This is what the AVERAGE teen girl wears on a daily basis

>this is what the AVERAGE teen girl wears on a daily basis

How are they NOT asking for it?

I fucking hate my life.

They are, just not from you.

They don't say "please fuck me"

They asking for Mohammed but not you

>object falls on the ground

If islam has got something good to it, is the fact that the men are not cucks who let their women walk around like the girl in the video.

She needs a father

I kekd. :^)



they don't want your beta pedo schekel greedy semen Hans

her father probably allows that just so she might find a guy who knocks her up and the father can kick her out of the house

what the father doesnt know is anal sex has become more common among younger generations because nobody wants to pay child support

She needs some dick

fuck off back to r9k Ahmeds, if you can't handle a girl you don't deserve to be on Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is a chad board.

Rape is a crime, Ahmed. It doesn't matter how slutty a girl is or what she wears (if anything), a crime is a fucking crime.

> tfw every 3 months my work cycles in a minimum of 4 new 16-18 year old hires, almost always female.

They're so easy to fuck.

Amazing legs. Would look stunning in a summer dress

They are. Which is why we act on it, they want us to molest them and feel them up. They want to be dominated by our supreme strength and masculinity

>Girls can basically just wear panties in public

Launch them all motherfuckers, slam down on every button you got.

They dress like that because men allow and encourage them to dress like that. It's western culture.


i need to get a gf

but god damn, it's such a bother and a time/money sink

I really just wanna fuck

This, OP is a pedo

Legs man here, I agree

I preferred the days of skirts and a bit of mystery. To me this just says give me anal and toss me aside. Today's fashion is faggoty and shit.

E x a c t l y.
Someone with some fucking brains.

>asking for it
you're projecting your own sand nigger rape impulses there Muhammad. they wear skimpy clothes to get attention/manipulate stupid """men""" like you who have no dignity or self control you sub human sack of camel shit

>giving attention to women wearing skimpy clothes
You are part of the problem, kys and do it slowly

>Sup Forums is a chad board.

Im going to need more examples of teen girls dressing degenerately like this for you to prove your point.

>tfw new semester

The little head likes it but the big head doesn't approve.

I saw a girls asshole twice before a lecture started this week. Seriously what the fuck.

Girls will wear whatever is socially acceptable to get attention, unless raised right, and even then, if they don't believe in modesty and they go to public school, they will be whores because their peers are whores.

My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone.

They are asking for it from the right person. (Read: Non shitskin, tall, decent looking, dominant, edjucated, male)

It's times like this I wish I was an Arab Muslim

So then they are indeed asking for it

wow you sure are genius. how about letting your car with keys inside because only a subhuman thief would steal that because we are living in rainbow world where everyone is good person. jesus christ fucking tumblr cancer get out.

She's definitely asking for it.
Well developed, looks aware of how hot she is, it's no accident, she isn't showing part of her buttcheek in those shorts by accident.
She's signaling her body's desire to be fucked.
Go ahead man just do it.
But remember to make it an experience for her.
It's a well kept secret that most girls don't actually report rape when they end enjoying it.
It's why rape is so rampant in germany now for instance, and many of the victims even stated they refused to report it and don't want the rapists to be punished.

The betas of Sup Forums would accuse political correctness for that, say the girls were being "polite" but the truth is, women evolved to enjoy rape, it's their most common fantasy, even regular girls enjoy some mild choking during sex, they crave to be dominated by a strong male.

>How are they NOT asking for it?

If you weren't a refugee you'd know

I'll be her daddy.

>it's wrong to be attracted to her
You know who's responsible for the demonisation of men being attracted to prime pussy, right?

Like the immigrants gave a fuck

Halt die Fresse Abdul

Huehue if you can˙t handle her long sexual past and the fact that she has a child then you are not a real man.

Just lol at you virgins

Every person who believes in science understands the biology of 'mating displays'.

It's not really a money sink if you can find a girl who will pay for stuff half the time

Those shorts are cultural appropriation of native American cultures. Rip them off OP, for justice!

obviously rape is wrong but when a woman dresses like a whore and allows herself to pass out at some strangers home she deserves rape.

Just like the whores who support refugees deserve to get raped by them

you and me both brother


Aka ugly female Jews who have already hit the wall

If this was normal teenwear then nobody would bother recording it.


Why do people not fucking homeschool their daughters or children in general?

Scenario A: You have a fine fucking fancy car. We are talking a car worth about a quarter million dollars. Instead of putting it in your garage, you find the nearest mob of children and their liberal overlord, who say "Sure I'll take good care of it!" and leave it unsupervised.

