what's their endgame
What's their endgame
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Win the WCW world championship belt from Sting.
oh you didnt know?
Want to know everything about them.
your ass better call somebody
?? Newfag here
preparing the arrival of the antechrist
To unintentionally fulfill the prophecies of the Apocalypse.
Fuckin a
Where do we fit in ?? What will white genocide achieve.
But prophecies say that they will end up in hell so are they digging their own grave?
DX fag detected.
Degeneration X .
Degenerates will be hanged. NO exceptions
Holla, if you here me.
>this is now a "greatest wrastling genre of all time" thread 95-00.
Earth is an energy farm and hyper dimensional prison.
Hey yo, its survey time Sup Forums! How many came here for political discussion?!
But why are we imprisoned? What did we do
And who has imprisoned us.
>Gets his ass kicked by Goldberg
>Yeah, I mean Goldberg was such a great entertainer.
>All those one liners.
>Super funny.
Best acting was when he got cattle prodded by and my man Kevin Nash
NWO 4 Life
whats their endgame
You want a war. well you've got one
It was all a plot by vince to slowly destroy the competition from the inside
repeating digits confirms it
Globalism, multiculturalism, central banking, one world government
Or, Or did you come here for the memes?!
gibs 4 da brudahs
When you're in the hospital moaning in pain,
Your wife's at my place, moaning my name....
First 3 have been achieved.
How to defeat them?
You're next
Alpha as FUCK
get aids
You can't.
But you can fight Mr Anderson, but remember that in the end is unavoidable.
>Get aids, die.
>Become corporate sellout
>Talk shit about cops, is such a wannabe its the only character you ever pretend to be.
>Live in suburban white neighborhood with no black neighbors
>give back to community for dem programs
too soon
I understand it that Saturn is the imprisoning planet and also the ruler of time/Chronos.
When you die you're programmed to "go towards the light" which is alien technology that wipes your memory and sends your soul back down here.
Why? For energy. Why us? Because tough titties.
So when you die just don't go towards the light and get the hell outta here.
Also this is literally the most batshit thing I've ever read, but I want to believe so yeah.
Meme character no one liked.
But from My NDE research going towards the light is described as the best experience possible?
Is Saturn all gas? Or is it a meme propagated by NASA?
More power bestowed upon the Demiurge by the puppets of the Demiurge. The puppets of the Demiurge are ALL victims of the Demiurge, even though most of them don't think they are. The Demiurge is the 'god' of the Abrahamic religions AND Satan, so it doesn't matter if you worship the 'god' of the Abrahamic religions or Satan (if you worship any of them), since your energy is being vampired by the Demiurge either way. Energy flows where attention goes.
Demiurge as Abrahamic 'God' = Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
Demiurge as Satan = Darth Sidious
Also, this universe is akin to a computer simulation and the Demiurge is akin to a computer virus. The Demiurge is the original 'virus' and the Archons are replications of the original Demiurge 'virus'.
The 'God' of the Abrahamic religions (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is actually the Demiurge, as I mentioned earlier. Worshipping the Demiurge and praying to the Demiurge gives energy to the Demiurge. The Demiurge receives an energy bonanza from Muslims in particular, who pray to him five times a day. Energy flows where attention goes.
Human dynasties = Darth Vader
Archons = Emperor Palpatine
Demiurge = Dark Side of the Force
The Demiurge seeks to infest and infect all that exists. The Demiurge's only goal is the complete assimilation of everyone, everything, everywhere and everywhen..... forever.
They believe that the Bible is wrong and they can win. White Genocide is because the most Christians are white, and killing all the whites would pave the way for other religions, such as Islam, to take over.
"When I see people in business or politics who are particularly trapped by the material world, for example, I notice that they no longer have any light bodies at all. In many of these people, the point of light at the heart chakra, which is otherwise always present, is no longer visible to me.
Instead, I see something like a layer of 'shiny tar' around them in which a monstrous being in the shape of a lizard can be distinguished. When such people speak on television, for example, I see a crocodile shape manifesting itself around the person like in a concave mirror; I don't see the light of their throat and forehead chakra." - Anton Styger, Swiss clairvoyant
When did you finally take the scaly pill? Even the Jews are ultimately just pawns. Elite Jews secretly worship them for power. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
Well people who've seen hell described reptilian creatures torturing them
It is written in tons of Marble .. en.wikipedia.org
*glass breaks*
What we call 'the world' is an infinitely small frequency band. It is not solid as most people think it is, because the atoms that compose 'the world' are made of empty space. Furthermore, 'the world' as we know it does not even exist 'out there' - it exists only 'in here' and is projected by us only when we tune into it. What we call 'ghosts' are beings that are so close to our frequency band that they can 'bleed' through like a form of broadcasting interference. A radio accurately tuned to a radio station frequency will produce a clear, sharp reception with no interference, but when the dial is slightly off-centre, another station or stations can be heard alongside the main one. What we call 'ghosts' are based on the same basic principle and reptilians are basically beings that we could think of as 'ghosts' in that they inhabit a frequency band that vibrates very closely to the one we inhabit. To us, a 'ghost' would not look solid - but to that 'ghost', we are the ones who would not look solid. There are an infinite number of frequency bands and they all share the same space usually without interfering with each other.
