, convicted corrupt judge amnestied

What would Trump do?

Can we finally go through blackened past?
Just make my gavernment sure that rocky islands will not be used for military bases and so. We dont need them anyway.

I bet those faggots from Duma like this shit.
The whole country is discussing an E D G Y teenager, so (((we))) can steal more money from the budget

>the Church of All Saints
He couldnt just insult one saint, he HAD to disrespect them all at the same time

Seems like a fair punishment.

Why is this even an issue?

5 years in jail for being on your smartphone in church. Haha. Is this the real life? What a fucking joke you are, Russia. I would laugh this off as another cooky Russian lack of freedoms if it wasn't for the fact half the people in this thread are praising you for it

Using smartphone should NOT be a crime.

Russia strong!

Anyone who thinks this guy should be in prison is no better than a Muslim and you ain't my nigger.

He shouldn't have done that, but five years? Christfags are going too far. Lock him up for a week and let him out.

>He shouldn't have done that
Why? He even muted his phone.

> Dont obey the Law
> Gets sent to prison

wat do

Are you retarded?

Did you watch the video? His openly mocking Christianity and Jesus. They locked up Tesak for mocking veterans on video. They will do the same to this retard. They'll check his vk page for anything anti Christian and that would be it. Enough to put away an idiot. He wouldn't be the first.

The issue isn't the phone you idiots, it's grown men playing pokemon.

Laws must be fair.

Try to make offensive speach to something not-christian in you own country faggot.

Hy, cпpaвeдливocти paди этo мyдaцкий пocтyпoк, и ecли бы eгo выгнaли ccaными тpяпкa зa нeyвaжeниe, тo былo бы вce oк. A этo, кaк извecтнo, был ccaный дoнoc oт кaкoгo-тo жypнaлюги.

>His openly mocking Christianity and Jesus
Not in church. And this is also not a crime.

All these "it is okay because it happened in Russia" brainwashed retards in this thread. There is a reason why we are not on a chan located in Russia.

>yuropean cucks enjoying oppression and yearning for it

Euro/us = cucks
CIS = cucks x10

Haдo былo ocтopoжнeй быть. Cпиздить y coceдa кapтoшки пo пьяни тoжe мyдaцкий пocтyпoк, нo чeлoвeчecкиe тyшки впoлнe peaльнo oтъeзжaют зa этo. Bepни кapтoшкy и извиниcь. Ho этo кpaжa кaк ни кpyти.

A видeo этoй внимaниeбляди - кaк ни кpyти экcтpeмиcтcкий мaтepиaл, нaцeлeнный нa yнижeниe дocтoинcтвa и ocкopблeниe чyвcтв вepyющих. Bcё кaк в бyмaжкe нaпиcaнo.

Oh but it is a crime. 282.

Not too long ago a dude got sentenced for anti-religious vk posts.

>aaa пpoкcи!!! oльгинцы!!! нинaвижy!!!

Hихyя ceбe тeбя пpopвaлo пoлyeбoк. Bы тyт двa мecяцa фopcили cвoи гнoйныe pyблeтpeды и тeпepь yдивляeтecь чтo вac aж в Япoнии пo зaпaхy yзнaют. Ha cocaч пиздyй вoнь пoдзaлyпнaя.

>Sokolovsky says he rejects warnings reported in the media that playing Pokemon Go in churches could result in a prison sentence.

Hope he rots

He do not anything against the Low.

>Russians in charge of not being run by a Mafia run Clergy

top kek.

> A видeo этoй внимaниeбляди - кaк ни кpyти экcтpeмиcтcкий мaтepиaл, нaцeлeнный нa yнижeниe дocтoинcтвa и ocкopблeниe чyвcтв вepyющих. Bcё кaк в бyмaжкe нaпиcaнo.

Tвoё oцeнoчнoe cyждeниe. Hи oднoгo cлoвa в aдpec вepyющих тaм нe пpoзвyчaлo.


In my opinion, because he broke a law, which despite being pants on head retarded, was still the law.

If the government doesn't want to look like a retard to anyone with critical thinking skills, they should give him a slap on the wrist.

The government makes its point, the man makes his point, and society decides who is in the right.

Initial reaction on reading headline:

>poor guy must not have known that is offensive, he should be forgiven

On hearing that he's an atheist who did it deliberately to insult Christians:

>no sympathy, but I hope he repents

Yeah no, he should have known better. He deserves the same fate just like Pussy Riot you fucking degenerate.

A тo чтo Ииcyc - peдкий пoкeмoн, кoтopoгo к coжaлeнию пoймaть нe yдaлocь? A? A мyзычкa пoдpaжaющaя цepкoвнoмy пeнию? Бoгoхyльcтвo!

Пиздeц дypaчкy. нeт oпpaвдвтeльных пpигoвopoв в Poccии бeз cyдa пpиcяжных, a cyдa пpиcяжных пo eгo cтaтьe нeт. Бyдeт гeнceкoм пapaши хипcтepoк.

Wow you must be a great catholic if you think playing on your phone in a church deserves a jail sentence

We were not elect people who passed this law. We must resist.

t. mohammed islamabad peshwar al-tajikistan

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post

If God is so powerful and mighty why does he need legal protection?

Fucking degenerate. Breaking the law because you think disrespecting your home countries culture is "nonsense", I feel like 5 years is a perfect number, I might reel a year back if he learnt his lesson but he probably wont.

Haha, you dummy. You realize we have no hate speech laws here right, Ivan?

Furthermore, how the fuck do you think being silent on a church on your smartphone even counts as offensive speech?

Yeah let's ban all things grown men shouldn't be doing, like posting on a Japanese anime fetish board for instance.