Do you the reason for whites hating Jews is the same as the reason for blacks hating whites? An inferiority complex?
Do you the reason for whites hating Jews is the same as the reason for blacks hating whites? An inferiority complex?
i've wondered this too
>inferiority complex?
>Do you the reason for whites hating Jews is the same as the reason for blacks hating whites?
>An inferiority complex?
No, the reason is that both blacks and whites perceive whites and jews respectively as the group that fucked their people and their land up.
we whites never touched blackey's land though
jews are race baiters and are responsible for the destruction of the ideals of family and societal order.
blacks are just violent and dumb, theyll never achieve equity because of their 94% sized brains
yeah pretty much. we want your money.
More like the jews have an inferiority complex to whites as well
they're all shut ins watching anime and never come around to socialize with anyone but their own
OP, you colossal fag,
nobody is hated for the skin. Races are hated for their typical behavior.
>implying jews care about you or your people
Don't flatter yourself, goy!
The world, since the beginning, has been broken down into various tribes, all of them distrusting one-another, and for good reason.
Until the age the imperialism, no one identified as "white". The idea of whiteness is a modern invention. Which is less about skin-color, and more about culture(mainly in regards to the historical borders of Christianity). And was merely a pragmatic solution to the influx of culturally-foreign/culturally-incompatible peoples suddenly sharing borders.
All tribes ultimately want to become the most-powerful, to maintain physical or cultural hegemony over all others. The Jews are foreigners, they aren't like us. They are their own nation. The same logic applies to all other groups.
Of course, those who do poorly in life will always look for other groups to blame their misery on.
This guy gets it.
Whites, jews and japs are playing chess, blacks and arabs are the pieces on the board.
I want to rape that slut and keep her in my basement to be my living toilet she will choke to death on my shit pigwhore.
>Jews hate the Goyim
>It's everyone's elses fault
Nice try OP but we grew wise to Jewish Projection a long time ago.
Where is the supposed inferiority complex coming from when we know we are superior? Jews are vermin and niggers are subhuman.
You are right about everything. Except the whites hating Jews part, it's the other way around. And yes, they are jealous as fuck. They hate Arabs and try to fight the realiztation they're actually Arabs themselves. They're jealous of white skin, blonde hair, colored eyes, our height, strength, intelligence, capacity.
>but but higher IQ
Yeah, the ones mimicking us.
Yes, but that's not how black people see it.
>white skin, blonde hair, colored eyed
Yep, less melanin is really wanted.
They are high too.
LOL. You sit on Sup Forums, retard.
Germany: 98
Ashkenazi Jews: 112-115
Of what? Your rectum?
The fact that you care so much about the Jews and they don't give a fuck about you makes you think.
No. There are legitimate reasons to hate the kikes.
>circumcision (for those whom it applies)
>blood libel
>promotion of ugliness
>Jesus was fighting jewish autism and was killed over it
Jews don't give whites affirmative action.
OP's a dumb nigger abbo.
Whites also don't go around brutalizing kike whores.
We don't even have Jews in Finland. You're just a bum living off our social safety net, who needs someone to be angry at.