Nationalism and patriotism

What are some good points to defend nationalism and patriotism Sup Forums?
Recently I was having a casual discussion regarding the Indian Army with a couple of friends and was surprised to hear none of them had much gratitude or respect for the soldiers. They bashed nationalism, patriotism and borders by saying that it's stupid to feel patriotic towards a country where you were born by chance.
I was cornered 3 to 1 but tried my best to support it by saying nat., pat. and borders help us preserve different cultures and this is what celebrating diversity is all about and not shit like opening up borders.
Pic related is the kind of stuff they shared on my fb the next day.

First poo in the loo, then consider national pride.

Two cars are falling off a bridge.
One contains a family, and the other contains your family.
You are capable of saving one. Which do you save?

>this answers your question

Important things to you in order:
>Things you love

this naturally assumes nationalism and patriotism as they are simply closer to you.
it's simple to understand, really.

Show them countries that allowed national pride to wane along with a sense of duty and honor. Show them how these empires crumble.

You can use my country as an example...

... :^(

>you can only be patriot if you are a first world perfect society

commies don't like nationalism, point out that they follow the biggest loser ideology ever

I kind of did pick up this point albeit differently. One guy said to me you shouldn't love your nation because it was just luck that you were born here, "you would have been a patriotic Paki if you were born in Pakistan and would have hated India". I told him you shouldn't love your mother because it is just luck that you were born to her and not to some red light district whore.

Patriotism is being an idiot who worships his country for no other reason than the fact that they were born there.

Nationalism is about having a homeland for all people. Everyone deserves a country where they can be together with their own people. If Indians want to have their own country where they refuse to poo in the loo, that's great. We should not be sending in people who use the toilet to destroy their way of life.
That's Nationalism. It's not about hate or love, it's about the non-aggression principles and self-determination.

Indians discussing national pride is just laughable.

Hello Jansher.

>the autistic jew who married his first cousin wants a one world government

>Everyone deserves a country where they can be together with their own people.
What about Isreal and the Jews?

You want nationalist Indians and pakis who are staying in their countries and working for the betterment of their own people to forego their love for the country and move to the UK and leech off you guys and bring their culture and dilute yours?

Salaam alaikum brother.

Nationalism and patriotism is the natural outreach of the tribe mentality that has allowed us to flourish over the years. Competition and cooperation are both very important but cannot be mutually exclusive. You cooperate within the tribe and compete with outside tribes, and of course to a lesser degree compete within the tribe albeit not with the possibility of killing each other. You do this so you can produce the best possible result your people can achieve.

However the problem is the world has been swept up in the "everyone is the same and bad things only happen because someone did them to you" mentality, that's patently not true. Which makes talking to someone about human achievement a challenge at best, and beating your head against a wall at worst.

>it's stupid to feel patriotic towards a country where you were born by chance
social cohesion

feeling as a member of a group makes it more likely for people to act altruistic and take up responsibility for seemingly strangers.

Everyone deserves a homeland. I don't care if you're a jew or a nigger.
The problem with Israel isn't that they're jewish. The problem is that they're fucking assholes who are trying to ruin the world.

You should have called Bajrang dal and enjoy seeing them beaten to death you fucking knit wit.

Nationalism is like water, Too much and you will drown in it, Too little and you´ll die of thirst.


But what if you know how to swim?

OP is just jelly he doesn't come from a great nation he can take pride in. Instead he comes from a disgusting hive of literally billions of worthless souls in a society stitched together by poo and other country's garbage.


Refer to this

Shut the fuck up, he's right. It's better that he takes pride in his own country than him coming to destroy ours.

The Jews can have Israel, just stop manipulating the USA.

Not the part about the Jews you stupid fuck.

>You want nationalist Indians and pakis who are staying in their countries and working for the betterment of their own people to forego their love for the country and move to the UK and leech off you guys and bring their culture and dilute yours?

Obviously none of us want that. We want them to stay in their countries and make them better.

OP, there is a philosophical ground for justifying the concept of nation. David Hume argued that we bond with what's closer to us. So you bond with yourself/family > friends > people you know > people you share a subculture with > people you share a culture with > etc. etc. > humans in general.

The subversion is trying to make us believe that the progression is actually reversed, as in, when libtards say you're supposed to love humans before yourself, other cultures before yours, etc.

