Coming to a lidl near you in Germany and France
Coming to a lidl near you in Germany and France
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Why does it wear octopus tentacles on it's head?
What the fuck.
This is normal now?
>an elegant tribeswoman in traditional dress and mud for sunscreen checks out deals on washing powder.
pfft hahaha
why are people so cucked these days. She looks like SHIT, SHES UGLY and RETARDED LOOKING JUST SAY IT
what the fuck are those things on the head?
If this is in Namibia, I see no problem with her walking round like this. It's her country and their culture, she can do what she wants.
What de fug.
Picture was taken in Africa no ?
Anyway Lidl is a very cool brand, they even make some fake candies with the same taste as expensive candies, but with a different name so they could sold it far cheaper.
With 35€ you got enough food for a month in Lidl.
you leik titte?
Its their fashion. They also cover themselves in mud to protect themselves from the sun, look at the kids feet.
Probably better then sun block. Looks majestic AF.
Missed the part where it says it's in Namibia?
And by the way just about every White Western country has somali niggers in burqas shopping around at supermarkets on government gibs while the native populace is at work so it's not like we aren't already there. Hell, you're British so you probably know best what I'm talking about.
The baby's dreaming of KFC, watermelon, raping whyte womyn, and welfare checks after immigrating to Germany.
Nice tits/10 I'd impregnate her
Ok Sweden, if you say so.
Looks like a fucking alien
KFC in germany. Dream on.
The extra Krispy colonel is banned in that muslim country
The smell. I can't stop imagining the smell.
>its 1727
>you're colonizing Africa with your voortrekker
>suddenly a wild Himba chieftain appears and and offers to trade you his daughter for a dutch oven
>she gives you this look
Go ahead, tell me you wouldn't bleach that
So is it actually hair, like even more rundown dreadlocks?
Forgot to add a pic of myself
They'll claim all KFC is their cultural heritage, stemming from the god of chicken, Nbongo M'Sanders, and they'll unban it, easy!
One of these beasts live in my apartment building. I never see her husband but she's constantly pregnant and already has like 6 children. Can't speak a word of German and beats her children with a stick on the bus. And she gets a lot of mail from the Jobcenter so you know she's on welfare and getting money for each child as well.
Funniest thing is when you see her walk around with a huge bag or suitcase on her head.
this is gross
you dirty birdy
That's how aids happens
>MFW she gives me that look
I would not touch that with a 9.5 foot pole.
their head/hair is the most disgusting thing i've seen in my life it's worse than that plastic weave black women wear
Sooo.... tits out on the reg like in ops pic?
Would absolutely cake my cock in majestic mud and have at it.
Deadlocks are disgusting degenerate unwashed lumps of hair full of grease and filth.
This is just their normal clean hair that they packed with a layer of mud to protect it from the sun. It would probably come right by just cleaning it with water.
>that plastic weave black women wear
They may adapt to new technology, but niggers gunna nig no matter what. They can't help it.
Better than burkas desu
You're a faggot
I would touch it with my 9.5 inch pole
this shit is absolutely disgusting it's like the Thing is shoping at the mart
>not wanting a submissive, clueless, non-SJW aware, actual chocolate woman
If not for the hair I would actually fuck some of these tribal chicks
>Clean hair packed with a layer of mud
>clean hair
>layer of mud
Himba actually look pretty cool desu
I really like their hair.
Please stop including me in your fetishes
Lawl :-D Ya betta fix dat weave, grrrl!
I thought they used mud mixed with animal shit.
But its from natural geographic.
Light... grant me one final blessing and help me kill all those fucking niggers, kebab and kikes for good
only students and big african families go there
wtf u look shook af
That makes it ok?
No, she usally wears huge oversized neon coloured dressed but her hair is still shit.
Comfy now?
>cleaning it with water.
That's something they don't do though. Himba women do not wash, ever. They use some scented smoke to make themselves smell nicer but that's it.
>The man in that picture would have put a bullet between his eyes if he knew what the world was like today
Its not even mud, its ochre and butterfat.
