I'm just curious how Trump supporters justify voting for a draft dodger.
I'm just curious how Trump supporters justify voting for a draft dodger
Other urls found in this thread:
>fight for my country
>in Vietnam
Would you rather vote for a woman that will fill your country with muslims?
That would be better than a racist draft dodger!
t. retards
>use female privilege to avoid draft = a-ok
>use connections to avoid draft = bad
The draft was heinously immoral and I thank Nixon put an end to that garbage institution.
Uh, no, but I'm not voting for Clinton, and this post isn't about her.
>The Vietnam War was unjust and killed and maimed a bunch of people for no good reason
>Trump should have been thrown into that too because that would make things better somehow
The draft is bullshit so was that war
Why would you die needlessly when you're going to be President of the United States??
Dude, take it from me, Drumpf is a retard.
Honestly, only dummies would vote for a guy like Loser Donald.
I hear he is a pedophile too. Gross right?
So just like George Bush and Obama, right?
Didn't he "lose" the draft lottery because his birthday wasn't one of the days that signified being drafted? And he went to college I thought they didn't draft kids who went to college
t. CTR
>mental gymnastics
>I hear he is a pedophile too.
that's bill
>fight for my country
Your a retard.
Don't care about the draft. Smart people shouldn't go to war.
the draft was necessary for WW2 but we had enough volunteer-only reserves to win vietnam easily
seeing as how we likely won't ever have a real frontline war again I don't think the draft is needed especially when our standing army at volunteer-only is close to 3 million
This post is about Trump, not those people.
What is it with you people being unable to support your candidate on his own words and merits instead of constantly deflecting and comparing him to other people?
We should go support that Muhammad Ali boxer for refusing to fight in Vietnam, a useless war! What a true American hero standing up for what he believes in
>B-b-but Drumpf is a racist retard that doesn't follow the rules!
I've stopped trying to convince liberals. They don't use logic and they'll never listen to it. I'm just banking on there being more that vote with logic this Nov than there are that don't
I dont know, Ask the people who voted for Bill Clinton.
>Trump will start a war, he's a hate criminal and unstable, nationalism and patriotism are racist, hurr
>Look, he refused to fight in an unjust imperialistic war, what a traitorous unpatriotic faggot, disgusting, we don't need such el presidento
t. liberoll
I justify it as not voting for Hillary.
You actually support the draft?
Should there also be a draft for Iraq/Syria?
Hey, numbnuts: Medical standards for military service are higher than those for office jobs. My brother was a semi-pro athlete and he was 4F because he gets migraines.
only poor and ignorant people go to the military forces since they are onlygood at taking orders.
No, but we could have made a much better selection in the primary.
>libshits suddenly care about fighting for their country
The Vietnam War was a futile, pointless shitshow that was only started thanks to a lie (muh Gulf of Tonkin!) We praise niggers like Cassius Clay for avoiding that quagmire, so why not Trump as well? Is it because HE'S FUCKING A WHITE MALE?
>democrats when it's not republican
>the vietnam war was unjust and draft dodgers were heroes
>democrats when it is a republican
American's lives aren't much of a price for 3 shekels, right CTR ?
Sooooo... You idiots have no justification except "b-b-but these other guys did it tooooo!"
That's what I thought. Thanks. :)
So, his military service record is equal to Hillary's. HE has her beat in every other area.
Vietnam was an unjust war that nobody should've fought in.
Yeah I'm not going to think about WW2 so I don't go crazy but if anything we have more volunteers than we need, and I think we will run out of everything BUT bodies before we need more troops nowadays.
you will die, and nothing of value will be lost
more so, society will benefit from you not existing
He was in college which is standard deferment, then went to sign up but they put him at the back of the list because he wasn't exactly a physical specimen.
I see no one using that justification.
Drafting is fundamentally unjust.
Vietnam was fundamentally unjust and devastated our country.
The lack of drafting is a check on the retarded interventionist ambition of the power elite.
Hillary dodged Vietnam too, shes 70 and can barely walk.
Was that how it really happened?
It was a terrible, unjust, and unecessary war that Trump was right to avoid. There's your justification, you faggot piece of shit.
