Why didn't IT just caught them one by one like with the girl?

Why didn't IT just caught them one by one like with the girl?

That wouldn't have made for a very compelling movie.

It made it look like he was trying to protect them. At one point he gave no shit about killing Georgie and Patrick instantly. But then the main kids are being left alone or he open the door for them to escape.

They were more immune to his hypnosis and he couldn't quite finish the job like he could with the other kids.

Probably the best answer.

But the truth is Pennywise is retarded and follows the same movie monster logic like the most of them do. They miss out on great opportunities to kill the ones that pose any real threat to them.

But as said, it won't make a good movie.


It is a character himself. He has an ego and pride, he hates children. He stole her to lure all the kids to him, that would they couldn't escape by opening a garage door or something. As It doesn't like open spaces or areas with to many people around. He wanted to scare them as much as possible before the kill to get the most fear from them that he can. He pride and ego didn't account for the kids not being afraid and all of them being willing to fight back. He turned into burnt hands to scare the black kid, and petrified him with fear, the other kids were not scared of that though so they fought back and stopped him from killing the black kid. Same thing, he turned into the leper again but then a different kid fought back. He even tried to get the bully to kill some of them because they went into the sewers but that didn't work. When It had to accept he was losing he tried to bargain with them. When that didn't work he just fled to try it again in 27 years when they are adults and won't remember.

Really sad to be outsmarted by a bunch of pre-teens. But to be fair the losers club had help from the Turtle and Gan.

It never planned on bargaining with them, the movie at one point says that their togetherness is a threat to Pennywise. By abandoning Bill to him, they would have been fucked.


Haha that hilarious


>Thinking pennywise was IT
>Not realising IT was sex

It is literally spelt out in the book

>Really sad to be outsmarted by a bunch of pre-teens.
He is some weird cosmic demon that doesn't understand humans even from my take. With his whole "we all float" line implying he think kids want things to float. Balloons float and kids love those, paper boats float and kids love those, so tell kids EVERYTHING floats and it will be like telling them everything is made out of gold down here. IT never having experienced or understand human bravery and comradery is understandable to me. IT spent a million years eating kids, the idea of people standing up to him wasn't a thought.

True. I didn't realize the angle of if they left that means they would be afraid again.

>Pennywise is a boggart

Yeah, except boggars don't try to eat your fear. They're just assholes who show you your worst fear


It in the book It actually said to be a female. It has laid eggs in the cave where the adults fight It. In the end ben was stepping on them to destroy them before they hatched.

Dammit better gif than mine, thanks for the upgrade lol

it hold humans in such low regards that they are all just things to be toyed with and eaten.

kinda like how you wouldn't be concerned with a loaf of bread or glass of water

I still don't understand why they called the movie IT? 2hrs and not even one character tried to fix a computer.

Yeah, I hate misleading titles and shit.
>Go to see San Andreas
>Tenpenny was a black guy in the game
>In the movie, they cast him as an earthquake

Lego turtle and turtle was in the quarry

Anyone have the dancing gif that zooms in on his face?

In the book, we see some shit from Pennywise's perspective and it shows he's an egomaniac who, even though it reminisces about how he once killed a kid by coming through the toilet, thought it wasn't necessary to finish them off like that and decided to try and kill them when the Losers were together at their strongest.


>killed a kid by coming through the toilet

What a stupid theory.

Floating was the subtle indication that their dead body would float, not because it's what kids like.

He came out of the toilet and pulled the kid in while he was shitting to my recollection