>Otjize is also used for hygienic purposes due to the scarcity of water. Over time, otjize flakes off, removing dirt and dead skin. Wood ash is used to wash the hair.
Do a image google of african child
>crying kids with flies on their face
Do a image google of himba child
>not a single fucking fly in sight
>implying you wouldn't
Wew lad.
Except she's not in her country or culture.
Oh, nevermind, saw your flag.
The right one's nose is as big as it's mouth.
Are you literate?
>The woman, from the Himba tribe in Opuwo, Namibia, popped into her local grocery store to pick up a few of life's essentials.
They have stores in Africa to you know.
Shit, retail stores now accept payment in the form of animal hides and dirt instead of money? I take it all back Swede, Africa is great.
I think he would have fought harder.
Namibia is like the most stable country in Africa because there is fuck all there but desert bushland and all the tribes don't want to kill each other.
It's a pretty nice place m8.
She's feeling his hair to see how different it is
How would they reat if I just started feeling their tits. Tits don't seem to be sexual in himba culture
>300AD Tribal women shopping in a grocer
Not iliterate, just not Swedish enough to think any of this looks normal.
So? One more argument for white supremacists.
>not even being ashamed of his ignorance and lack of knowledge about the world
>checks flag
Yep, checks out.
Not all of Africa is a shithole and this group of people is probably one of the last groups you would see running to west and begging for gibs.
>Swede absolutely going out of his way ITT to defend his precious african bulls
Why wear shitty Shirts that still make you overheat to fuck when you can just slather some pigmented butter on yourself that protects you from everything that horrific continent is throwing at you.
I mean hell; people always say "Why don't Africans invent anything" and when they do people suddenly complain?
Those are traditional in Austria and Bavaria, too :^)
You do know that it was the UK newspaper that censored this.
Now can you stop making up bullshit lies about Sweden? There are enough REAL bullshit going on, you really don't need to spread disinfo.
So you admit they accept payment in the form of animal hides and dirt instead of money?
Do they shave or they are naturally hairless like the pacific islanders?
Meh. Culture-shmulture.
>ke ke ke ke ke ke ke those white people can't handle the sun
>excuse me while I cover myself in a mixture of mud and animal dung to protect myself from the sun
>American education
If you look closely, the hair spells out 9/11.
Sheepskin clothes are traditional in Britbong land and fucking expensive now.
Are people legit retarded in thinking hide clothing is now primitive?
Oh, we know enough about Canada.
Holy shit.
Technically a nationalist cannot scorn the tradition of another country if that tradition is moral.
It's a unique style, and the world would be less if it did not exist.
Do you enjoy being a retarded goy that knows jack shit about the world?
What little hair they got is being held down by that butterfat stuff.
I know right?
>hurr niggers never invent anything
>hurr they poo on the beach and waste precious water
>they are dumb because they waste water
>why don't they invent something saves water and protect them from insects that spread diseases and the sun at the same time
And then they do just that and its made from cheap shit that can be made locally. And you complain?
>Cucknadian Law
And 116. Toss in a bunch of other random runes, probably says a lot of shit. "Take that shit to the suburbs! Don't burn down our shit! We need our shit! We need our weaves! I don't wear em, but we need em!"
dreadlocks are actually just uncombed hair that locks up. You can wash them, and you dont have to use grease.
Because HVAC allows us to dress like we're not neanderthals and is an infinitely better solution than coating ourselves in literal shit.
Do you want snakes? Because that's how you get snakes.
>mud sunscreen
but wait, facebook told me that the melanoid people recieve cosmic power to the pituitary membrane through sunlight
is it possible that i have been misled?
>dat ass
>dem double dubs
Wouldn't have children with, though, because probably massive coal burner.
She's actually pretty cute for a nigger
Might possibly racemix/10
Sup Forums complaining about Africans that reject degenerate consumerist culture and western gibs while staying in their native land to take care of themselves and to keep their traditions and culture alive.
Why are you faggots so mad? The himba literally dindu nuffin.