Fucking invisible North Vietnamese torpedo boats amirite...
yes, I swear to God. The NYT did an in-depth study and got nothing, and I listened to an interview with the reporter.
>occupy democrats
remember, sage goes in the options field
Looks like the Hillary shills are getting desperate.
Sooo... the US ship actually was pursued and attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats, there was a battle on August 2. That's not really disputed. The only 'false flag' shit is about the August 4 incident which may have been fabricated, but probably just exaggerated.
Literally nothing to see here.
he isn't hillary
I believe you, but could you provide a source?
I love making you idiots have little meltdowns. I'm not a Clinton fan, but it's going to be worth it just to watch you kids explode in apoplectic rage in November.
Trump got the physical from the draft board, but he was out of shape so they gave him a very high lottery number, which meant he was pretty much never going to be drafted unless there was a Soviet invasion or something.
>believe me
hes the Naruto of the US
where muh rasenganz be?
Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney and Phil Gramm didn't spill their blood in Vietnam only to see a fuckhead like Trump attempt to become President of the United States!
>The draft is a good thing
>Not a Hillary fan
>A Hillary voter
Both are equally retarded.
When Trump is elected, we'll be doing the opposite of your queen and bussing you back to Mexico
lol, I'm not voting for Hillary, you simpleton.
>Uh, no
Tits or gtfo
You are an obvious retard. Draft boards don't give "physicals" ......unless you got duped by a draft board guy posing as a nurse who wanted to finger your nuts and asshole as part of a "physical" given to you.
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They spilled their blood in Vietnam getting fucked up by yellow commie rice-farmers.
Trump supporters will perform the craziest mental gymnastics. Unreal.
that was the gist of it. If he would have been drafted, he would have been disqualified due to his bone spurs.
Watch out guys, we've got a genius philosopher in our midst!
>liberals support draft dodgers
>until he grows up to represent the incorrect political party
the image kek
>still reposting the first stupid image you see off some communist website
Don't give me this soft troll shit. You're going to fall in line and vote for her.
Because you don´t need to be a slodier to become president, stupid burger.
Amazing how supporters will defend Drumpf for everything he does, even though most of it is wrong.
Trump supporters literally don't believe that anyone votes for third-party candidates, lol.
How can he even dodge the draft when his number was never even called?
Wow, you guys are really making me think...
Nice HH dubs.
As a veteran I must say there is literally nothing immoral about draft dodging, even if Trump was called up, which he wasn't.
Leftists spat on soldiers for being drafted then, and spit on a guy who wasn't even drafted now.
It amazes me that the antiwar left has been DEAD for years.
>I'm just curious how Trump supporters justify voting for a draft dodger.
Wasn't a problem for Bill Clinton or G.W. Bush. We've come to accept that in retrospect the Vietnam war was a bad idea.
So did Bill Clinton. Bye shill.
How can be slodier?
Can I has slodgun?
How do liberals justify voting for a war hawk?
His card never came up in vietnam
And yet, you're fuckwit Government pulled us into a shitcunt war, and our fuckwit Government was dumb enough to believe the bullshit lies.
Only if you put it in your mouth and pull the trigger.
Your point?
>occupy democrats
Because part and parcel of that is holding him up to the standard of those who went before him.
there's a reason to why he uses all that self-tanner and get his hair done with monkey semen
>smart person avoids dying for jew overlords
seems like just the guy we need
Did Obama serve in the US military? I wouldn't expect a business person to but a senator I would.
> if not, glass houses and all that.
This nigger smoked pot and noone complained.
nah, he's in epstein's black book, is on the record making jokes about how epstein likes em young, and there's been controversies surrounding melania's old definitely not escorting agency.
Lol did Hillary serve in the military as well? If not, pot kettle black.
> I'll just ignore these threads in the future
having respiratory issues like asthma can get you out of the draft. anything that requires treatment can get you out.
What is happening to Sup Forums?
Hahaha is that what all this is? Just a bunch of fuck sore losers? God damn hope you fucking pieces of shit die a painful painful death very soon.