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[wake me up inside] Edition



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Delete this, the CUTE Squad are great friends!!!



Why is she so perfect bros

don't worry lad, Sheryl is just sleepy in that pic. The CUTE squad is still going strong

>coop appeared for a total of 2 episodes out of 18





salty faggot

The Return is like a gift wrapped in plastic.


>he thinks Coop was actual Dougie

yes, lynch strangled the life out of the show and put a single printed letter under its fingernail

Man that would be so terrible if I got paid to make a movie with Sheryl Lee kissing my toes and licking all over my body I would hate that so much

Your mom is a gift wrapped in plastic.

yo i dig this

also raped. I forgot about the rape.

So any guesses what Laura said to Cooper in the red room?

>stinky and filled with semen

It was extremely well made and intentional rape/murder though.

what's all this about watching certain episodes in tandem


>you will never sexually-dominate Cooper

Anyone else suffer from this feel?

What's his problem then?

the lights going out at the end mirrors the ending of blue velvet, but whereas in blue velvet the denouement reveals the happy ending to be artificial and somehow "wrong", the end of twin peaks might represent a real return to innocence.

What plot would you like the story to follow if they eventually make a season 4?
The ending was so open it could be almost anything, from an alternate reality without Laura's death to Cooper trying to find Sarah in Richard's world

Terrible reddit theory, please ignore.

New show not connected to Twin Peaks except for some minor easter eggs.

No S4 unless Sheryl Lee is the lead so she can get awards to make up for the FWWM snub.

Fuscos and Battle Bud work together to fight insurance fraud

I'm going to post this one more time to pretend we have another episode tomorrow.

Get your comfy sleep, /tpg/.


If they make an S4 I hope it's just primarily her and Kyle

>don't remind me of my amazingly successful tv show all the time, fucking asshole fans
>btw here's another book set in the universe of my amazingly successful tv show

Twin Peaks: Sliders edition?

>S3 finale, Laura finally meets Cooper, it's as if the cycle is finally complete
>But it was just setting up for a whole season of them together
I would cum.

how is quoting the show salty...?

to make up for this season, the next one is exclusively about coop, Leland, harry and jumping man.

If you could exist in Twin Peaks as a character in Twin Peaks (prior to episode 17/18 of S3), which would you choose?

Was frenlo behind everything or was he just an accomplice?

Wally Brando

That's great but imagine how many spergs must have done that to him by now. He's a human being.


>btw here's another book set in the universe of my amazingly successful tv show

Who the hell buys those things anyway? Its a nice story and all but if I want to read about dualism I'm going to read from a decent writer and not some tv show writer.

Cooper, I want to know the truth of reality.

literally brightened up my day
thanks user

>I want to read about dualism I'm going to read from a decent writer and not some tv show writer.
The point is it's for people who want to read about the universe and characters of that TV show specifically, not necessarily the deeper themes.

>Coop being the determined Mulder-style willing to follow every thread and do anything to save Laura
>Laura being the reserved Scully-type believing there's no way Coop can save her and wanting to be done with it all
>a season of of wacky Lodge and alt-reality shenanigans

Make it happen Lynch


>Sheryl wears blue jeans and shows off her tight milf ass for 18 hours
make it happen Lynch


baby leaping lad is a cute. CUTE.

For all the talk about rabbits I'm disappointed they never showed up.

>he owes me fuh two

Co exist with, I need to go deeper...

eww. if the lad is a bug I don't like him no more. bugs are gross.

It's not about the bunnies!

>you now realize that scene takes place in the Laura lives timeline where the Renault family wasn't exterminated completely

Alternate realities user, think of the possibilities

same. imagine when Richard opens the door and it cuts to this scene. Shit would've tripped me out.

It's not about the rabbits, Lucy.

At least there's an alternate timeline out there where I married sheryl in the most fulfilling way possible and made her happy

but he's a CUTE baby bug! don't you want to keep him warm and cosy with your mouth?


Watch the last two epsiodes in sync, there are some interesting coincidences. Someone uploaded it to Youtube. I'd suggest a watch

>Young Sarah Palmer learns deepthroating, a skill she would later pass on to her daughter

can anyone post that cute bouncy gif of milf Laura from the finale?

Why is she single at 50 looking like that when most women go to shit by half that age

So wtf happened at the end of Lost Highway, I saw alot of people here saying the ending of that and TP were similar


If she remarried her new husband could inquire about the identity of the father of her son, which is a touchy subject considering it is rumored that his father is the leader of a worldwide scam/cult

Yeah yeah I get it, it becomes annoying. However, the people that do this don't do it to spite him, they do it because they absolutely LOVE his work. Frost however can't help but resort to his passively agressive snark on twitter. What a total disappointment of a human being.

Ideally a version of Ben Horne in 1989 that knowingly fucks his daughter



Probably doesn't have the best impression of men after all the horrific shit Lynch inflicted on her



I love them both ;_;

They need to continue the series just for more Kyle Maclachlan as Coop. Actually make it a Coop-centric show. Lynch loves the actor/character, it would be a shame if that's it for him.


can we talk about judy for a second


I want to see more of the Doppelganger

So what does the poem mean? The Fire Walk With Me poem was heavily tied to the theme of the original show and movie, it's actually pretty genius just how succinctly it evocative it is.

But what does this mean? Surely it is just as important to The Return

idk but it's about the white horses

it means gota light?

It's a mantra to put people to sleep, like what is used in Transcendental Meditation.

the most unsettling film ever

The horse puts people to sleep. This mantra is like an audio form of the horse. The darkness inside the horse is the well of sleep or something.

He got electrocuted at the end, the death penalty.

What could "white of the eye" be symbolic of?

>Lee is an avid member of PETA


At the end of Lost Highway, Fred returns to the beginning of the film ("Dick Laurent is dead."), having traversed a parallel identity.

Same with Cooper. Maybe.

>Horse literally the white of the eye

I'd believe this for the hair if he didn't look so much like his grandpa

The horse is white. Your eyes also have white parts.

Lynch's point with this is that the modern mass broadcast media (in the form of the Woodsman getting on the radio, chanting a repetitive hypnotic poem) has had just as poisonous an influence on the 20th century as the atomic bomb. The horse (also a metaphor for heroin) is the white of the eyes (the cathode ray tube), and dark within. He's talking about the addictiveness and emptiness of television and how it destroyed multiple generations of Americans. You'll note the Fireman and Senorita Dido live in a movie theater and send Laura (pure goodness) to Earth from it. Films good, radio/TV bad.

In short, don't watch a movie on your fucking phone.

She won't touch anyone who isn't an active PETA supporting vegan.