The reason for the existence of nations is to put people together around a few values and traditions and organize a society: laws, customs, etc. In the same way you can love both your family and your friends without one interfering with the other, you can love your nation and other nations or humanity without one interfering with another. Only subversive anarchists and brainwashed idiots believe the nation state is the enemy of peace and understanding.

Don't be fooled.

The Indian state was an invention of the British, what right do you have to feel nationalistic?

Stupid cunt.


That image proves jack shit you can replace anything with nationalism you fucking knuckle dragging retard

Think of the context of when Einstein said that. I very much doubt he would hold the same view if he saw the state of the world today.

>born by chance
What do they think this means? People who say this shit clearly do not understand the words that they are saying. Saying that you were born somewhere by chance comes from a religious perspective. It implies that there is a place where human consciousnesses are chosen at random to fill new human babies. That's not how it works. Consciousness is the product of the functions of the brain. There is no chance involved in that, to say that there is chance involved is a very self-centered way to view the world.
Your parents chose to create you. That's not """random chance""", that's procreation. It's like these autistic fucking millennials think that real life is a video game and you just spawn in somewhere, this is the exact same fallacy they pull with "race is only skin deep".

"Man is nothing other than the mold of his birthplace's landscape" - Tchernichovsky

Through my point of view, nationalism and especially patriotism should come naturally through a person's undying love for his place of birth.

We we're all grown in some sort of enviorment, our attitude, our friends, our family and our appreciation for even the landscape of the country are good reasons for us to tribalise.
Cosmopolitanism is a failure of culture to keep us "in line".

I hardly care about the preservation of other cultures(or atleast, I don't act up much againts it, for example, I have yet to go fight ISIS to protect UNESCO sites, even though I hate them for destroying them).

>What are some good points to defend nationalism and patriotism Sup Forums?
Globalism only benefits those who can partake in the global economy; multinational corporations, investment bankers, etc. It does nothing to help the other 99% of people who live and work in their home country.

All that globalization has given us is an even greater gap between the rich and everyone else.

>What about Israel and the Jews
Hitler wanted to deport the Jews, so even the most nazi poster on Sup Forums would still support the Jews having their own nation to fuck off to. It doesn't matter how they fuck off, as long as they do it and stop trying to affect the lives of others.

>newfag detected
The point is that nationalism involves LEADING rather than COMMANDING.

>be proud of india
>look at the streets
>people shitting everywhere

The image is of a man asking people to follow him off a cliff. This can be for any fucking ideology in existence. Just because it says Nationalism does not mean shit to me because the fucking image proves jack shit.

Right now in capitalist democracies people are willingly following there "leader" off a fucking ledge. The image still means jack shit. I am a nationalist but the image is fucking shit.

The concept of Bharat has always been present. I know India isn't a nation-state, every state has a different language and culture just like the in the old days when it was a region with different princely states.
Also, your country was just a huge prison a few centuries ago, doesn't mean you shouldn't be proud of what you have achieved and made such a place hospitable.

>you fucking knuckle dragging retard
Just read my post as to why I posted that image you dumb cunt.

Again, refer to

It's natural to feel closer to people who grew up in the same cultural context as you.
On a sane society it avoid division and the destruction of culture, and populations

>Pic related is the kind of stuff they shared on my fb the next day.

wow op got btfo

>I told him you shouldn't love your mother because it is just luck that you were born to her and not to some red light district whore.

don't worry i didn't read what you said the image is retarded enough

my younger brother literally believes that.
"why should I love my family just because we're connected by the unbreakable bond of blood relation? that's not a good reason to love someone"
constantly harassed our younger brother and was nothing but a bully to him his entire life.
hated his mother for the longest time, now they get along bc he lived away from home long enough to forget her beatings and verbal abuse.
hates me because I'm a fat evangelical bible lover and defended my brother against his abuse.
joined the navy as officer bc 4 years college, said he'd literally kill me if his superior officers ordered him to, and I should have been aborted because I believe in God.
leftists are mentally damaged children feeding their own victim complex and rage fury because they refuse to humble themselves and admit the possibility they might be wrong about their views yet must always save face, doubling down on their anger.
little bastard makes 10k a month
mfw I can still put him through the wall.

>I told him you shouldn't love your mother because it is just luck that you were born to her and not to some red light district whore
Oh lord these based Pajeet bants