Why has Sup Forums gone to shit?

Why has Sup Forums gone to shit?

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The minimum wage in the 1950's was right at today's when adjusting for inflation.

I'm curious to know what high income tax rates have to do with single-income households.


there wouldn't be racism if blacks and muslims weren't here to begin with

Aren't single breadwinner households sexist?


I wouldn't mind a 92% tax rate if the rest of society held together morally

FDR spoke of "old and precious moral values" in his first inaugural. He would not recognize the current degenerate Democratic party

>le 50's 90% taxes meme


There were far less people in the top brackets back then

You would find another minority to shit on like the Irish or italian.

This. We can try whatever economic reforms anyone wants if the nation is back at 90% white, and theyd probably work.

i dont have a problem with them now, why would i if blacks and muslims are gone? are you implying being hateful is a mandatory/innate trait? that's some dangerous projection you've got going on

i hate how sane economic management means nothing to you and you literally blame all your problems on blacks.

because there's this thing called historical precedence. also, get this, if you blame shit on race, then you're gonna blame whatever race is nearby when things turn to shit.

>because there's this thing called historical precedence
>assuming the future is just like the past

> if you blame shit on race, then you're gonna blame whatever race is nearby when things turn to shit.
this is an extremely narrow-minded view that you're obviously obfuscating on purpose. the 'shit' being caused by people of a certain race does not imply that when other unrelated things happen, those will also be blamed on race

>had minikmum wage high enough to get someone through college

Sure, but college was cheaper, minimum wage wasn't higher

People blame niggers for their actions. They don't wake up one day and say "Wow! I hate NIGGERS!"

You take as an article of faith... that people who are racists are solely racist on faith alone.

Niggers and muslims commit grossly disproportionate murder and rape rates, and have an extremely xenophobic worldview (ironically) that makes anyone who doesn't adopt at least a somewhat xenophobic attitude towards them retarded.

Our coins were made of silver. Maybe I a quarter was worth 17 bucks today college would be easy to afford.

Money printing IS debt now. We are all fucked and your image is shit.

He's empirically right though
White societies have been fine under a surprising number of economic systems.

A combination of unironic stormfags, /r9k/ bitter virgins, and christcucks.

well, of course YOU would think all acts of racism are perfectly logical and justified. i mean just look where we are.

they've also gone to shit under an equal number of systems. find me a economic system that has 100% success in white societies.

>of course YOU would think all acts of racism are perfectly logical and justified
where was this implied? you're the one saying that people making a single decision based on race will make all future decisions based on race, something equally ridiculous

People don't blame all their problems on blacks, they blame blacks for problems caused by blacks.

I live in a place called "the white ghetto." Poor as fuck. I mean POOR. AS. FUCK. 25 years. Never been mugged or robbed, never had to lock my doors, never been bothered walking alone at night, etc. etc. The rest of the city is spic and has a HUGE murder and rape rate, but the ridiculously poor and trashy, Appalachian tier, white area is totally safe.

White areas are always safer than black or spic areas, anywhere in the country, regardless of poverty level. Period.

>inb4 cubans = spics

I don't know what an act of "racism" is. Do you mean hate crimes? Or is an act of racism merely commenting to oneself, "Hm, I sure hate niggers!"

There is no way to whitewash (pun not intended) the color of crime. White America has the murder rate of Belgium, mestizo America has the murder rate of Mexico, black America has murder rates befitting an African country.

You cannot escape this, you cannot rationalize this with economic factors (again, dirt poor white places are totally safe), and you cannot run from the facts.

this is Sup Forums guys. racism central. i think im allowed to assume you're racist, and going to think racism is justified. which seems correct, because you all just justified your racism all over my post.

as for what is racism, im pretty sure it's when you treat people (strangers, mostly) differently based on their race. now you can justify that all you want, and there's a legitimate argument to be had there. but it's still technically racist.

if approaching the world in an objective fashion and judging people on the basis of facts is racist then ok

no one is denying racism in any of the posts you quoted. you're just conflating current acts of racism with supposed future acts of racism with no justification, and refuse to elaborate why

Also, you have yet to make the case for why suddenly people would care about hating the irish (or whatever) if NIGGERS were gone.

atleast it helped trump.

In that case racism is only bad when its bad.

Thanks Grease