Scenario B: You have a child you love. It will cost about a quarter of a million dollars to raise him/her to adulthood. Instead of homeschooling him or her, you find the nearest mob of children and their liberal overlord, who says "Sure I'll teach your kid! btw white people are the devil, cut off your benis :DDD anal sex with strangers is ok just practice safe secks :DDDDDD" and leave them unsupervised.

How are people that fucking stupid? HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN YOU POSSIBLY BE?

(((who))) do you think? :^)

stupid whore couldn't even throw the product back onto the shelf properly

>Have a gf
>Fuck daily.
>Life is goodman

>Not letting women objectify themselves as a form of self selection.
You are part of the problem. Give better women something to strive for and be a good man.

zeker weten broeder

What's really sad is there are girls who aren't even teenagers yet and they wear such revealing clothing. I don't even go out much but the few times I do, there's always a group of 10 year olds dressing up like the webm in OP and it reminds me why I don't go out too much in the first place; everyone is fucked in the head.

>dat ass jiggle into biting lip shot at 0:07

Don't worry, the kid in blue tops already picked it up for her.

Who knows, the shorts might be somewhat normal but that ass is top tier business.

Its not wrong to be attracted to her. Its wrong to FUCK her.

>yfw there are people on this board who are against the idea of mating with a woman in her prime and would rather have a 30 year old cock carousel

Someone recorded it because that girl is an 11/10 goddess who leaves trails of cum-stained pants in her wake.

>dat leg

>mfw I have multiple wives and I can take a new young prime one whenever I want

your argument would make sense if I ever said anything you mentioned in that straw man you dumb monkey. I can only speak for myself when I see a scantily dressed nut dumpster. since I'm not a nigger, I don't think "yeah she wants a dick" and think that serves as justification for violating people's space or property. did I say niggers don't exist you mongoloid?

>a refugees comes where women is a mythical creature
> sees a girl bent over with almost nothing on
> secs tiem
and then they blame the refugees . why how?

>it's wrong to be attracted to her
No, is not, being attracted to prime jailbait is natural, and fucking them is legal in most countries.

>there are anons who cannot wait 2-3 fucking years for her to be legal, or take her to a country with lowered age of consent

Pretty sure she can still be kissed, dated, etc.

like a real roach

>mfw he thinks pandering to women's needs will get him pussy
Women don't deserve property or personal space, except as an extension of her male owner's (father, brother, or husband).

Because they don't belong here to begin with?

Thin line between being a paedo and being a sexual offender. Don't confuse them.

you're attracted to teenage girls all throughout your own teenage years, it doesn't make sense to expect someone to grow out of it

this thread literally could have been made 4 years ago with the exact same pictures and comments

>implying anti rape tattoos have an effect on rapefugees

you're literally arguing for yourself to act on every impulse and essentially give all power to women who intentionally dress like whores to manipulate retards like you. you're a literal cuckold and no I don't do shit to get laid because I don't play stupid games for sex because I'm not a dick driven chimp like you so stop projecting fuccboi

well obviously if you white beta folks were alpha enough to satisfy woman needs, they wouldnt have to wear so slutty to attract males . its refugees job now to do what you couldnt.

Holllllyyyyyyyyyyyy fugggggggggggggggggggg

that's not a political point of view
that's stolen image of a teenager
that's pedophilia

Wow it's almost people have the freedom to dress how they want because neither the government nor the religion mandates their attire
It looks comfortable as fuck too honestly. I work outside in the South, I'd love to be able to wear basically boxers but instead I've gotta sweat my balls off in blue jeans because of annoying little faggots like you who'd give me shit otherwise



>walk around like a slut to make men think you want to fuck
>get fucked


The quicker you accept that life is not fair the easier your life will be

They are.

You need to be a boss though.

>there are anons who would rather risk her not being a virgin by then

>mfw Turkey is the only European country with age of consent laws similar to America

>blames others for caring what others think of him

Pls roach, the thing is european women don't gonna touch a shitskin not even with a fishing pole.

Perfect legs, shame about the face

Girls grow out of their attraction to teenage boys fast you retard.


>girls like sex and attention too

Wow, who would have thought.

can't wait to impregnate one of them 12 yold white girls 2bh

are you oblivious to all the cases of female teachers sleeping with their students that have happened in history you retard?

they don't get into relationships because teenage boys don't have the money to pay for their dinner and rent

Ain't bad at all user compared to our choices here. Give her a different hairstyle and she's golden.

Future beta enabler right there.