Or you can go ask them directly in Kazakhstan .. en.wikipedia.org
i've never seen an user come so close to my thoughts before
good job
You are right ... GOD is a frequensy the seed is probably something around 0.618 hertz
Thanks, Ameribro. I don't think of myself as a Gnostic by the way, I just think that the Gnostics (including the pre-Christian Gnostics) were onto something and were hence BRUTALLY persecuted.
How can I tune in?
Can we experience other frequencies? Like if a ghost can visit here can we visit their world?
What do you think of atheism? Is it a plot by reptilian creatures?
This and/or Meditation and/or DMT
Yes, but we have to be in vibrational resonance with their world (read: frequency band).
they want to depopulate earth population from 6 billions to 100 millions
I am an intern at a radiology clinic.
When we want to visualize something frequency is very important.
Increase frequency leads to decreased penetrance. Therefore to visualize superficial structures of our body the frequency is increased.
Am I on the right path?
Yes by turning us into pussies clay feminist princess... en.wikipedia.org
its it become harmonic you will probably not be able to see jack ..
"refugee" crisis to create division in Europe, Brexit happened. Key countries in EU oppose TTIP. Mossad and CIA using their ISIS puppet to push for more control over people. Securing the oil in the middle east, greater Israel and nabuco pipe line. I'm glad Putin quite succesfully thwarted their plans a bit. Vote Trump to avoid WW3. If Hillary wins all is lost and "they" will succeed.
>What do you think of atheism?
I think that 'theism' and 'atheism' as most people know it are both prisons of the mind.
>Is it a plot by reptilian creatures?
Don't know. Could be. In any case, the reason why the world is so fucked up is because we forgot who and what we REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is infinite and eternal) having an experience in a temporary human form. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.
Now you talking Belgium !
I think you just missed the point.
Seems legit.
Arabic is there on the right.
>You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want,
Why don't you just call gnosis, Gnosis.
I leave this here just in case..
WCW was a commentary on the downfall of the white race.
>starts from the ashes of the NWA territories, clean and simple. Old school good vs evil with likable good guys and hated bad guys. You knew where everyone stood and the good guys always got the better of the bad guys, because that's how the world worked. This represents post-WW2 America
>The glamorous commercialised era comes in when Hulk Hogan joins. He turns it into a hokey, fake, plastic show. Bright lights, glitz and glamour and all things WWF. He's still represented as a good guy, but he stands for excess and big money. He is transparent and dirty. He represents the 1980s.
>Hall and Nash join, they represent the vices of the white man. They use black culture, they abuse drugs and alcohol, they are dirty, cheap, and evil. They attract Hulk Hogan, the representative of WCW to their group. He adopts nigger mannerisms, adopts their degenerate behaviour. The boss, Eric Bischoff, who represents the Jewish elite who pull the strings behind the scenes, befriends Hogan and acts as an ally, but only assists his downfall. He stays on top, but he isn't on sturdy footing. Sting represents the old values from the old WCW. He looks like he wins, but he can't do it decisively and the championship soon falls back to Hogan. Hogan continues his ways. This represents today.
>A challenger rises, Bill Goldberg. He represents the Jewish elite. He is their golem. Eric Bischoff and WCW management, the ones who pull the strings behind the curtain, use him to kill off the white race, represented by Hogan. Hogan is old, tired, a degenerate, and has lost his power. Like the white race he is soft in his complacency and can't compete anymore. Goldberg beating him in the Georgia Dome in front of screaming fans is the long awaited death of the white race. The people cheer it, like they applaud the downfall today. WCW never recovers after this. It is a sinking ship that lost its lifeblood and sold its soul. This is our future.
Qui sait ?!
You already capitulated .. pussies
Calm down colony.
10/10. What about theInvasion storyline. Hulk left the NWO
is that a tranny?
Ont est pas votre colony depuis que vous vous ete sauver la queux entre les fesses comme Dab gros con
I was going to write about that but hit the character limit. I just used what would be analogous to what we see today. It depends what Jarrett, Russo, Bash at the Beach 200, the WWF purchase, Time Warner/AOL merger, and all of that stuff mean.
We have to redirect our energy rto kek, the true god.
Keku akbar. Meme-magic is the one true way to defeat all evil.
yes she is a boy
Today, around 3.4 billion people are followers of Abrahamic religions. We have a lot of work ahead of us if we want to end the Demiurge's energetic sustenance.
kek wills it
She just wipe a entire camp of any living thing and the dude focus on the fact she is a boy So fucking Hillarious 2016 Burnout 2032 !
Now I'm even more confused.
Just dont drink tap water in a plastic bottle everything will be just fine ..
At the end love will prevail
Drinking the fluorinated Jew.
Gonna watch the movie now, anything i need to expect?
Mah nigga!
Boring shit man but it worth a watch for the sake of it ..