Is this funny?


You have to be informed about what happened and why to understand the irony behind that, btw they even made another one to counter all the polemics the first one started.

btw yes its funny, not not 10/10 but at least 6/10

No. should be allowed to write this? yes.

gave me a slight chuckle

Is it funny? Nope. It's 12 year old facebook edgelord """dark-humor""", as usual.

Do I give a shit? Nope again.

The joke is actually funny, although there are more funny ways to make it. It's rather insensitive, maybe it's too soon. Overall it's a 6/10. The point is that there is no satire, nor actual irony, it's just edgy.

Those poor frogs clearly went for the low hanging fruit to get some international visibility.

Yes. Dead Italians are funny.


Haha, dead belgians, so funny :DDD

Yes it is too. Why the fuck would you care anyway ? I mean, You're from moneylaunderingland.

I was kidding, french fry, neither the airport pic nor charlie hebdo's are funny

Charlie hebdo are showing once again how much assholes they are, they're nothing like Les Guignols de l'info or South Park, for the more americans

Now these are examples of satire done right

Some people are starting to say the charlie hebdo terrorist attack was justified

While I'm not going so far, it's true they are looking hard for trouble it seems

The funny thing is, in france, if you mock the jews, you can go to jail for racism and inciting hate, talk about hypocrisy :/

Retarded reasonning.

>hurr durr they deserve to die because they made a mean drawing

Very true, these people are just "hehe look at dis" tier

Would you like me to call your mom a retarded whore in the name of freedom of speech? I wouldn't

I wouldn't want you to be killed just because of it that's what I meant

Frocio di un OP, perché stai spammando questo thread di merda da 2 giorni? Ci fai sembrare dei coglioni. Porco iddio maledetto, neanche il tempo di far cancellare l'altro con 50 risposte. Perché lo fai?

Not really.

There's no real joke or irony to it. Not even dark humor, just senseless edgy humor. Making fun of victims of an unpreventable natural disaster is retarded.

Imagine what would have happened if someone popular made a comic a few days after hurricane Katrina that showed drowned niggers/niggers being shot as they try to loot stuff. The artist would probably get murdered.

No, it's not.

But it's not about muslims or niggers, so no-one will care. Move along, now.

it's disgusting

Italians are having a normal reaction, people has already forgotten this crap after two days.
Stop believing OP's bullshit and his 10th repost in 48 hours.

Haha that one is funny i must admit, and im french.

I really hate charlie hebdo just like everyone prior to the attack, hence the paper asking for donations every year for the last 8 years : nobody read that shit but old '68 lefties as it was seen as has been and unfunny

ehehehe, the first one could be better, but its cool comeback, bravioli ravioli

yes it's hilarious and faggots who discovered charlie hebdo after the attacks and were "charlie" back then but are now triggered to death at every new comic they release just make it funnier

charlie hebdo is literally just retarded pee pee poo poo 80s style dark comedy meant to trigger as many people as possible, i can't believe Sup Forums is triggered by this shit

btw they'd probably laugh at these unlike the triggered pasta niggers posting them out of butthurt

yes very much hehe

thanks to the bbc for this completely unbiased article btw

hmmm yes... refugees muslims and blacks, thanks for mentioning them wouldn't have a proper bbc article without it